Meeting Minutes: 25th November 2021


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 25 November 2021 in the Youth Hall at the Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton.

PRESENT  Councillors P Seabrook; D Poole; Mrs C Jessup; Ms S Mugglestone; Mrs R Lloyd ; Mrs J Stainer; L Farrer; Mrs E Milne and Mrs D Hellett.

IN ATTENDANCE   County Councillor I Gardener; District Councillor J Gray ; C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and 1 member of the public.

196/21  APOLOGIES  were received from Councillors K Hutchinson and R Gooderham

197/21  PUBLIC FORUM  was not used.


  Councillor Mrs Hellett declared her interest in the matter of Mulberry Cottage stables.


Councillor Gardener said that he, together with the Chairman and Councilllor Mrs Hellett had met with Clare Slade of the County Council regarding the funding promised for the pedestrian crossing.   Quotes are still awaited from Milestone and it was made clear that any uplift in costs should be the responsibility of the County Council, not Huntingdonshire DC or this Council, due to the length of time this is taking.

A footpath in Stonely to the Kym is soon to be resurfaced.

He referred to the appearance of a camera attached to one of our lighting columns in Station Rd and confirmed that the County Council had no knowledge of this.

The County Council has selected a new Chief Executive – Stephen Moyer – who commences employment in February.

The Chairman of the County Council, Derek Giles, has had to resign due to ill health.

More frequent meetings are being held now and the budget is being looked at.  It is likely that the maximum increase in precept allowable will be sought

Government has provided a grant of £3.4M to help those in need and details of how to apply are available on the County Council website.

The Chairman thanked Councillor Gardener for arranging for Easton Road potholes to be repaired.

Councillor Gardener left the meeting.


200/21 MINUTES of the Council meeting of 28 October  2021 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.subject to item 188/21 last sentence being changed to ‘notice board’ from ‘Facebook’


  • Neighbourhood Watch.  No report
  • Pound Lane  The Clerk said that the plan had been prepared by John Lightfoot and would be submitted.
  • Twinning.   No action to be taken during the pandemic.
  • Pedestrian Crossing   Reported above
  • Cemetery Wall repairs.  It was agreed to defer this item

 f) Street Market  Councillor s Jessup said that at the moment 15 stalls are confirmed plus 2 possibles.    It was agreed that on the day Councillors Mrs Lloyd and Ms Jessup will liaise with stallholders and that other members will be needed as Stewards,

Councillor Mrs Stainer joined the meeting.

g) Christmas Lights update.  Councillor Farrer said that things were progressing well and that this year there will be 50 trees and lights decorating the streets.

     h)  Flood protection.  The Chairman said that the clearance of vegetation from the river banks was underway and the work had elicited unpleasant emails from the owner of a plot of land in Carnaby.  These were noted.

.i)  Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration.  The Clerk reported having spoken with Dave Maltby, who was very helpful and would pencil in our requirement for tables and chairs.  Similarly, Phantom Power will pencil us in regarding the provision of staging, amplification and bands, though they do impress upon us the need to make decisions soon.

The Clerk said that he had seen street decorations in Tewkesbury which comprised medieval coats of arms on hanging banners and he thought they would look very good in the High St.  He has obtained the details of their construction and painting and will see if some willing volunteers with the talent to be able to make them can be found.  It was agreed that materials could be purchased if volunteers are found.

Councillor Mrs Stainer thought that the council should plant an oak tree in commemoration.  A possible site for this could be near the Butts, where Rotary are to provide a planted area.

J  Hearse House toilets.  It was agreed that toilet provision should be made for grounds staff and John Lightfoot had been asked to produce a plan for submission for approval at a cost of £300.  The Clerk pointed out that a new home for the hearse will have to be found and it will have to be determined who is going to maintain the toilet. It was nevertheless agreed to proceed and obtain permission, in the hope that these problems can be overcome.

k.  Thrapston Rd streetlight.  The Clerk said that he had obtained a quote for the provision and installation of a solar powered streetlight to go in Thrapston Rd, near to The Mansards.  The cost is £2408.18.      It was agreed to defer consideration of this until the next meeting and to also consider at that time the possibility of providing lighting on the footpath across Halls Meadow.

l) ) Coronavirus Update.  A new variant called Omicron has emerged and is apparently far more contagious.   No reports here as yet..

202/21  PLANNING

There were no applications for consideration.

Ongoing –  Mulberry Cottage stables – no reports.

203/21  REPORTS

Allotments.     Councillor Mrs Hellett presented the report.  She said the bonfire area needs fencing off.The drive to the vehicle gate is very muddy and overgrown and a large puddle needs filling.

Footpaths.  Councillor Mrs Stainer reported.

Mandeville Hall   Meeting taking place next week

Kimbolton Trust.  Has met to decide upon Christmas gifts.

Kimbolton School Governors. Met last week. The repairs to the Gatehouse start in December and the tennis court is in need of refurbishment.  The swimming pool is coming to the end of its life.  The suggested footpath diversion is being taken forward.

204/21  PURCHASE OF PLAY EQUIPMENT   Councillor Mrs Hellett presented her suggestions for a cross trainer at Pound Lane and a zebra see-saw at The Fire Station Playpark.    Members wished to consider these suggestions together with other and agreed to defer this until the next meeting.

Councillor Gray joined the meeting.


205/21  DISTRICT COUNCILLOR   Councillor Gray said that he is now working on his 11th budget, which is proving difficult as much government support has now been withdrawn.

                  Any further pressure on housing requirement may have an effect on Kimbolton.


  • The Clerk reported receipt of a reply from the County Rights of Way Officer regarding the use of footpaths by goats.   He did not think it appropriate but suggested that the landowner may be the person to decide.

207/21  ACCOUNTS

  • The following were approved for payment –

K & M Lighting.               Streetlight maintenance                 £128.15

J Whitehead                   Misc repairs                                    £290.00 

PKF Littlejohn                 External audit fee                           £480.00

Fishers                            Sundries                                            £8.99 

Mick George                    Skip hire                                        £229.20

Anglian Water                 Allotment water                              £164.69

M W Seabrook               Xmas trees 2019/20/21                £2385.00

First Call TMC               Street market traffic management £1250.40

Payroll costs                   Pay, PAYE, NIC October             £2313.60

C L Thatcher                   Land registry fees                           £91.20

Councillor Farrer joined the meeting

  • The Clerk presented his budget suggestions for 2022/23 and these were considered by members.
  • It was duly agreed , having been proposed by Councillor Ms Mugglestone and seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett, that the precept for 2022/23 should increase by 2%, to £62168.         


          No report


Councillor Mrs Stainer said that Carnaby bridge needs re-painting and the footpath surface should be renewed.

Councillor Mrs Hellett said the grit bins should be checked.

Councillor Poole said the trench across Hunters Way with its junction with Newtown needed attention.

Councillor Mrs Lloyd said that the cemetery vehicle gate was wide open at 4pm today.

Councillor Mrs Milne was concerned to note HGVs using Dillington Road.


After some discussion it was agreed to change the next normal meeting of Council to Thursday 16 December 2021 in the Youth hall of the Mandeville Hall commencing at 7pm..

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2108 hours.

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