Meeting Minutes: 26th September 2019


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 26 September 2019 at the Youth & Community Room, Mandeville Hall, Thrapston Rd., Kimbolton.

PRESENT  Councillors P Seabrook; K Hutchinson; Mrs D Hellett; D Poole; Mrs R Lloyd; Mrs S Hawkes; Mrs J Stainer and L Farrer.

IN ATTENDANCE  County Councillor I Gardener; C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and three members of the public.

Councillor K Hutchinson took the Chair in the absence of Councillor Seabrook.

141/19  APOLOGIES were received from Councillors Ms S Mugglestone and Mrs E Milne plus District Councillor J Gray.

142/19  PUBLIC FORUM  A developer was present together with the owner of Stonely House to explain what they hoped to do at the site, prior to applying for planning permission.

Permission currently exists for two dwellings on the site, but the hope is to develop the site with a total of six dwellings by making the existing house two flats with a cottage at the rear and further dwellings to the side..

The Chairman asked whether the property was on the ‘at risk’ register, but this is not known.  A member asked about visibility on entering the highway, but was told that the visibility would well exceed the requirements of the Highways Authority.

The Chairman thanked them for their presentation, the contents of which have been noted.

Another member of the public thanked Councillor Mrs Hellett for arranging the Crime Prevention meeting last Tuesday.

He then went on to criticise some of the policies shown on the Council website, saying that they are out of date, and felt that the Council website was too expensive and steps should be taken to use a free website.     The Clerk will investigate.


Councillor Mrs Hellett declared her ongoing interest in the matter of Mulberry Cottage stables.


Councillor Gardener said that he recently looked at the position of bus stops in the village, together with Andy Newton of the County Council and Councillor Poole.    They propose new stops in Station Rd and Stow Road and would like to move the present stop in Thrapston Rd, but the County Council will not fund that and the likely cost is c£300.00.

A meeting has been held with the footpaths officer, who is due to report back upon which footpaths are being maintained.

A complaint has been received regarding the Stattie Fair and the presence of HGVs in East St which, it is contended, is due to the lack of advance warning.  The County Council want a meeting with the event organizer.

The Chairman again made the point that this Council has no involvement in the organization of the Fair.

There will be from 1 October a ban on trailers using the recycling sites unless they have a permit under the trailer permit scheme, currently required for non-residents.   Applications can be made online for an e-permit.

Councillor Gardener left the meeting.

Councillor Seabrook joined the meeting and took the Chair.

145/19  MINUTES of the Council meetings held on 29 August 2019 and 12 September 2019 were read, approved and signed as a true record of those meetings. 


  • Neighbourhood Watch.    The Chairman thanked Councillor Mrs Hellett for organising the recent Crime Prevention evening.  Councillor Mrs Hellett said that over 50 residents attended, but she was disappointed that so few members of the Council did. She asked for her expenses amounting to £132.05 to be refunded.   She also commented that she was surprised to have been charged £54.00 for the use of the Mandeville Hall for an event which was intended to be of benefit to residents.
  • Hearse House repairs   The Clerk said that he had finally been told that the Planning Dept required confirmation that any tree roots found would be treated in accordance with the relevant British Standard.  He had written back to confirm this but had then been told that such a statement must be included within the arboricultural report.
  • CCTV.  The Clerk said that he had met with the Bursar and his Head of Security and been shown the area they wished to be covered by a camera.  It is perfectly feasible to do so, using the same lamp post, but there are concerns about data protection if recorded matter is shared.  Council thought it better that the two purposes are kept entirely separate.    The Clerk will advise the Bursar.
  • Purchase of ‘No Waiting’ cones.   Councillor Gooderham had said that it was impossible to obtain cones from the police any more and asked that 50 be purchased for use by the Council when needed.  Following discussion it was proposed by Councillor Poole, seconded by Councillor Mrs Stainer and agreed to purchase 50 cones at a cost of £349.50.   There was one vote against and 1 abstention.
  • Christmas Decorations.   The Working Party of Councillors Farrer; Ms Mugglestone and Mrs Hellett has not yet met.
  • Churchyard Cobbles.   Councillor Farrer offered to provide a specification of works to the Clerk so that estimates may be obtained.
  • Risk Management Working Party has not yet met, though Councillor Ms Muggelstone has provided suggestions. This will remain an agenda item.
  • Pound Lane Working Party.  It was not possible to meet on 12 September after all, so another date will be arranged.
  • 150 Bus Route.  As reported earlier, the route is to be changed to include part of Station Rd, Stow Road and Newtown Lane.


  • Applications  

19/01807HHFUL & 19/01808LB  4 Gimbers End, Stonely – single storey side & rear additions, replacement uPVC windows with timber, internal alterations to ground floor.

Councillor Farrer declared a pecuniary interest in this item, left the room, taking no part in the discussion and did not vote.

Following discussion, it was proposed by Councillor Poole, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett and agreed to recommend approval as appropriate development.  There was one abstention.

  • Ongoing Matters.     Mulberry Cottage stables.  No report.

148/19    REPORTS

Allotments.  The Clerk said that he has spoken with contractors and is awaiting estimates.  In addition to what is proposed, vacant plots need spraying.

Playpark.  The same issues remain and the Clerk will endeavour to get the same contractor as for the allotments to undertake the work.

The Clerk said that he had finally heard from Mr Clever Clean and had received a quote of £332.00 for cleaning the play equipment plus the goal end wall at Pound Lane.       It was proposed by Councillor Hutchinson, seconded by Councillor Mrs Lloyd and agreed to accept the quote.

Lighting.  PC22 in Station Rd was reported as being on 24 hours.

Trees  Councillor Hutchinson reported on the work done by a householder which has removed all vegetation in Halls Meadow at the end of his garden and that he has installed a gate.   It was accepted that it is difficult to insist upon the gate being removed as a number of properties backing onto Halls Meadow have, over many years, put in gates, but he thought the meadow looked a mess now and that we should be obtaining quotes for clearing overgrown areas.   This was agreed.

Outside Bodies.

Mandeville Hall.  Councillor Mrs Lloyd said that a Mandeville Hall Committee meeting had taken place today.  She said the hall is making good money and the intention is to buy a large battery to store excess power.  A grant of £7500 has been secured towards the cost.   The Village Halls Week is from 20 to 26 January next and on Friday 24 January there is an exhibit in the main hall and the Committee wants regular users, including the Parish Council, to join in and support it.

She also said that the Committee thought that the hedge at the front of the car park is a hazard, reducing visibility for vehicles exiting the car park, and that the car parking space available is inadequate, so would the Council consider extending the car park into the childrens’ play park.

It was agreed to take no action. 

Kimbolton School.  No meeting has taken place.


  • The Clerk reported on the proposed Town & Parish Council planning forum to take place on 12 March 2020.
  • The Clerk has received advice from our website provider that, in order to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act requirement that Council websites should be accessible through all types of devices, it would be necessary to replace our website with new.   The cost quoted is £900.00.   The Clerk will obtain other quotes before a decision is made.

Councillor Farrer left the meeting.

150/19  ACCOUNTS

a)The following were proposed and approved for payment –

Hofman Motors           Repair & servicing Piaggio                           260.40 inc VAT

PKF Littlejohn             External audit fee                                         360.00      

JD Trees Ltd               Removing unsafe branches                         360.00  no    

Fishers                               Groundsman sundries                            18.77  inc    

K & M Lighting                    Streetlight maintenance                       125.48      

FJW Humphrey Ltd         Piaggio MoT                                              37.80  no   

Mick George Ltd               Skip hire                                                 201.60  inc  

D Eades                             September work                                   413.10  no  

Payroll costs                      Pay, PAYE & NIC                               2186.36      

C L Thatcher                     Plaque for cemetery                              105.30. inc  

Mrs D Hellett      Crime Prevention meeting posters & hall hire      132.05      

151/19  DISTRICT COUNCILLOR was unable to be present.

152/19  HIGH STREET CAR PARKING  Nothing to report.


Councillor Poole said that the bench at The Butts needs repair.

Councillor Mrs Stainer said that the RBL have reported that paving stones around the war memorial are broken.

Councillor Mrs Hawkes said that the pavement at Tollfield is raised and cracked and there seems to be a lot of junk in the river around the footbridge.

Councillor Mrs Hellett said that the red ink of the notice giving contact details for councillors on the notice board has faded.

She also said that grass is growing onto the footpath towards Hatchet Lane.


The next normal meeting of Council will be held on Thursday 31 October 2019, commencing at 7pm in the Youth and Community Room at the Mandeville Hall.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2140 hours.

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