Meeting Minutes: 14th December 2023


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 14 December 2023 in the Youth Hall at the Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton.

PRESENT  Councillors P Seabrook; Mrs R Lloyd;  Ms C Jessup; L Farrer; K Hutchinson; Mrs D Hellett; M Buckley and R Gooderham .

IN ATTENDANCE    District Councillor J Gray and Lionel Thatcher, Clerk to the Council. 

198/23      APOLOGIES  were received from Councillors Mrs J Stainer and Ms H Bradbury and County Councillor I Gardener.

199/23     PUBLIC FORUM  was not used.


   Councillor Mrs Hellett declared an interest in the matter of the allotments hedge-cutting..

201/23     COUNTY COUNCILLOR  Ian Gardener was unable to be present, due to illness.

202/23    MINUTES of the Council meeting of 30 November 2023 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting, though Councillor Hutchinson wished to clarify item 186/23 relating to planning applications.   It had been that if an application was withdrawn, then the replacement application was free of charge, but that is no longer the case.


  • Pound Lane   No report.
  • Cemetery Wall repairs. Two sections have been completed.
  • MVAS signs . No report.
  • Christmas Event on 3 December.   Despite the weather, the event went well and good reports have been received from stall-holders and Kimbolton shopkeepers.    It was thought that next year a charge should be made to stall-holders.

The Chairman thanked Councillors Mrs Hellett and L Farrer and the Clerk for all their hard work.

  • Proposed closure of Fire Station.   Councillor Gooderham said that he has begun working with Manea and Sutton in advance of the formal proposal being made.  He expects the final decision to be made next June.

204/23    PLANNING

  • The following applications were considered –

23/02248  The Orchard, 11 Bedford Rd, Pertenhall – side & rear extension onto single storey detached dwelling.

It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Hellett, seconded by Councillor Buckley and agreed to recommend approval as appropriate development.  There was one abstention.

23/01227  Manor House, Grass Yard, Kimbolton  – single storey side & rear extension & new front porch.

It was proposed by Councillor Gooderham, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett and agreed to recommend approval as appropriate development.  There were two abstentions. 

23/02338  1a, Easton Rd, Stonely –  single storey rear extension; lean-to front & raise roof over garage.

It was proposed by Councillor Gooderham, seconded by Councillor Ms Jessup and unanimously agreed to recommend approval as appropriate development.

  • Councillor Hutchinson reported that a new National Planning Policy Framework will be issued in the next few weeks.
  • The Clerk was instructed to write to the Planning Department and express this council’s concern that Stonely House has had no work done to it and is in a very bad state of repair. 

205/23  REPORTS

Allotments   The Clerk reported that all rents had now been paid apart from one, the tenant of which has not replied to letters.  It was agreed to consider this allotment plot to be vacant and to advertise it accordingly.

A quote in the sum of £350 has been received from Matthew Hellett for cutting both the allotments hedges and that at The Leys.

It was proposed by Councillor Gooderham, seconded by Councillor Mrs Lloyd and agreed to accept the quotation.

Playgrounds.  Councillor Mrs Hellett said that she had looked at available play equipment and suggested that Cricket and Football Panels, as supplied by Wicksteed, be purchased and installed at Pound Lane.  The Clerk will investigate and obtain prices.

Councillor Farrer joined the meeting

Pound Lane.  There was a long discussion concerning the provision of a pavilion/social facility at Pound Lane. An architect has been approached to enquire the likely cost of a design through to planning, but it was suggested that it could be worth asking architects if they would take part in a competition to produce a design which could be adopted by the Council.  It was agreed that the Clerk will make enquiries.

Councillor Jonathan Gray joined the meeting.  


  • Mandeville Hall Committee.   No report
  • Kimbolton Trust           No report
  • Kimbolton School Governors.  No report

206/23  FLOOD FORUM  The Chairman said that he had met with the Environment Agency’s Alan Jones who has been looking into flooding by the Prep. School and in Park Lane.  He will report back.


  • The Clerk reported receipt of an invitation from the Chairman of Huntingdonshire District Council to a Carol Service to be held on 18 December.
  • Hail Weston Parish Council is making representations over the proposed East Park Energy solar farm which, it is proposed, will extend from an area to the south of Hail Weston parish, right across south of Great Staughton and towards Keysoe and have asked whether this council wishes to be associated with their submission.   After some discussion, it was agreed that, since the development does not come close to the boundary of this parish, it might not be appropriate to become involved.
  • A letter has been received from the agent of Rookery Farm solar project, stating that they are progressing with the scheme, which would see a new solar farm on the airfield, to the south of the existing arrays.   He said he would like to be able to make a presentation to this council and it was agreed to invite him to attend one of our meetings.

 208/23  ACCOUNTS

  • The following were approved for payment –

Mick George      Skip hire                          223.20

Hunts D.C.        Fitness Instructor             216.00

K & M Lighting  Mtnce                              128.15

Kimbolton School       pool hire                 845.00

FirstCallTM traffic mgt. Christmas event1591.25

DVLA           Car tax Honda                      200.00

M W Seabrook  Christmas trees            1000.00

E Farrer & Son   Cemetery wall rebuild  8520.00

MAGPAS            Donation                        100.00

St Neots Museum  Donation                     100.00

H Brace              December work           1120.00

Payroll costs      Pay,PAYE,NIC             3168.31

C L Thatcher  reimbursement roses etc   186.25


Councillor Gray said that he had attended an HDC council meeting last night at which the Neighbourhood Plans for Sawtry were approved.  Some other parishes are working on their plans.

The ‘green bin tax’ is going ahead and if residents pay for their green bin by the end of this month it will cost them £50 for the year, rather than £57.50.

The District Council is currently making about £1.25M per quarter in interest, with its average cash income being over 5%, whilst average borrowing is 3%.

Councillor Gray has been appointed to represent the Mayor of the Combined Authority and announced that the Mayor has issued an apology for breaching the Code of Conduct relating to civility and disrepute.

210/23  HIGH ST CAR PARKING  no report


None were made


The next meeting of the Council will take place on Thursday 25 January 2024, commencing at 7pm in the Youth Room at the Mandeville Hall.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2115 hours.

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