Meeting Minutes: 24th January 2019
MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 24 January 2019 at the Youth & Community Room, Mandeville Hall, Thrapston Rd., Kimbolton.
PRESENT Councillors P Seabrook (in the Chair);K Hutchinson; Mrs D Hellett; L Farrer ; Ms S Mugglestone; Mrs S Hawkes; Mrs J Stainer & R Gooderham..
IN ATTENDANCE District Councillor J Gray & C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council.
1/19 APOLOGIES were received from Councillors Mrs R Lloyd; D Poole and Mrs E Milne…
2/19 PUBLIC FORUM was not used.
Councillor Mrs Hellett declared her ongoing interest in the matter of Mulberry Cottage stables.
Councillor Gardener was unable to be present.
5/19 MINUTES of the Council meeting held on 20 December 2018 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.
- Neighbourhood Watch. Volunteers for the Rural Watch Scheme are being vetted so have not performed any duty as yet.
- Hearse House repairs The Building Regulations application has now been submitted.
- Causeway Oak Tree. No further report at present.
Councillor Gray said that HDC was undergoing a budget session. An alternative budget had been presented by the Independent Party but this had not been taken up. The District Council wished to work more efficiently with parish councils for such things as grass cutting and would welcome discussions with parish councils with a view to sharing costs.
The proposal for Council Tax is an increase of 2.6%, though Independents wanted 3%.
Ongoing finances show that the Council is still £1.3M adrift after 5 years.
Councillor Gooderham joined the meeting.
HDC’s major objective is to keep Council Tax affordable.
There is a new car parking regime with the intention that charges be imposed at the end of a parking stay, so that motorists pay only for the time they have used.
Councillor Farrer joined the meeting.
Councillor Gooderham made the point that many car park machines do not give change but Councillor Gray thought that these would be replaced.
8/19 CCTV
Councillor Gray said that a private trading company had been set up by the District Council but it was taking far longer for the legalities to be sorted than had been expected.
The idea is to find potential new customers and to upgrade their equipment, for example by making sure all cameras have wi-fi.
It was mentioned that some residents are seeking to employ a private security company to patrol the area. No approach has been made to this Council and members felt that they did not wish to endorse the use of any security company.
Councillor Gray left the meeting.
- Applications
18/02588/02589 Former Barclays Bank High St – convert to 2 commercial units and 2 flats.
It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Stainer, seconded by Councillor Gooderham and unanimously agreed to recommend approval.
19/00052 Cobwebs, Station Rd,- single storey side extension, conservatory and porch (revised plans)
It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Hawkes, seconded by Councillor Ms Mugglestone and unanimously recommended for approval.
The Clerk reported that an appeal against the Inspector’s decision to refuse permission for a new dwelling at the rear of 23 Stow Rd had been lodged.
- Ongoing Matters. Mulberry Cottage stables. No report.
Allotments. Councillor Mrs Hellett presented her report and highlighted those plots in need of attention.
Playpark. The multiplay unit was in need of cleaning and it was agreed that a pressure washer might be necessary
Street Lighting. The section of Thrapston Rd between Carnaby and Budgens was poorly lit and it was agreed to see if Budgens could help and to investigate solar powered lighting.
The Clerk reported on the letter from a Hatchet Lane resident asking for the streetlamp to be removed by UK Power to be reinstated. It was agreed to take no action.
Councillor Farrer refrred to the pooling of water in Hatchet Lane, which is a problem yet to be resolved and asked that the County Council be asked to deal with it.
Pound Lane. The Working Party had met prior to this meeting and had decided to seek funding and to draw up a plan for a pavilion. Councillor Gooderham thought that Council should write to both the Football and Cricket Clubs and explain our thoughts and involve them from now on, by inviting them to Working Party meetings.
Councillor Gooderham left the meeting.
Kimbolton School Governors.
Councillor Mrs Hellett said there was a board meeting on the 13th and that the subject discussed was the proposed alterations to the Prep School.
- Cycle Tour of Cambridgeshire June 2019. This was noted.
- Village Halls week event 25 January 2019. Unfortunately, little notice had been received of this and no-one was available to attend.
- Spate of burglaries in Stonely. It was reported that most properties in Easton Rd had recently been burgled.
- Hatchet Lane streetlight – reported in 10/19 above.
- Westwood Poultry Farm Knotting – noted.
- Dog Fouling in Carnaby. Councillor Farrer reported on a recent event.
- Seminar on transport,energy and place-making topics to be held at Pathfinder House on 5 March. Two representatives are invited from each parish council. Regrettably, no-one is available to attend.
- Letter from Stonely resident about a chimney fire and criticising the response of the Fire Service, due to there being no-one on duty at Kimbolton.
The Clerk reported attendances as follows, in all cases, except that of Councillor Poole, being out of a possible 14 –
Keith Hutchinson 13
Debra Hellett 13
Rosemary Lloyd 12
Emma Milne 10
Lee Farrer 10
Stephanie Hawkes 10
Paul Seabrook 9
Sarah Mugglestone 9
Joan Stainer 9
David Poole 6 (out of a possible 8)
Russell Gooderham 5
Councillor Gooderham having left the meeting, it was agreed to place this matter on the agenda for the next meeting.
a)The following were proposed and approved for payment –
Fishers Groundsman sundries 16.20 inc VAT
Mick George Ltd Skip hire 201.60 “ “
Seabrook Farms Ltd Weedkiller 60.00 “ “
K & M Lighting Streetlight maintenance 125.48 “ “
D Eades Cemetery work 390.60 no “
Payroll costs Pay, PAYE & NIC 2108.43 “ “
C L Thatcher Reimbursement re diesel & gifts 56.57 inc “
Councillor Mrs Stainer asked whether something could be done to prevent cars parking on the grass on the Causeway.
She also commented that the lagoon off Duchess Walk now looked good, having been landscaped.
Councillor Mrs Hellett said that the next PPG meeting would be a presentation on the workings of defibrillators.
Councillor Ms Mugglestone asked whether a bench to commemorate Councillor Jim Mugglestone could be placed on the Causeway. All thought this an excellent idea.
Councillor Mrs Hawkes said that she had heard positive comments about the new Post Office.
The next normal meeting of Council will be held on Thursday 28 February 2019, commencing at 7pm in the Youth and Community Room at the Mandeville Hall.
The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Thursday 7 March 2019 commencing at 7.30pm.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2125 hours.
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