Meeting Minutes: 24th February 2022


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 24 February 2022 in the Youth Hall at the Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton.

PRESENT  Councillors P Seabrook; K Hutchinson; R Gooderham;  Mrs R Lloyd ;  L Farrer;  Mrs D Hellett.; D Poole; Ms C Jessup and Mrs J Stainer.

IN ATTENDANCE  County Councillor I Gardener;District Councillor J Gray; C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and 1 member of the public. 

17/22      APOLOGIES  were received from Councillors Ms S Mugglestone and Mrs E Milne.

18/22     PUBLIC FORUM  The member of the public present enquired about parking in the High Street and particularly about the lack of parking space when the school is in session.    The Chairman referred to the problems over the years and of the request from traders for limited waiting areas, which had been provided.  Unfortunately, these are no long enforced by the police.   It is likely that parking offences might be ‘civilianised’ before too long and then Huntingdonshire District Council might take over the enforcement.


  None were reported..

20/22     COUNTY COUNCILLOR Ian Gardener said that the County Council had agreed to put in extra money to cover the shortfall now that the cost of the pedestrian crossing has been revised.  Unfortunately, they have not said which scheme they will fund, the one with the raised platform and the one without.

Councillor Farrer joined the meeting.

Members made it very clear that they only wanted the crossing with the raised platform.

Councillor Gardener said that he had asked for two roadsigns which had corroded and had broken in the recent high winds to be replaced.

He said that the new Chairman of the County Council is Stephen Ferguson from St Ives East and Gransdens.  The new Chief Executive, who commenced work this week, is Steven Moir.

The precept for next year has been agreed at an increase of 1.99% plus 3% for adult social care. £6.9million of that will be put into reserves.  An additional highways grant from government was not being spent on highways but being used to reduce borrowing.          Out of the £2.4million Household Support Fund received , money will only be given for food and emergency assistance in future.

The flood risk management strategy is being prepared.

Many staff are leaving and those that remain are largely working 3 days in the office and 2 at home.

Councillor Mrs Lloyd asked why it is still necessary to book times to visit the recycling centre in St Neots.  Councillor Gardener said that it was so that addresses may be checked as people were going there from Bedfordshire. 

21/22    MINUTES of the Council meeting of 27 January 2022 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.


  • Neighbourhood Watch. No report
  • Pound Lane  Councillor Hutchinson said that he had not yet had chance to speak with the Planners.
  • Twinning.   No action to be taken during the pandemic.
  • Pedestrian Crossing   Reported at 20/22 above.
  • Cemetery Wall repairs.  It was agreed to defer this 
  • MVAS signs          The posts have been installed and it is expected that the signs will be delivered during March.
  • Street Market.  Further consideration was given to the date for another street market and it was decided to arrange it for Saturday 27 August, the bank holiday weekend, rather than in June as first thought. The Clerk will apply for a road closure.

It was agreed that the Working Party to organise this would be Councillors Ms Jessup; Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Hellett.

.h)  Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration.  The Clerk reported that a Zoom meeting had been held and several residents were helping with the organisation.   Two of them were present to show a sample of the banners which it is proposed will be hung in the High Street.           Different aspects of the day’s entertainment have been discussed and the Primary Academy PTA are very interested in taking part.  The Clerk said that he was becoming concerned that, although a number of performers had been suggested, as yet we have no firm bookings for musicians and the day’s programme has not yet had anyone pencilled in.

i)  LHI Bid representation 3 March.     Councillor Mrs Milne will not now be able to present our bid but Councillor Hutchinson has kindly agreed to do so.

j)  New Street Lights.  Councillor Farrer said that the cost of a new solar powered lamp would be around £1300 for a 5m pole, if installed by this Council.  It was thought that control by a timer rather than a PIR would be better.  He will obtain further information.

k)  Flood Protection. The Chairman said that he plus Councillors Farrer; Ms Jessup; Mrs Hellett and County Councillor Gardener had met with Chris Collins of the Environment Agency and Catherine Redding the Cambridgeshire Flood Protection Officer.   It was thought that the Environment Agency would clear the spoil from Carnaby bridge arch, but possibly not from Rookery Lane bridge, as they say that is not their responsibility. They will, however, clear Stonely bridge.  All is positive for the moment.

l) ) Coronavirus Update.   Quite a number of local cases of infection, but fortunately the effect seems no more than a bad cold.

Councillor Gardener left the meeting

23/22    PLANNING

The following applications were considered –

21/02730  5 Aragon Place, Kimbolton – erect double garage to front of house.

It was proposed by Councillor Gooderham, seconded by Councillor Mrs Stainer and agreed to recommend approval as appropriate development.

22/00155  Orchard Manor Farm, Bedford Rd , Pertenhall – erect pool house on land adjacent to barn.

It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Hellett, seconded by Councillor Gooderham and agreed to recommend approval as appropriate development.

22/00120   Hearse House, Cemetery, Kimbolton – create internal toilet facility.         No comment.

24/22  REPORTS

Allotments.     Councillor Mrs Hellett said the orange plastic fencing around the bonfire area is still awaited.   The Allotments Committee had decided that the trophy for the Best kept Allotment plus a voucher for £25 will be given to Mr and Mrs Harris, who are tenants of plot 3.  They will be invited to attend the Annual Parish Meeting to collect their trophy.

Dog Fouling.  Still very much remains a problem, not only on the footpaths on open country, but within the village centre itself.   It was agreed to place notices on the churchyard gates reminding people that dogs must be on leads.

Fly Tipping.  The Clerk reminded members of the three bin liners found at Halls Meadow which contained a name and address.  These had been reported to the HDC Enforcement Officer, who had collected them and said that he would visit the address.  In the event, he did not visit, he simply sent a warning letter.    It was agreed to invite him to attend a future meeting of this Council.

Playpark   The multiplay unit needs washing and the gate catches once more need replacing.

Trees.  The Chairman said that Rotary had been invited to plant flowers on the area adjacent to Halls Meadow and he thought that the land at The Butts and opposite the Prep School could be cleared of all the suckers and trees planted there to commemorate the Jubilee.   He said that he had received a quote of £2000 to clear the area.

It was agreed that this was a good idea and that a Jubilee oak tree be planted.  It was proposed by Councillor Gooderham, seconded by Councillor Mrs Lloyd and agreed to have the area cleared at a cost of £2000..

Outside Bodies.  Kimbolton School Governors.  Councillor Mrs Hellett said that Dr David Donaldson had died on Monday and that there had been 2 cases of Covid within the school after half term.

                           Mandeville Hall Committee.  Councillor Ms Jessup reported that the Jubilee Party which they were arranging jointly with the Scouts for Saturday 4 June was coming along.

25/22  SOCIAL MEDIA   Councillor Mrs Lloyd said she was very concerned about recent posts on the village community Facebook page, where a lot of unwarranted and unfair criticism had been levelled at this council by some individuals.  She had responded to some and had invited anyone who wished to know what really did go on at our meetings to attend tonight.  Just one person has come along and she thanked him for doing so.

It was agreed to instruct the Clerk to write a resume of what has been discussed and decided tonight and post that on the Facebook page, in the hope people might learn just what it is that this Council is doing and for what it is responsible.

26/22  CORRESPONDENCE    None other than reported elsewhere.

27/22  ANNUAL PARISH MEETING  The Clerk reminded members that the Annual Parish Meeting will take place next Thursday 3 March, commencing at 7.30pm.


The following were approved for payment –

  • K & M Lighting      maintenance                          128.15
  • Mick George             Skip hire                           229.20                                                                                                               
  • Grafton Projects        Stationery                          19.14
  • VisionICT              Email address hosting         259.20
  • FR Kidman            Carnaby groundworks       2000.00
  • Anglian Water       Allotment water                     33.05
  • Payroll                  Pay, PAYE & NIC              2313.60
  • CL Thatcher reimbursement:

Thread for banners        39.95

Zoom subscription        81.47 

VAT on above            24.28      

Total 145.70                    

29/22   DISTRICT COUNCILLOR Jonathan Gray said that Huntingdonshire DC had agreed a surplus budget, due to uncertainty about government funding. Their precept will increase by 3.43%.

Circulars have been received about the Environment and the Re-purposing of High Streets.

The Peterborough and Cambridgeshire combined authority has a new elected Mayor, Dr Nik Johnson and a new Chief Executive.

Councillor Gray left the meeting

30/22  HIGH ST CAR PARKING  no report


Councillor Gooderham asked that Highways be requested to reinstate the hatched markings outside the Fire Station, as they have faded and people are parking there.

Councillor Ms Jessup wondered whether Planning had been asked about the structure in Rookery Lane.

Councillor Mrs Lloyd asked whether a litter pick will be arranged.

Councillor Mrs Hellett referred to a wall being built on the frontage of a property in London Rd.  She also said that a builder’s sign has been affixed to the railings at Rookery Lane.

Councillor Mrs Stainer said that the trench at the junction of Newtown and Hunters Way remains.

Councillor Hutchinson commented that the size of the new build at Five Oaks is bigger than the previous building and it has been approved in the plans.

32/22  NEXT MEETING   

It was agreed that the next normal meeting of Council will be held in the Youth Room at the Mandeville Hall on Thursday 31 March 2022 commencing at 7pm.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2210 hours.

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