Meeting Minutes: 20th December 2018


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 20 December 2018 at the Youth & Community Room, Mandeville Hall, Thrapston Rd., Kimbolton.

PRESENT  Councillors P Seabrook (in the Chair);K Hutchinson; Mrs D Hellett; Mrs R Lloyd; Mrs E Milne; L Farrer & R Gooderham..

IN ATTENDANCE  County Councillor Ian Gardener & C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council.

192/18  APOLOGIES were received from Councillors Mrs S Hawkes; Ms S Mugglestone ; Mrs J Stainer and D Poole..

193/18  PUBLIC FORUM  was not used.


Councillor Mrs Hellett declared her ongoing interest in the matter of Mulberry Cottage stables.


Councillor Gardener said that all Libraries will be closing at 1pm on 24 December and re-opening on 2 January.

The County Council is intending to spend £275,000 on mobile libraries which will, in future, provide additional services.

The Stay Well campaign includes a winter health pack.

There is a scheme in Swaffham Prior to move to renewables through ground source heat pumps. They will be retro-fitted to those properties whose owners wish to join.

The route for the A428 has been delayed until the spring, but construction will still commence during 2021/22.

Government has provided increased funding of £2.3m to help with winter pressures, adult social care and highways.

Councillor Gardener wished all present and Kimbolton & Stonely residents a Happy Christmas.

196/18  MINUTES of the Council meeting held on 22 November 2018 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.


  • Neighbourhood Watch.    No report but PCSO Braddick is setting up a rural watch scheme and invites volunteers.
  • Hearse House repairs   Nothing yet heard from John Lightfoot.
  • CCTV.  It was agreed to draw both Councillor Gray’s and the Police & Crime Commissioner’s attention to the recent burglaries in the Parish.  Councillor Mrs Hellett said that she would place an article on the Facebook page so that Mr Suckling, who was proposing independent CCTV schemes, would know that this Council is attempting to introduce CCTV. 
  • Causeway Oak Tree.  It was not known whether the survey had been completed..
  • LHI Bid. Councillor Hutchinson said that the Panel had received our bid with interest and hopefully they will take on board what we wish to achieve.  The results are due in March.
  • Food & Drink Festival.    It was not thought that this would be feasible, due mainly to the lack of car parking in the village, especially if the Festival took place, as proposed, in term time.

Councillor Mrs Lloyd joined the meeting.

It was, however, agreed to give consideration to reintroducing a Christmas Fair, to include the switching on of the Christmas lights and to coincide with the School’s own event.

Councillor Farrer joined the meeting.


  • Applications

18/02331  Land rear of 27 High St – remove tin roof & replace with slate.

It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Hellett, seconded by Councillor Mrs Milne and unanimously agreed to recommend approval.

  • Ongoing Matters.     Mulberry Cottage stables.  No report.

199/18    REPORTS

Pound Lane.  The Chairman said that he went to the Planning Forum recently and learned that the bulk of CIL tax may be used anywhere within the District that has a suitable plan for a project.

He therefore thought it worth the Working Party actively considering what building they would wish to see on Pound Lane and obtaining estimates of cost, so that we could be ready to go should funds become available.

Personnel.  It was unanimously agreed to provide Christmas gifts to the Groundskeepers.

Outside Bodies.

The Chairman reported that Kimbolton Trust (formerly Kimbolton Parochial Charities) was again giving cash gifts to needy people within the parish.

Councillor Mrs Hellett said that the Health and Safety check at Kimbolton School had gone very well and that the examiner had been impressed by the record keeping.

Councillor Jonathan Gray has now been elected as Chairman of Governors.


  • The circular regarding Main Modifications Sustainability Appraisal which has been circulated was noted.
  • The circular regarding Habitats Regulation Assessment which has also been circulated was noted.
  • Our letting agent advised of changes to the law regarding lettings, particularly regarding electrical checks and the need for more frequent checks regarding Legionnaire’s disease.  
  • A complaint had been received regarding the removal/ covering of cobbles in ‘Watson’s Passage’ by the owner of 19 East St.     The Clerk had raised this with Planning Enforcement and been told that the area in question was in the ownership of 19 East St and that no planning approval is required for the work done, even though it is in a conservation area.


It was agreed to place this matter on the agenda for the next meeting.

202/18  ACCOUNTS

a)The following were proposed and approved for payment –

Smith of Derby            Church clock maintenance                     244.80 inc VAT

St Neots Carpet Co     replacement carpet Cemetery Cottage  550.00       

Safelincs Ltd               Defibrillator & cabinet                           1984.16        

K & M Lighting             Streetlight maintenance                         125.48      

D Eades                       December pay                                       355.88  no  

Payroll costs                Pay, PAYE & NIC December              2108.43        

C L Thatcher               Purchase of computer monitor                89.00   inc  

203/18  DISTRICT COUNCILLOR was unable to be present

204/18  HIGH STREET CAR PARKING  No report.


Councillor Gooderham commented that the cemetery extension looks good now that the new trees have been planted.


The next normal meeting of Council will be held on Thursday 24 January 2019, commencing at 7pm in the Youth and Community Room at the Mandeville Hall.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2100 hours.

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