Meeting Minutes: 23rd November 2020


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Monday 23 November 2020 by means of video conferencing due to the coronavirus pandemic.

PRESENT  Councillors P Seabrook; K Hutchinson; D Poole; Mrs R Lloyd; Mrs C Jessup; L Farrer ; Mrs D Hellett; Ms S Mugglestone and Mrs J Stainer.

IN ATTENDANCE  C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council .

171/20  APOLOGIES  were received from Councillors R Gooderham and Mrs E Milne; County Councillor I Gardener and District Councillor J Gray..

172/20  PUBLIC FORUM  was not used.


Councillor Hutchinson declared a pecuniary interest in the matter of 9 Grass Yard, Kimbolton.


Councillor Hutchinson, having declared an interest, left the meeting and took no part in the discussion, nor did he vote.

  • Planning Application.

20/01071   9 Grass Yard Kimbolton – formation of independent dwelling.

The Clerk read a part of a letter sent to the Planning Authority and copied to this Council, on behalf of a neighbour in which it is contended that the Planning Authority have failed to follow the correct process regarding this application.         This was noted.

The Chairman introduced the item, referring to the original application where the annexe had been approved subject to it being ancillary to the main dwelling and not to become a separate dwelling.      This was a condition of approval and the reason given was to maintain residential amenity and impact on the conservation area.

Councillor Mrs Hellett said that she had noted that three vehicles were parked at the property, two within the curtilage of it and one on the road outside.  She said much of the problem stems from vehicles having to reverse out and turning by means of using neighbours’ drives to do so.

Councillor Poole said that he had driven into Grass Yard and thought the road wide enough.  He could see no real problem with the application.

Councillor Ms Mugglestone thought that approval would mean setting a precedent and inviting others to ignore refusals.

Councillor Mrs Lloyd stated that the reasons for the original refusal had not changed and she saw no reason to change her mind.

Councillor Mrs Jessup referred to the Planning Authority’s own Design Guide and the reference in that to infilling – which is what this is.

It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Lloyd, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett and agreed by seven votes to one against to recommend refusal of the application for the same reasons as were stated as condition 4 on the original application.

Councillor Hutchinson re-joined the meeting.


Councillor Farrer said that the Christmas trees were on order and that they would be trimmed and made ready on Wednesday.   The cables will be erected this weekend and he will wait until after the current lockdown ends before switching on the lights.

The Chairman thanked Councillor Farrer and his team for all their work in providing the lights.

The Clerk mentioned that the defibrillator in the High St, although apparently in working condition, was not showing the ‘ready’ light.  He is investigating the problem but wanted all to know in case any member of the public mentioned it.


The next meeting of Council, the normal monthly meeting, will be held this Thursday 26 November by means of Zoom.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2020 hours.

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