Meeting Minutes: 26th October 2023


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 26 October 2023 in the Youth Hall at the Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton.

PRESENT  Councillors P Seabrook; Mrs R Lloyd; J Gray ;  Ms C Jessup; L Farrer; K Hutchinson; Mrs D Hellett and M Buckley. 

IN ATTENDANCE   County Councillor I Gardener; District Councillor J Gray; Lionel Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and one member of the public. 

165/23      APOLOGIES  were received from Councillors Mrs J Stainer; R Gooderham and Ms H Bradbury

166/23     PUBLIC FORUM  was not used.


   None were made

168/23     COUNTY COUNCILLOR  Ian Gardener said that in the bids for 20mph limits, Kimbolton had been ranked 43 out of 76 applications.   Should we wish to resubmit, then we can and they will offer guidance on achieving a higher position on the list.

Councillor Hutchinson said to Councillor Gardener that he had simply suggested that we apply for blanket 20mph coverage for the whole village, but had not told us of the matrix used and what matters are taken into account.    Councillor Gardener said that the County Council would go out to see how many residents supported such a scheme, if successful.  Councillor Hutchinson suggested that the officers be asked how they had arrived at their conclusions.

Councillor Farrer joined the meeting.

Councillor Gardener then referred to the questions asked regarding the humped pedestrian crossing.  He said that the engineer, Michael Martin, had explained that the lead-in to the ramp was specified as 1:25 but he had decided on site to extend the ramp to 1.5m, thus lowering the gradient.

So far as the cost of removal of the hump is concerned, it is estimated that this will be £35,000 to £45,000.      The cost of providing a ‘halo’ around the beacons in an effort to make them more visible, is estimated at £7000.

A resident had complained about cracks appearing in his property due to the impact of heavy vehicles on the crossing and the vibrations caused.   The onus would be on that resident to prove that the cracks were due to traffic causing vibration from the crossing and not for soil shrinkage and the like.

Following a question from the Chairman, it was confirmed that this council could ask for the halos to be included in any bid for improved signage.

The new Local Highways Officer is Karen Southwell and the Rights of Way Officer is Dan Weeks.

There had been many complaints about the weeds in gutters and these had caused a review of the policy to be made.  This will take place at the December or January meetings.

Bids for LHI funding can be submitted from tomorrow until Friday 27 January.

The Chairman thanked the County Council for the new footbridge on footpath FP16.

Councillor Gardener left the meeting.

169/23    MINUTES of the Council meeting of 28 September 2023 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting, subject to the inclusion under item 158/23 a) of a payment made to M Buckley of £11.48 in respect of materials for repairs to a playpark seat, which had been omitted.


  • Pound Lane   Work will commence when the weather is suitable.
  • Cemetery Wall repairs.  Work is underway, with the sections of wall needing replacing having been removed.
  • MVAS signs  Councillor Gray said that there has been little change in the traffic speeds recorded.  He suggested again asking the police to undertake speed checks near to the Prep School.
  • Christmas Event on 3 December.  Councillor Mrs Hellett said that she has 21 confirmed stalls so far.      Regency Funeral Directors have offered to provide a horse and carriage for 2 hours, perhaps from 2pm to 4pm, to raise money for charity by giving rides to children.

The Clerk confirmed that the road closure order was in place and he has invited David Watson to again take on the role of Town Crier.     The PA system and staging has been booked.

     A letter to residents regarding parking arrangements will be needed.

  • Playground Equipment.   It was agreed to seek funding from Huntingdonshire District Council.
  • Post Office.  The Clerk said he still awaited confirmation from the Area Manager as to whether the mobile post office could attend in Kimbolton.  So far, there has been no-one come forward to take on the Sub Post Office.
  • Commemorative Bench.  Councillor Buckley said he has identified one that he thinks is suitable and it was agreed that he should go ahead and arrange the purchase, asking for a pro-forma invoice to be sent to the Clerk so that he can make payment, this being around £700.
  • Pedestrian Crossing.        Following on from the discussion reported at 168/23 above, it was proposed by Councillor Mrs Lloyd, seconded by Councillor Hutchinson and agreed NOT to support the removal of the table hump at the crossing.
  • Banking Hub.  The Clerk reported that he had now received a response from Link, saying that they consider that Kimbolton and area is adequately served with provision for obtaining cash and that they would not recommend a banking hub for the village.   The Clerk did wonder about the validity of their decision, having seen their map showing locations where cash is available and which shows Wellingborough as being just 4 miles from Kimbolton!  However, it is clear that even allowing for surrounding areas, the population is simply not enough to – in their eyes – to warrant a banking hub.
  • Website.  Councillor Mrs Hellett referred to the draft website which had been circulated and invited comments. 

171/23    PLANNING

  • The following applications were considered –

23/01911/LBC  18-18b High St.,Kimbolton – internal works;new partitions & remove modern partitions.

The applicant was present and explained his wish to use the premises as a Veterinary Surgery.

It was proposed by Councillor Gray, seconded by Councillor Ms Jessup and unanimously agreed to approve the proposed works.

172/23  REPORTS

Allotments   Councillor Mrs Hellett presented the allotments report and suggested that, to try to ensure rubbish is not left when the plots are vacated, the allotments agreement be changed to require a larger deposit.

Playgrounds.   Replacement benches should be considered if it is not possible to satisfactorily repair the existing benches over the winter.            It was agreed to move the litter bins away from the benches.

District Councillor Jonathan Gray joined the meeting.

Trees.  In addition to those reported last month, the branch of a tree at Halls Meadow was broken and needed removing, as do willows on the ‘Drying Ground’.

Cemetery Cottage.  When the shower area is refurbished tiles will need replacing.   The kitchen lighting also needs looking at.

Personnel.  The grounds staff appraisal has been completed and reported to the Personnel Committee.

Environment. Councillor Ms Jessup reported an obstruction in the river . A tree is down as is the fence at Rookery bridge.

Village Maintenance.  The Clerk referred to the roses lining the pathway to the main door of the church and said that some of them were now past their best.  He asked for permission to purchase 12 bare root ‘Lucky’ roses and to arrange for our staff to plant them.  Likely cost for roses plus topsoil and fertiliser would be c£200.        This expenditure was agreed.

The Ginnell needs spraying to kill weeds.

The footpath sign in Pound Lane is leaning.

The footpath is breaking up on The Causeway.

The footbridge over the river on the footpath by Old Ford Lane needs replacing.

Footpaths have not been reinstated following harvest on fields to the north of the village.

Representatives on Outside Bodies.

Mandeville Hall.   Councillor Hutchinson said a meeting had been held but he had not attended.

Kimbolton Trust   No report

Kimbolton School Councillor Mrs Hellett said that work was commencing to re-route the footpath.

173/23  FLOOD FORUM  No report

174/23  REMEMBRANCE DAY   The Clerk confirmed arrangements were in hand and the Chairman will lay the council’s wreath at the War Memorial, whilst Mrs Gooderham will lay the one at the Airfield Memorial.                The Grounds Staff have cleared weeds and rubbish from the High St and made the War Memorial surroundings ready.


  • A letter was read from a resident complaining about the noise emanating from traffic ‘bouncing’ over the new crossing.
  • A reminder that bids for next year’s LHI round open tomorrow and close on 27 January.

176/23  ACCOUNTS

  • The following were approved for payment –

Arthur Ibbett          PPE                              72.65

Robinsons       Puncture repair                   15.72

Clear Insurance      Premium 2023/24    1078.56

Mick George      Skip hire & topsoil           271.19

Hunts D.C.        Fitness Instructor             172.80

Royal British Legion    2 x wreaths            40.00

K & M Lighting  Mtnce + new globes       656.15

Alan Linger             Tree surgery           1056.00

H Brace              October work              1540.00

Payroll costs      Pay,PAYE,NIC            2977.89

C L Thatcher  reimbursement petrol       158.82

177/23  DISTRICT COUNCILLOR  Councillor Gray said that the new Chief Executive of HDC is Michelle Sacks.

He said the matter of the problems within the Planning Department had been raised.

The result of the recent Local Plan ‘call for sites’ will not be determined until later next year.

The proposal to charge for green refuse bins is being discussed further.  

178/23  HIGH ST CAR PARKING  no report


Councillor Gray asked that the budget be better explained.

Councillor Buckley enquired about the costs involved with the new mower.

Councillor Mrs Hellett reported the recent theft of a car from the village and the attempted theft of a van. 


The next meeting of the Council will take place on Thursday 30 November 2023, commencing at 7pm in the Youth Room at the Mandeville Hall and the December meeting will be held on Thursday 14 December.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2230 hours.

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