Meeting Minutes: 23rd February 2023


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 23 February 2023 in the Youth Hall at the Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton.

PRESENT  Councillors  J Gray ; K Hutchinson; Mrs D Hellett ; Ms H Bradbury  Mrs J Stainer; Mrs R Lloyd; R Gooderham and L Farrer

 IN ATTENDANCE   County Councillor I Gardener and Lionel Thatcher, Clerk to the Council. 

19/23      APOLOGIES  were received from Councillor Ms C Jessup

20/23     PUBLIC FORUM  was not used.


   Councillor Mrs Lloyd declared her continuing tenancy of an allotment.

22/23     COUNTY COUNCILLOR  Ian Gardener said that Great Gidding was taking a lot of his time  and it had now been agreed that the closure of Great Gidding school would be aligned with the opening of Sawtry school.

Applications for funding under LHI have now closed and the Panel will meet on 21 April 2023.

The combined authority is this year issuing a precept which will add £12 per annum to a Band D property.  The County Council’s precept is to increase by 2.99% PLUS an additional 2% for social care.

The County Council is not filling vacant posts

It was been suggested that road gritting is “sexist” since it concentrates on roads used mainly by businessmen!

23/23   DISTRICT COUNCILLOR Jonathan Gray was unable to be present but had provided the following notes-

  • We approved HDC’s Budget last night. There has been a truly remarkable turnaround in our financial performance due to a 75% increase in funding from Westminster (due to decisions on Business Rates, New Homes Bonus (extended), a new grant to extend spending power and cancelling a ‘negative Revenue Support Grant’ (ie funding more deprived councils).
  • The Budget included a 3.13% increase in Council Tax – this seems sensible given the inflationary situation (and is the maximum allowed).
  • It also included provisions to introduce a £60 charge for the first green bin. This something I have resisted for almost a decade. 
  • Also, this was somewhat ironic given we approved a new climate strategy at the same meeting. A significant proportion of people will hand back their green bin – and will be therefore recycling less, putting more waste into landfill and of course a number will be driving cars to the recycling centres to dispose of green waste!
  • Vectare are coming to the APM to discuss the TING bus – I assume you are you happy that I collate questions from concerned residents to submit to them in advance?
  • Planning – backlog of overdue cases down from 750 in early December to just over 250 now.
  • Planning – first local plan documents will start heading your way in April.
  • March HDC Council meeting. We are having a Special Meeting to discuss Members Allowances. The Independent Panel have recommended +19% (and some higher still) pay rises for Councillors!! 

Councillor Hutchinson asked how it can be that a £60 charge is proposed to be levied on residents and at the same time an increase of 19% proposed in councillors’ allowances? He proposed that a letter of complaint be sent to the Leader of the District Council.  This was seconded by Councillor Gooderham and unanimously agreed.

The Clerk was instructed to write to the Leader of the District Council expressing our concerns.

Councillor Farrer joined the meeting.

Councillor Seabrook informed Councillor Gardener that the Environment Agency is trimming the river banks and is intending removing silt, but no proposing going any further than Gimbers End bridge.

Councillor Gray commented that as many as 60% to 80% of trees have been removed from the riverside in Stonely.

Councillor Gardener left the meeting

24/23    MINUTES of the Council meeting of 26 January 2023 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.


  • Neighbourhood Watch. No report
  • Pound Lane  The Planning Department has approved our planning application, with conditions, but have somehow managed to approve the wrong plan.

c).  Cemetery Wall repairs.  Councillor Farrer will look at the cracked wall with a view to making repairs with a flexible filler.

  • MVAS signs  Councillor Gray said he had data only from the sign on the B660 as the battery was flat on the other. The road is at present closed at Pertenhall but even so a maximum speed of 55mph was recorded  and 1 in 10 exceed 35mph.
  • He suggested that the signs be converted to solar power to save having to change batteries frequently and it was proposed by Councillor Gooderham, seconded by Councillor Ms Bradbury and agreed to purchase a solar power kit at a cost of £850.00, if fitted by the supplier, or £650 for supply only.  Hail Weston, who have solar, will be asked about the complexity of fitting.
  • It was also agreed to move the Park Lane sign to the B645 at Stonely for a time. 
  • f) Health & Well-Being of Residents The sessions are proceeding and reasonably well supported.  The Clerk said he is hopeful of obtaining the services of someone willing to train as an Aqua Fit Instructor
  • Rookery Lane Bridge.  The Clerk reported on having notified the County Council of our concerns about the safety of the bridge and that the County Council had replied that the bridge is not their responsibility.    Given that it supports a bridleway over the river it is hard to believe that it is not their responsibility and the Clerk has written again to query this.

26/23  RESIGNATION OF COUNCILLOR MRS MILNE   Councillor Mrs Milne has resigned due to her spending more time abroad and having insufficient time to devote to being a member.   The Chairman has written to her expressing the regrets of this council and thanking her for her service over many years.

The Vacancy will be advertised and, if there is no petition for an election, the vacancy can then be filled by co-option. 

27/23    PLANNING

No applications have been received.

28/23  REPORTS

Allotments   The report was presented by Councillor Mrs Lloyd and reference was made to several plots which do not appear to be being worked.  The Clerk will chase the tenants.

Dogs.    Dog fouling still proves to be a problem and it was agreed to again try erecting additional signs.  It was agreed to order six.

Pound Lane.  The exercise equipment still had not been repaired and the Clerk will chase the contractor.

Cemetery Cottage.  The tenant has asked whether the hall and staircase/landing of the cottage could be re-decorated.  It was agreed the Clerk should obtain an estimate of cost.

Village Maintenance.    Our Groundskeeper will be asked to ‘heel in’ the saplings planted at The Butts, as some appear to be leaning.

Mandeville Hall Committee.  Councillor Hutchinson said that the Hall Committee would like the banners produced for the Jubilee to hang in the computer room at the hall.

Kimbolton Trust.  No report but a meeting is arranged for 5 May.

Kimbolton School Governors No report, with the next meeting being on 10 March.

29/23 FLOOD ACTION   Councillor Seabrook’s report is above.

30/23  TOWN COUNCIL STATUS.  It was agreed to take no action at present.

31/23  CHAINSAW COURSE  It was agreed not to require grounds staff to use chainsaws.


Councillor Mrs Hellett reported on arrangements to date.   It was agreed that Councillor Gooderham would book the fairground childrens’ roundabout at a cost of £400 and that the operator would be asked if he would consider bringing an adult ride, which would be funded by fare-paying riders.

It was also proposed by Councillor Gooderham , seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett and agreed to purchase 200 commemorative mugs for distribution to local children.


None other than previously circulated.


The following were approved for payment 

  • K & M Lighting             streetlight maintenance               128.15
  • MG Recycling            Skip hire                                        260.40
  • Phantom Power         Xmas event sound & light             420.00
  • Hunts DC               Fitness instructor fees                      530.40
  • Lightfoot Design        Planning approval fees                   90.00
  • Anglian Water           Allotment water                               42.26
  • Pulse Digital            Computer repairs                              96.00
  • H Brace Services          Groundwork                             1400.00
  • Payroll costs         Pay, PAYE & NIC + fuel + Zoom     3139.20

35/23  HIGH ST CAR PARKING  no report


It was agreed to place the question of introduction of 20mph limit areas into the village on the agenda for the next meeting.

Councillor Gray said that the sign to Keysoe Equestrian Centre had been placed such that it obscured our village sign.

He also said that the bus stop which was moved to accommodate the pedestrian crossing is in the wrong place, causing children to get off their buses and cross the road away from the crossing.

Councillor Farrer again mentioned the surface of Carnaby which was cracking up.

37/23  NEXT MEETING   

It was agreed that the next normal meeting of Council will be held in the Youth Room at the Mandeville Hall on Thursday 30 March 2023 commencing at 7pm, but the Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 9 March 2023 commencing at 7.30pm.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2155 hours.

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