Meeting Minutes: 25th April 2019


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 25 April 2019 at the Youth & Community Room, Mandeville Hall, Thrapston Rd., Kimbolton.

PRESENT  Councillors P Seabrook (in the Chair);K Hutchinson; Mrs D Hellett; D Poole; Ms S Mugglestone; L Farrer; Mrs J Stainer ; Mrs S Hawkes & R Gooderham..

IN ATTENDANCE  County Councillor I Gardener; District Councillor J Gray; C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and 3 members of the public..

51/19  APOLOGIES were received from Councillors Mrs E Milne & Mrs R Lloyd.

52/19  PUBLIC FORUM  The Chairman welcomed Mr & Mrs Harradine, winners of the Best Allotment Trophy.  They were presented with their trophy and a gift voucher by Councillor Mrs Hellett, who congratulated them on their work and upon winning the trophy.


Councillor Mrs Hellett declared her ongoing interest in the matter of Mulberry Cottage stables 


Councillor Gardener said that the next County Council meeting will be on 14 May.  The County Council is committed to tackling poverty and ensuring social mobility.

There are currently 33 libraries in the County and 11 mobile ones.  Cambridgeshire Libraries are the 10th busiest in the country and the Council is committed to keeping all open.

He has proposed a meeting on either 8 or 23 May jointly with Kimbolton and Catworth Parish Councils to discuss the LHI bids for the next round.

Councillor Gooderham joined the meeting.

The judicial review of the Fire Service and the bid by the Police Commissioner is due to be heard in June.

55/19  MINUTES of the Council meeting held on 28 March 2019 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.


  • Neighbourhood Watch.    No report.
  • Hearse House repairs   The Clerk reported that HDC planners require an arboricultural report relating to the protection of surrounding trees during repair works and he has obtained a quote for such a report in the sum of £450.   Members questioned the need for such a report, which did not seem to be required for other, similar, projects and agreed to draw this to the attention of the District Councillor.  The  appointment of the consultant for the sum of £450 was nevertheless approved.
  • CCTV.  The Clerk said that he had contacted an alternative supplier suggested by the Chairman, but that supplier did not wish to become involved in surveillance cameras in a public place.   The Clerk has again met with Millennium Security and they are willing to place cameras on posts and, to avoid the need for cabling and therefore trenching those cables, the link to the recording device could be by microwave.   There would be a cost element to this, but it would not be as great as the cost of a trench.     There was further discussion, with some members preferring the idea of the monitored system offered by HDC.   The cost of this though is around £14,000 for installation plus about £4000 per annum thereafter.   As yet, we don’t have a date when this could be operative so it was agreed to ask Councillor Gray to advise.
  • Cemetery Extension
  • Consecration arrangements.  The Clerk said that he awaited confirmation of the arrangements by the Bishop’s office, but he understood that the Bishop and Registrar would need to robe for the consecration and suggested that this could take place in the church and that they could then process to the cemetery and afterwards return to the church where the PCC has kindly agreed to provide tea.
  • Gate Pillars.  Councillor Farrer was hopeful that he would be able to build pillars before the consecration.
  • Shelter.  The Clerk provided pictures of a large wooden gazebo-type structure which might serve the purpose, given that it had no walls and would not therefore encourage people to loiter in it.   Following discussion it was decided not to proceed with a shelter.
  • Benches.  Pictures of possible benches were circulated and Councillor Gooderham asked that they be circulated to all members by email so that a decision might be made on the type to purchase.
  • Tentage.   Should the weather be inclement on the day of the consecration some sort of shelter will be needed and the Clerk has obtained a quote for the supply, erection and removal of a large open sided tent in the sum of £265.00. 

Councillor Mrs Hellett said that she could borrow a gazebo which would do the job and it was agreed not to order the tentage unless Councillor Mrs Hellett’s is not suitable.


Members were familiar with the concept proposed by 3 Shires Security, whereby private security patrols were to be engaged to patrol villages each night within a 7 mile radius of Kimbolton.   It is 3 Shires wish that each Parish Council should support the scheme by agreeing to pay a sum per household out of their precepts.  In the case of Kimbolton and Stonely, that sum is in excess of £22000 per annum.

The Chairman pointed out that the total which would be raised, if all contributed, would be around £250,000 per annum.    He had spoken with the Police and Crime Commissioner and learned that the cost of a police officer and including a car for each year is £49,000.  He thought that if anything was considered necessary he would prefer spending the money on the police who, at least, have power of arrest.     However, he did not feel that the 3 Shires proposal was supported by very many people and it would be wrong to require them to pay for this in their Council Tax if they were opposed to the idea.    Much better that individuals improved their own personal security if they felt it necessary.

Councillor Ms Mugglestone said that the WhatsApp group seemed to be working and she was wary of engaging private security firms.

A member of the public present commented that home security systems were now far cheaper to purchase and she suggested that perhaps Councillor Mrs Hellett might consider organising a meeting at which products could be demonstrated and with advice from police and fire.

It was agreed to take no action regarding the 3 Shires proposals. 


  • Applications

19/00752/TREE  Old Chapel, 39 Thrapston Rd – prune trees.

No objection.

TPO/2019/004  Land W of Lye House, Bedford Rd Pertenhall – new TPO.

No objection.

19/00667  The Cottage, 25 Main Rd, Stonely – erect detached garage,

Councillor Hutchinson said that he had no objection in principle, though he thought it odd to make the back wall of the garage the boundary when there is fencing each side.   He noted that the application site is surrounded by trees and wondered why there is no requirement for an arboricultural report upon how the trees will be protected during the build.

It was proposed by Councillor Hutchinson, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hawkes and agreed to recommend refusal due to there being no information on the protection of trees or upon the method of construction of the garage i.e. whether on a raft or not.

Councillor Gardener left the meeting.

  • Ongoing Matters.     Mulberry Cottage stables.  No report.

59/19    REPORTS

Allotments.  Councillor Mrs Hellett said that most plots now seem to be being worked.

Dog fouling.  Councillor Gooderham said that the problem seemed to be lessening recently.

Playgrounds.  The RoSPA reports have been received and their minor concerns are the ongoing ones, with the exception of the other roundabout seat now having been broken.  The Clerk has ordered a replacement.    He has also met with someone willing to act as Handyman and he has taken the measurements of the gate and bench and will be supplying a quote for their repair.

Pound Lane.  The Chairman said that a letter had been received from the Cricket Club saying that they are happy in principle with the proposals.  Councillor Gooderham suggested a meeting on site with both the Cricket and Football Clubs to decide what each wants from this and let them look at sample designs.

Outside Bodies.

Mandeville Hall.  Councillor Mrs Lloyd had attended the annual meeting of the Hall Committee and had provided the Clerk with a copy of their report and their accounts for last year, which showed they had a healthy £34000 or so in the bank.

Police Liaison.  The Chairman reported on his meeting with the Police and Crime Commissioner and his tour of police headquarters.

Kimbolton School.   Councillor Mrs Hellett said there is no news due to Easter holidays.     

Councillor Gooderham left the meeting.


Circular from CAPALC inviting the |Council to become a member was noted and no action taken.

A letter from the Salvation Army offering to site a clothing bank in the village was considered, but  no action will be taken due to lack of a suitable site.


a)The following were proposed and approved for payment –

CGM Group Ltd                   Grass cutting                                    1223.98 inc VAT

K & M Lighting                  Streetlight mtnce                                  125.48 inc VAT

Mick George Ltd               Skip hire                                               201.60      

E-ON                                 Annual streetlight energy                   2800.93      

Playsafety Ltd                    RoSPA inspection                               177.00      

JD Tree & Landscaping     Tree work                                            600.00  no  

D Eades                             April work                                            486.54      

Payroll costs                      Pay, PAYE & NIC                              2186.36      

C L Thatcher                     Reimbursement of fuel purchased         40.02  inc 

Councillor Gray joined the meeting.

62/19  DISTRICT COUNCILLOR Jonathan Gray said that preparations for the EU elections are underway – just in case.

HDC has completed the purchase of the cinema in St Neots, to add to its property portfolio.

The intention is to introduce ‘pay for what you use’ charges for car parking in all their car parks.

63/19  HIGH STREET CAR PARKING  The Clerk reported on the email from a member of a walkers group who had been upset by the reaction of a shopkeeper to him and others parking in the High St whilst they went walking.  The Clerk has replied appropriately and the correspondence is noted..


Councillor Farrer said that the manhole cover on the B645 near Rookery Lane had not been adequately repaired and also the drain in that area appears blocked, due to flooding after yesterday’s heavy rain.

Councillor Mrs Hellett asked who was cutting the grass in the cemetery extension.  The Clerk said our usual contractor and they had been chased to get it done.

She also said that following the litter pick she had been contacted by The Scouts, who wished to help with community work and wondered if there is anything that they could do.

Councillor Ms Mugglestone said that someone wished to set up a stall in the High St to sell asparagus.

Councillor Mrs Stainer reported that the HACT bus service was ceasing in the summer and she understands that the Royal British Legion want a new flag.

She also said that there have been complaints by both RBL and WI that they have not been asked to sponsor a tree in the new cemetery despite having expressed a wish to do so.

Councillor Poole asked that the skip in the cemetery be screened from view as far as possible.

 The Chairman said he had noticed that animals were getting through the fence into the new cemetery and suggested that any holes be blocked and that the fence needed pegging down at the bridge end.

He wondered whether anyone had any suggestions as to a parcel collection/drop off point in the village.


The next normal meeting of Council will be the annual meeting and will be held on Thursday 30 May 2019, commencing at 7pm in the Youth and Community Room at the Mandeville Hall.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2118 hours.

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