Meeting Minutes: 15th December 2022


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 15 December 2022 in the Youth Hall at the Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton.

PRESENT  Councillors  P Seabrook; J Gray ; K Hutchinson; Mrs D Hellett ;  Mrs J Stainer; Mrs R Lloyd and Mrs E Milne. 

IN ATTENDANCE   Lionel Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and one member of the public

187/22      APOLOGIES  were received from Councillors Ms H Bradbury; L Farrer and Ms C Jessup, plus County Councillor I Gardener and District Councillor J Gray

188/22     PUBLIC FORUM  Mr Mark Field, on behalf of Kimbolton Football Club, was in attendance and asked whether the Council would support the Football Club’s wish to improve the pitch to the level of a “4G” pitch.   This would entail taking up the present pitch, laying drainage and installing an artificial surface plus lighting.     It is likely to be very expensive, but he thought he could obtain grant aid to do it.    Having the 4G pitch would enable far greater utilisation of the pitch, which would be of great benefit, given that some matches have to be played away from Kimbolton already due to unavailability of the pitch.

It was agreed in principle to support the proposed feasibility study and await the result of Mr Field’s investigations.  


   Councillor Mrs Lloyd said that she had been made aware that, as an allotment tenant, she should declare a pecuniary interest in matters concerning the allotments.  She therefore wished to register her interest.

190/22     COUNTY COUNCILLOR  Ian Gardener was unable to be present due to attendance at a District Council meeting.

191/22    MINUTES of the Council meeting of 24 November 2022 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.



  • Neighbourhood Watch. No report
  • Pound Lane  No further quotes have yet been received.
  • Cemetery Wall repairs.  Quotes will be sought
  • MVAS signs  Councillor Gray reported a problem with the sign at Park Lane which, for some reason appeared to have stopped recording and has only provided about 7 days’ data.     It was also agreed to ask Hail Weston PC if the solar panels attached to their MVAS signs were proving effective.
  • Christmas Lights and Fair   Councillor Mrs Hellett reported that both stall holders and High St Traders were happy with the event.  Certainly, there were a lot more people in the High St than last year and the increased number of stalls helped keep peoples’ interest.  The Chairman thanked Councillor Mrs Hellett for all her hard work in making the event a success and also thanked Councillor Farrer and his team for erecting the trees and lights.
  • Butts Tree Planting.   Councillor Mrs Lloyd said that the planting had gone very well and it had all been well-organised.  The Chairman thanked Rotary for their efforts and for excellent organising and also those members of the public who had turned out and assisted with the planting.  

g) Health & Well-Being of Residents – winter project.      The Clerk said that numbers were increasing at the fitness sessions and the final two aqua-fit sessions were tonight and next Thursday.  He was waiting to see what take-up there will be for those sessions before deciding upon continuing them into the new year.

h)  It was agreed to put forward a bid for 40mph buffer zones on the B645 Tilbrook Rd and the B660 Park Lane, plus painted 30mph signs on the roadway of the B645 heading towards Tilbrook and before the Prep School.  Councillor Gray suggested that the 40mph zone should be extended all the way to meet with the 40mph zone at Tilbrook, but it was agreed not to do this.

193/22    PLANNING

a)The following application was considered –

22/02406LBC  9 High St.,Kimbolton – repair vehicle damage

Councillor Mrs Hellett, as a Governor of Kimbolton School, took no part in the discussion on this application and abstained from voting.

It was proposed by Councillor Hutchinson, seconded by Councillor Mrs Lloyd and unanimously agreed to recommend this for approval as appropriate development.

194/22  REPORTS

Allotments   The report was presented by Councillor Mrs Hellett   She mentioned that the gate locks were frozen and it is hoped that the freezing weather doesn’t lead to burst pipes at the water supply points.

Playpark.  The reinstatement of the roundabout is almost complete and just awaits the laying of the wetpour surfacing, which will hopefully be done next week, when the weather is warmer.   The repairers have been asked to supply replacement bolts for the adult fitness trail,.

Lighting.  Councillor Mrs Hellett said that she has received a complaint about the poor lighting in Thrapston Rd, particularly in the area of the terraced homes between Carnaby and Budgens.  There is a depressed drain there which is a trip hazard.    She also commented on the lighting of the new pedestrian crossing and said she felt that at twilight times people waiting to cross using the crossing did not show up very well.

Village Maintenance.    Crab apples still need clearing up from the Causeway

                                     The protruding drain on the B645 at Rookery Lane needs reporting. 

Mandeville Hall Committee.  No report

Kimbolton Trust.  Christmas cards and gifts being distributed.

Kimbolton School Governors.   New Headmaster has been appointed (Mr Will Chuter) and commences work next September.

195/22 FLOOD ACTION   The Chairman said that a build-up of silt in the river at Stonely had been noted and reported to the Environment Agency.


  • The Clerk said that the Traffic Management course offered by the County Council takes place in January.  He has forwarded the joining instructions and application form to Councillor Farrer, who expressed an interest. 

197/22  ACCOUNTS

  • The following were approved for payment –

K & M Lighting             streetlight maintenance               128.15

Zurich Municipal          Honda insurance                         404.18

SLCC                         Membership fee                            362.00

Kimbolton School        Swimming pool hire                     180.00

Seabrook Farms         Weedkiller                                    312.60

Fishers                         Sundries                                       21.99

FirstCall TM            Traffic management re Xmas fair  1348.34

JD Gardening & Landscaping     Grass cutting             9128.52

Arthur Ibbett                    Safety boots                              30.00

Global Tree Solutions   Stump removal at Butts           1380.00

Payroll costs         Pay, PAYE & NIC + fuel+postage   3067.82

198/22  DISTRICT COUNCILLOR.  Councillor Gray was unable to be present due to a prior engagement.

199/22  HIGH ST CAR PARKING  no report


Councillor Gray asked when the rubble will be deposited at the entrance to Halls Meadow from Constables Leys.

He also thought that the ditch across The Butts should be dug out.

Councillor Mrs Stainer referred again to the state of the roadway in Hunters Way and to the parking up to the junction with Newtown.

She also felt that the new sign warning of the raised pedestrian crossing was overpowering the ‘Kimbolton’ sign.

The Clerk referred to potential future changes in the status of parish and town councils which could see them taking on more of the work currently undertaken by county and district councils.  The Chairman thought that perhaps it was time to consider Kimbolton reverting to its previous status as a town and describing itself as a ‘Town Council’.    It was agreed to consider this at the next meeting.

201/22  RESOLVED to exclude the Press and public from the following item in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960.

202/22  CEMETERY/CHURCHYARD WORK  The Clerk said that he had met with a contractor, Harry Brace, who is RHS qualified and who is willing to undertake work for us, primarily in the cemetery and churchyard at a daily rate, which was disclosed.    Initially he will work for 2 days a week, but may work for just one day a week once the backlog is cleared.   He is able to commence work next week.

203/22  NEXT MEETING   

It was agreed that the next normal meeting of Council will be held in the Youth Room at the Mandeville Hall on Thursday 26 January 2022 commencing at 7pm.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2045 hours.

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