Meeting Minutes: 26th January 2023
MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 26 January 2023 in the Youth Hall at the Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton.
PRESENT Councillors J Gray ; K Hutchinson; Mrs D Hellett ; Ms H Bradbury Mrs J Stainer; Mrs R Lloyd; R Gooderham; Ms C Jessup; and L Farrer
IN ATTENDANCE County Councillor I Gardener; District Councillor J Gray and Lionel Thatcher, Clerk to the Council.
Due to the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, Councillor Hutchinson, took the Chair.
1/23 APOLOGIES were received from Councillors P Seabrook and Mrs E Milne.
2/23 PUBLIC FORUM was not used.
Councillor Mrs Lloyd declared her continuing tenancy of an allotment.
4/23 COUNTY COUNCILLOR Ian Gardener said that he was currently very busy with the consultation on the proposed closure of Gt Gidding Primary School.
The Sustrans consultation is now closed. The decision upon charging for travel to Addenbrooke’s has not changed and the increase in bus services will not affect this area, as nothing is proposed west of the A1. Complaints have been received regarding Ting service, following the appointment of a different contractor and there was an occasion when people were stranded at the railway station, having been unable to book a return journey with Ting.
The Mayor of the combined authority is attempting to set a precept by that authority in respect of bus costs.
The County Council’s budget will be considered on 7 February and an increase of precept by the maximum possible (4.99%) is likely. The Fire Authority will be adding £5 to a Band D property.
Finally, bulk waste may now be taken to the recycling centres.
Councillor Gardener left the meeting.
5/23 MINUTES of the Council meeting of 15 December 2022 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.
- Neighbourhood Watch. No report
- Pound Lane Another contractor has been invited to quote, but no quotes received as yet.
Councillor Farrer joined the meeting.
- Pedestrian Crossing. The Clerk explained that cowls for the beacons had not been specified at the outset as it was only subsequently that these had been requested by residents living nearby. As a result, the cost of these has not been included in the total agreed price. The cost is £751.61 plus VAT and the Clerk asked for approval to make payment of this. It was proposed by Councillor Gooderham, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett and agreed to pay the cost of the cowls.
- Cemetery Wall repairs. No contractors identified as yet.
- MVAS signs Councillor Gray said that the figures this month were similar to previous ones and showed around 60% of traffic to be exceeding the limit. He suggested, and volunteered to take part in, Speedwatch, in the hope this would slow drivers.
District Councillor Jonathan Gray joined the meeting.
Councillor Gray suggested that the camera near the Prep School should be turned around and he proposed that consideration be given to purchasing solar kits for the cameras. It was agreed to place this on the agenda for the next meeting.
f) Health & Well-Being of Residents – winter project. The Clerk reported that numbers for both the fitness and swimming sessions were increasing as, as funding has been agreed to continue the sessions for the year without charge, that this be done.
g) LHI Bid. The Clerk reported that the bid had been submitted and the Panel meets in May.
a)The following application was considered –
22/02522 1 Easton Rd, Stonely – single storey rear extension.
It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Stainer, seconded by Councillor Ms Jessup and unanimously agreed to recommend approval whilst pointing out the possibility of this overlooking adjacent properties.
22/02493 9 Hatchet Lane, Stonely – erect dwelling with parking; new driveway; new access.
It was proposed by Councillor Farrer, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett that this be approved, but upon being put to the vote – and including the Chairman’s casting vote – this was lost.
A further vote proposed by Councillor Gray and seconded by Councillor Mrs Lloyd , that the application be refused, was successful, the reasons being out of character and upon a cramped site.
Councillor Gray said that a new Local Plan is to be produced, the last one having been in 2018. The general view is that so much has changed it is better to start anew rather than attempt to amend the existing. This will mean that a lot of areas will come out for consultation quite frequently and that more smaller sites are likely to be included. This could impact on this parish.
One Leisure prices are increasing and the Sawtry swimming pool will be closing.
He referred to the complaints about Ting and noted that the contractors, Vectare, will be attending our council meeting.
The District Council has established a department for “Place”. Consideration will be given to ideas such as ‘Wouldn’t it be great if………..’
A review of members’ allowances will take place at the next meeting with a proposed increase of 19%.
Councillor Farrer referred to Places for People housing which, he thought was poor.
Councillor Hutchinson said that biodiversity net gain is being introduced and this will result in large parts of sites not being developed.
District Councillor Gray left the meeting.
Allotments The report was presented by Councillor Mrs Hellett who said that the plots looked pretty average for the time of year and that, luckily, we do not seem to have suffered any burst pipes.
Playpark. The reinstatement of the roundabout has been completed. Replacement latches for the gates and a repair to the hole in the fence are awaited.
Dogs. Dog fouling still proves to be a problem and Councillor Gray asked whether additional signs could be put up. It was pointed out that when this was last done, they were torn down within a matter of days.
Pound Lane. Councillor Ms Bradbury said that the 4G pitch proposed by the Football Club would be of considerable benefit to the village.
Cemetery Cottage. The tenant has reported mould in the shower room and Councillor Farrer was asked if he could find time to investigate.
Village Maintenance. Crab apples still need clearing up from the Causeway
A sandbag has been left in Stonely.
Rookery Lane bridge appears to have moved slightly and there is concern that it might be dangerous. The Clerk will report this to Highways.
The pavement on London Road is breaking up.
A tree overhanging the river near the Butts will also be reported to Highways.
Mandeville Hall Committee. Councillor Hutchinson said that their lettings are ‘reasonable’ and a new booking system has been introduced. The committee would like to liaise with this council and the church over the coronation events.
Kimbolton Trust. No report
Kimbolton School Governors No report
10/23 FLOOD ACTION Councillor Mrs Hellett reported on behalf of the Chairman on the works being carried out by the Environment Agency in Stonely.
The Clerk reported that the faulty defibrillator which had been sent back to the manufacturer, was deemed irreparable. He therefore asked for approval to purchase a replacement at an estimated cost of £1500, plus a new battery for the other defibrillator. It was proposed by Councillor Gooderham, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett and unanimously agreed to make the purchases.
Our new Groundsman is willing to undertake spraying of weedkiller where necessary but will need a certificate of approval to spray in public places. There is a course available at a cost of £450. It was proposed by Councillor Gooderham, seconded by Councillor Mrs Lloyd and agreed to purchase the course.
A meeting of the Working Party took place on 19 January by Zoom and the recommendations were –
A street party, similar to the Jubilee, will be held on Sunday 7 May.
A road closure will be sought and a stage erected in High St. The Working Party will seek bands and other entertainment and a small commemorative gift will be provided to local children. The Clerk estimated that the total cost will be in the region of £8000 and this was approved.
None other than previously circulated.
The following were approved for payment
- K & M Lighting streetlight maintenance 128.15
- MG Recycling Skip hire 260.40
- VisionICT Annual charge for email addresses 259.20
- Kimbolton School Swimming pool hire 240.00
- Fenland Leisure resite carousel & replace surface 9034.80
- Grafton Projects Stationery 241.03
- HJ Hellett & Son Hedge cutting 330.00
- Aubergine Annual website hosting 358.60
- Cambs County Council LHI contribution 1757.80
- Ellington Thorpe Nursery Xmas trees 900.00
- H Brace Services Groundwork 1680.00
- Medisave Defibrillator + battery 2147.98
- Payroll costs Pay, PAYE & NIC + Honda tax 3138.95
16/23 HIGH ST CAR PARKING no report
Councillor Mrs Stainer stated that double yellow lines are required at the junction of Hunters Way with Newtown, because of the poor parking in that area.
It was agreed that the next normal meeting of Council will be held in the Youth Room at the Mandeville Hall on Thursday 23 February 2023 commencing at 7pm.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2203 hours.
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