Meeting Minutes: 26th August 2021


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 26 August 2021 in the Youth Hall at the Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton.

PRESENT  Councillors P Seabrook; K Hutchinson; D Poole; Mrs C Jessup; Ms S Mugglestone; Mrs D Hellett; Mrs R Lloyd ; Mrs E Milne; Mrs J Stainer and L Farrer..

IN ATTENDANCE   C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and 7 members of the public.

143/21  APOLOGIES  were received from Councillor R Gooderham; County Councillor I Gardener and District Councillor J Gray.

144/21  PUBLIC FORUM  was not used.


Councillor Mrs Hellett declared an interest in the ongoing matter of Mulberry Cottage stables and planning application 19/02454.  Councillor Mrs Milne declared an interest in planning application 21/01781


  • The following applications were considered.

19/02454 Agricultural Buildings,27 Park Lane, Stonely – demolish & outline permission for up to 11 dwellings.

Councillor Mrs Hellett, having declared an interest, left the room and took no part in the discussion or vote.

The applicants, together with opponents of the scheme, were present and the Chairman invited them to speak.

Mr Thornton, of Simply Planning Ltd, outlined the proposals and dealt with the concerns over flooding.   He said that the site was in Flood Zone 1 which indicated a risk of about 0.1% and that approx. half an acre of the area becomes a pond in the winter. He also said that the report stated that there are no known instances of flooding in the site.  This was disputed by members of the public present, who were particularly concerned about the displacement of water from the site due to the loss of the pond and felling of trees – water which would in all likelihood then flood other properties.

The applicant said that a large attenuation tank together with a pumping station would be provided, but it was thought that the tank would be of insufficient size and the pumping station would pump excess water into the existing ditch and this would cause problems further into the village.

Councillor Hutchinson said that this was not a brownfield site.  This was agreed and that agricultural buildings are excluded.      He said that the Local Plan policy permits such sites within the built area, but there is a potential for the inclusion of farmyard areas if close to the built area.

He asked why, if accepted, justification was needed in the form of ‘self-build’?  The applicant said that was because Huntingdonshire District Council had said that approval was unlikely to be granted for an open market site.

Moving to what is proposed, apparently there is an ‘affordable homes’ element and this will be comprised of four 3 bed units, offered as shared ownership.  The other dwellings will be of around 3000 sq ft – although the applicant said that they do not have to build to that plan.

In response to a question from Councillor Farrer he confirmed that it would be possible to provide homes at around 1000 sq ft which could be extended over time.

Councillor Hutchinson said that he understood that an objection still remained from County Wildlife Trust regarding the removal of the habitat of great crested newts.   This was disputed, as a contribution is being made for off-site relocation  and ponds will remain on-site for newts.

Councillor Farrer enquired about the increase in hard surfaces on the site and was told that there will be approx. 12% increase compared to now, with permeable surfaces where possible.

The Chairman was concerned about the ditch being used to take away excess water from the site and pointed out that around 30 hectares plus the B660 road surface drain into that ditch.

Councillor Mrs Lloyd said she was concerned at the number of people whose homes had flooded recently in that area and what this development might do to them.  She also had concerns over an increase in traffic joining a fast-moving road and the fact that this development, being self build, would not attract CIL, therefore there would be no developer contribution to the local infrastructure.

Councillor Mrs Milne said that she liked the proposal, but appreciates the concerns of residents.

Councillor Hutchinson referred back to the earlier application which was recommended for refusal, but it was then made clear that there would be no objection if the problems were overcome .Affordable housing has now been included as have visibility splays.  At that time, flooding was not an issue.    He thought that Council should maintain its position of refusal.    There is no proven need for self build houses as Huntingdonshire District Council states that they have sufficient.   The site is not allocated for development but would be in the future.

He wished to make it clear that he had no objection to the development, but thought that further work needed to be done on the question of flooding.

Accordingly, it was proposed by Councillor Hutchinson, seconded by Councillor Lloyd and agreed to recommend refusal by 5 votes to 2 with 2 abstentions.

Councillor Mrs Hellett rejoined the meeting.

21/01781  73 Main Rd Stonely – erect detached triple garage;gym and home office.

Councillor Mrs Milne, having declared an interest, left the room and took no part in the discussion or vote.

There was considerable discussion on this application and concerns were expressed that this building could one day become a separate dwelling.     It was therefore proposed by Councillor Farrer, seconded by Councillor Ms Mugglestone and unanimously agreed to recommend approval subject to a covenant being placed upon it which ties the new build to the dwelling at 73 Main Road.

Councillor Mrs Milne rejoined the meeting.

21/01796  13 Thrapston Rd Kimbolton – crown reduction of trees.

It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Hellett, seconded by Councillor Hutchinson and unanimously agreed to recommend approval.

Councillor Mrs Lloyd left the meeting.

  • Mulberry Cottage stables – no report.


Councillor Gardener was unable to be present.

148/21 MINUTES of the Council meeting of 29 July  2021 was read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting,


  • Neighbourhood Watch.  No report
  • Pound Lane  It was agreed to defer this item
  • Twinning.   No action to be taken during the pandemic.
  • Pedestrian Crossing   Nothing further heard so the Clerk will chase.
  • Cemetery Wall repairs.  It was agreed to defer this item

 f)Street Market  Councillor Mrs Hellett suggested a date of 23 October for a produce market and Sunday 5 December (if this is the day of the School’s Christmas Fair) for a Christmas market.  Flyers will be produced.

g)  Flood protection.  A reply from the Environment Agency is awaited.

h) ‘Stattie’ Fair – Councillor Farrer said that he is organising signage to give both advance warning and, on the day, to attempt to divert HGV’s away from the village.      A response from the police is awaited.

i)  LHI Bids – it was agreed to seek funding towards the costs of 40mph ‘buffer zones’ on the approaches to the village.

It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Milne, seconded by Councillor Ms Mugglestone and agreed to place warning letters on the windscreens of vehicles parked on the High St on the bend opposite the church.

j)  Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration.  Councillor Mrs Hellett said that she had made enquiries of bands for an event on the Sunday and costs are likely to be around £1500.  

It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Stainer, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett and agreed that a sum of £3000 be initially allocated to arrangements for this event, so that any necessary deposits can be made without delay.

It was further agreed that the organising working party shall be Councillors Ms Mugglestone; Mrs Hellett; Ms Jessup and L Farrer.

The Mandeville Hall Committee is organising a hog roast to be held on the Saturday, to which up to 120 free tickets will be issued to people who have supported the Hall over the year.

k) Goat walking – it was agreed to defer this item

l) Length of Meetings – in the absence of Cllr Gooderham it was agreed to defer this item. 

m) Coronavirus Update.   It is understood that daily infections are increasing in this area..

150/21  REPORTS

Allotments.     Councillor Mrs Hellett presented her report.  Complaints have been made about the theft of soft fruit.   Councillor Mrs Hellett felt that allotment agreements required amending as regards to the burning of rubbish and asked that the Clerk supply her with a copy of the Agreement.

Burial.  The Clerk reported upon a complaint received which, in accordance with our complaints procedure, was being dealt with by the Chairman.

Dog Fouling.  The Clerk reported that HDC are willing to empty a bin sited at the Causeway end of Rookery Lane, subject to an annual charge of around £250.00 It was proposed by Councillor Ms Jessup, seconded by Councillor Ms Mugglestone and agreed that a bin be purchased and HDC be asked to empty it.

Footpaths.  The Clerk reported that the County Council has engaged a contractor to repair the footbridge on the footpath to the north of the B645 in Stonely.

Village Maintenance.  The Clerk said he has met with someone willing to act as Handyman and has asked him to repair the gate to the Playpark.  

Other jobs which need doing are the fitting of latches to Playpark gates; covering of tree roots in Playpark; the yew tree in the churchyard is considerably overhanging the footpath and the hedge at the back of Maurice Close needs attention.

Mandeville Hall   no report

Kimbolton Trust.   No report

Kimbolton School Governors.  No report.

151/21  PIAGGIO

It was agreed that the Piaggio was lately proving to be a problem and further agreed that it was time to replace it.     The question of the cost of replacement and what to purchase, will be considered at the next meeting.

152/21  CORRESPONDENCE    nothing not already circulated.

153/21  ACCOUNTS

  • The following were approved for payment –

K & M Lighting.               Streetlight maintenance                 £128.15

Fishers                             Sundries                                         £15.24

Mick George                    Skip hire                                        £230.20

Anglian Water                  Allotment water                             £115.12

Information Commissioner     Annual regn fee                        £40.00

Payroll costs                   Pay, PAYE, NIC August               £2244.77

                                                Piaggio car tax                        £96.00  

154/21 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR  was unable to be present.        


          No report 


Councillor Farrer reported a smell of drains on George corner. It appears Anglian Water have not repaired the drain.

157/21  IT WAS RESOLVED to exclude the Press and public from the next item in accordance with the provisions of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960.


The Clerk presented his report and it was agreed that the Working Party should consider it and make a decision.


The next normal meeting of Council  will be held on Thursday 30 September 2021 in the Youth hall of the Mandeville Hall commencing at 7pm..

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2125 hours.

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