Meeting Minutes: 25th March 2021
MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 25 March 2021 by means of video conferencing due to the coronavirus pandemic.
PRESENT Councillors P Seabrook; K Hutchinson; D Poole; Mrs C Jessup; L Farrer ; Mrs D Hellett; Mrs R Lloyd ; Mrs E Milne; Ms S Mugglestone; Mrs J Stainer and R Gooderham..
IN ATTENDANCE District Councillor J Gray; County Councillor I Gardener; C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and one member of the public.
38/21 APOLOGIES None received.
39/21 PUBLIC FORUM was not used, but the Chairman took the opportunity to thank Mr Bob Mundy for his efforts in collecting litter throughout the village.
Councillor Mrs Hellett declared an interest in the ongoing matter of Mulberry Cottage stables.
Councillor Gardener provided information on the coronavirus situation locally. Up to 19 March from 0 – 2 tested positive in the Kimbolton area, whilst between 17 and 24 March in Huntingdonshire there had been 112 cases, representing an increase of 3.7% and during this time there had been 3 more deaths.
Regarding flooding, meetings have been held and recommendations will be announced in May. He had met the officer from the lead flood authority yesterday and she is to find out about clearing the silt under the Butts bridge. It is suggested that the mesh on Rookery bridge be replaced with bars.
Schools have re-commenced and the education team will weekly monitor coronavirus.
Councillor Gardener said that purdah commences next week for the May elections, in which he is a candidate, so he will be limited in his activities.
Councillor Gray said that problems within the Planning Department continue, with two senior members of staff having now resigned.
Leisure centres remain closed at present and one member of staff is running a fitness class from home online.
Huntingdonshire District Council continues to support the local economy and has established ‘Click It Local’ for businesses together with free social media workshops.
It is proposed that civil parking enforcement powers be taken back from the police and funding for this will come from fines levied.
43/21 MINUTES of the Council meetings of 25 February and 11 March 2021 were read and approved as a true record of those meetings.
- Neighbourhood Watch. The Clerk said that a re-structuring within the police had taken place and many of the PCSO posts had been withdrawn, but the PCSO who covers this area, Richard Braddick, had been retained.
- Hearse House repairs. The underpinning was now complete and the contractor will shortly be commencing repairs to the brickwork.
The Clerk reminded members that he was seeking quotations for the repairs and renewal of gravel to the pathways, as some of these had been damaged during the work.
The Chairman said that shrubs beside the path from the Newtown gate to the Hearse House need cutting back as they force vehicles to avoid them, thus damaging the path edges. He also though an alder tree on the east side of the cemetery, near to the wall, should be felled.
- Cemetery Wall repairs. The Chairman and Councillor Farrer had looked at the wall and decided which sections require the most urgent repairs and quotations are awaited.
- Pound Lane progress. The Clerk reported receipt of the Land Registry information on ownership and rights to use Pound Lane. It does appear that the rights are vested in the owner of Park Farm; the Cricket Club; Kimbolton School; the two residential properties in Pound Lane and this Council. He has written to the interested parties to advise them of the proposals and invite comments. Only one reply has been received, that from the School, who are enthusiastic about the idea.
It was agreed that the next step should be to seek planning approval for the car park.
Councillor Mrs Stainer commented that the road surface of Pound Lane was very bad and would certainly need improvement.
- Twinning. No action to be taken during the pandemic.
- Flood Group. The Chairman and Councillor Farrer have looked around and they have concluded that a reduction in the aperture of the Butts Bridge would not be viable due to the effect on some properties. They thought that vegetation should be cleared from the Drying Ground and a channel made across it, to help speed up the flow when flooded. The new fence in Carnaby might interfere with the flow as well and must be monitored.
Debris downstream causes a lot of back-up of the water and Councillor Jessup said that much debris by the willow tree at the end of London Road was left there following the last clean-up by the Environment Agency.
The Environment Agency have been approached about providing sandbags and a container in which to house them and say they are prepared to provide empty sandbags (or bags as they are more commonly known!) and a container to the Council. Councillor Gooderham has asked the Fire Service if they would permit the siting of the container in the Fire Station yard and a reply is awaited.
- Rookery Lane barrier. It was proposed by Councillor Gooderham, seconded by Councillor Mrs Lloyd and agreed that a gate be placed across Rookery Lane at the eastern corner of the allotments. A quote in the sum of £750 plus VAT has been received for purchase and installation of a 10ft gate and this would still leave a minimum of 5ft free for horses to pass through.
Councillor Mrs Milne said that she had a spare gate which council could use.
Councillor Gray left the meeting.
- Proposed Litter Pick. Councillor Mrs Hellett said that arrangements were being made for a litter pick on 28 March, though this was not an ‘official’ litter pick. Rotary will be undertaking it and people will be going as individuals and covering what area they wish. It is likely that another pick will be organised for May/June time for the National Litter Pick.
- Internet Banking. The Clerk outlined the arrangements for an account with Unity Trust Bank. The cost would be £6 per month, but the bank is able to offer the security required, with two councillors to authorise proposed transactions, whereas Barclays can offer only one.
After some discussion it was agreed to not use internet banking for payments, but to continue with cheques.
- Rotary Offer to improve riverside land. The Chairman said that Rotary had suggested planting black poplar , sallow and field maple, but he thought that those were large trees for that location and suggested that they would be more appropriate on The Butts opposite the Prep.School. He had spoken with the Rotary rep. and suggested a wildflower meadow planted with early wildflowers such as primrose, cowslips and bluebells, all of which are good beneath trees.
Councillor Mrs Lloyd thought this a good idea and a site meeting is suggested once the quote is received for clearing that area. The opportunity could also be taken to clear the area at The Butts of the suckers and scrub.
Councillor Mrs Stainer suggested that whilst this is being looked at, the area of Halls Meadow to the rear of St Andrew’s Court, where bushes had been removed, could be planted with hawthorn and perhaps buddleia
- Proposed Street Market. The negative response by the County Council was read but it was nevertheless thought that the idea had possibilities. Perhaps it would be possible to use just one side of the High St and thereby avoid disrupting traffic; or maybe the area in front of The Gatehouse, or around the church.
Mrs Nora Butler had confirmed that the King John Charter of 1200 had not been revoked and that it contained provision therein for a weekly market in Kimbolton.
It was agreed to ask Councillor Gardener to investigate options with County Council officers and to acquaint them with the Charter details and to involve both The School and The Vicar in our thoughts. Councillor Mrs Hellett will speak with The School.
- Coronavirus update was provided earlier by Councillor Gardener.
Councillor Gardener left the meeting
There were no applications, though two had been received too late for the agenda and would require an additional meeting for their consideration. It was agreed to meet next on Thursday 15 April at 7.30pm by remote means.
Ongoing Matters
Nothing to report.
Allotments Councillor Mrs Hellett provided her report and said that not much had changed. The Clerk said that he had received a revised quote for clearing and seeding the two plots we have taken out of use, as well as clearing the plots in the north-west corner and the bonfire area.
This was in the sum of £2205 plus VAT. This was discussed and it was thought that the increase, largely to cover the cost of removing the bonfire rubbish, was a lot of money to pay for clearing up after some of the tenants and it was feared that , once cleared up, it was likely that more rubbish would be dumped.
It was suggested that tenants be required to remove their own rubbish from the site, or burn it on their own plots and Councillor Mrs Lloyd offered to place a notice on the board to that effect.
A further quote for the jobs will be sought.
Burials. The Clerk said he had received an enquiry about the possible sponsoring of either an existing bench or an existing tree and he had advised the enquirer that the bench would be £500 plus the cost of the plaque and the tree £150 plus the cost of a marker. These charges were confirmed.
Councillor Gooderham left the meeting
Personnel. The Clerk will issue appraisal forms to staff, preparatory to arranging appraisal review meetings.
Highways. Councillor Mrs Milne referred to the boorish and dangerous driving by some individuals when passing children riding horses on the highway.
Outside Bodies. There were no reports from the Mandeville Hall or Kimbolton Trust, but Councillor Mrs Hellett said that Kimbolton School’s Board Meeting takes place tomorrow and that Edward Valletta, the Bursar, retires on 16 April, his successor being Jennifer Agnew, who starts on 6 April.
Youth. The Clerk read an email from the Vicar, Revd Phillip Howson, in which he referred to the church wishing to improve facilities for children and young people and that it was the intention to appoint a half-time role to work with them and the community, with a view to engaging with children and families in assisting the regeneration of the church and enhancing their relationship with younger families in the community. They wish to partner with a specialist organisation and fund an employee of theirs for an assumed period of three to five years.
He would be pleased to involve the Parish Council and the project may involve the establishment of a Youth Club which could make use of the Youth Room at the Mandeville Hall. He will keep us informed.
- RBL circular re VE Day was noted.
- St Neots Museum – request for donation. It was agreed unanimously to donate £100 to St Neots Museum, thereby ensuring free admission to the museum of residents of this parish.
The following were approved for payment –
K & M Lighting. Streetlight maintenance £125.48
MG Recycling Ltd Skip hire £207.60
Grafton Projects Diary £358
Fishers Groundsman sundries £12.99
D Eades March work £405.49
Payroll costs Pay, PAYE, NIC March £2246.15
Defibpad Ltd Defibrillator pads £52.80
St Neots Museum Donation £100.00
Councillor Ms Jessup said that she was very concerned at the dangerous parking of vehicles outside Court House and White House. They are very near to the corner and force traffic across the road in order to pass them, leaving them face to face with oncoming traffic.
Councillor Mrs Hellett suggested that a street party be arranged to celebrate the end of covid, whenever that might be.
Councillor Poole suggested that thanks be given to the three surgeries and pharmacy for all their efforts during the pandemic.
Councillor Mrs Lloyd reported that there are plans to greatly expand The College at Keysoe to make it an international venue.
The next normal meeting of Council will be held on Thursday 15 April 2021 by means of Zoom, commencing at 7.30pm, followed by the normal monthly meeting on 29 April 2021, commencing at 7pm…
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2145 hours.
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