Meeting Minutes: 27th April 2023


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 27 April 2023 in the Youth Hall at the Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton.

PRESENT  Councillors P Seabrook; J Gray ; K Hutchinson; Mrs D Hellett ; Ms H Bradbury  Ms C Jessup; Mrs R Lloyd; Mrs J Stainer and L Farrer

 IN ATTENDANCE   County Councillor I Gardener; Lionel Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and one member of the public. 

56/23      APOLOGIES  were received from Councillor R Gooderham and District Councillor J Gray

57/23     PUBLIC FORUM was not used.


   Councillor Mrs Lloyd declared her continuing tenancy of an allotment .

59/23     COUNTY COUNCILLOR  Ian Gardener said that Great Gidding school closes on 31 August and there are only 15 pupils on the roll now, most having transferred to other schools.  The County Council is paying for the new school uniform for all those affected.

Councillor Hutchinson joined the meeting.

A new school is being built in Sawtry.

Vectare have, as promised, set aside 2 June as the date for their roadshow regarding the Ting bus service.

The County Highways Department is being reorganised.

LHI bids are to be considered at the end of May.

Councillor Gray asked about the 40mph buffer zones in Tilbrook and whether the 18 tonne limit signs could be made more obvious.

Councillor Hutchinson referred to the works which had been done in High St near The Courtyard, during which paving slabs had been lifted.  He notes that these stone slabs have now been replaced with concrete ones and wondered whether pressure could be brought to bear to have the original slabs, or similar, reinstated.

Councillor Gardener left the meeting.

60/23    MINUTES of the Council meeting of 30 March 2023 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting, though the Chairman wished it to be recorded that he did not agree with the decision in item 41/23 to request a 20mph limit throughout the village.      He also pointed out that the proposed realignment of the footpath through School grounds did not link into the footpath network at Hatchet Lane.


  • Neighbourhood Watch. No report
  •   Pound Lane  Quotations are still awaited.
  • Cemetery Wall repairs.  Councillor Mrs Hellett has viewed the wall together with Councillor Farrer and determined the areas to be repaired first.  Councillor Farrer will provide an estimate of cost.
  • MVAS signs  Councillor Gray reported current readings, but was unable to provide any for Park Lane as the sign appeared not to be working.            It was suggested that the grounds staff be asked to check fortnightly that the signs are working .
  • Health & Well-Being of Residents The sessions are remaining popular. 
  • Cemetery Cottage.  A further quote is awaited..
  • Coronation Event Working Party.  Councillor Mrs Hellett said that it all appears to be coming together and she will purchase 3 x £10 gift vouchers for the three classes in the ‘design a crown’ competition for children.


The Clerk reported that three expressions of interest had been received, all of whom qualified. One of the candidates was in attendance and was asked to leave the room whilst a vote by show of hands was taken.

The candidate polling the most votes was Martin Buckley and it was he who was in attendance.  Mr Buckley was invited back into the room and welcomed into membership of the council.

Councillor Mrs Stainer left the meeting.

Councillor Farrer joined the meeting.

63/23    PLANNING

No application had been received.

An enquiry will be made of HDC as to their decision on applications 22/02170HHFUL and 22/02171LBC re 10 London Rd.

64/23  REPORTS

Allotments   Plot 27 has now been cleared and the grounds staff are working on other areas of the allotments.  It was mentioned that the bench in the allotments needs cleaning.

Playpark.   One of the gates has already lost its latch.  The tree by the Mandeville Hall entrance needs trimming and the bolt on the exercise equipment requires tightening.

It was suggested that the cost of a disability swing might be investigated.

Outside Bodies.

Mandeville Hall.  Councillor Hutchinson said that their AGM was tomorrow, commencing at 7pm,followed by a committee meeting.

Kimbolton School Governors.  Councillor Mrs Hellett said that the survey of the footpath had been done and it is hoped to undertake the work to the swimming pool over the summer break.

65/23 FLOOD ACTION   No report, but the Chairman said it was important that brambles are not allowed to grow again on the Drying Ground..

66/23  LITTER PICK  Sunday 28 May was suggested, from 1030 until 1230.

67/23  WEBSITE  The Clerk said that a new website had had to be provided, as our previous one was not Disability Discrimination Act compliant.      The new website was in quite a different format from the old and uses ‘Wordpress’, with which he is not familiar.  As a result, he has great difficulty in uploading information and, indeed, designing an attractive website.     He wondered whether any member of the Council, familiar with WordPress, might be willing to step in and keep the website updated.

Councillor Ms Bradbury said that she would be happy to see if she could help and will liaise with the Clerk. 

Councillor Ms Bradbury left the meeting.

68/23  CORRESPONDENCE   nothing other than that referred to elsewhere in these minutes.


The following were approved for payment 

  • K & M Lighting             streetlight maintenance               128.15
  • MG Recycling            Skip hire                                         260.40
  • Arthur Ibbett               Hi Vis jacket for groundskeeper      36.00
  • Lockwood Litho          Dog fouling signs                          100.80
  • Playsafety Ltd          RoSPA playground inspection        192.60
  • Louise Halsall           Aqua-fit Instructor course               330.00
  • Fishers                       Sundries                                         43.99
  • H Brace Services          Groundwork                             1120.00
  • Payroll costs         Pay, PAYE & NIC                             2977.89
  • Petrol, hi-vis tabards;dowell reimbursement                    175.78

70/23  DISTRICT COUNCILLOR was unable to be present

71/23  HIGH ST CAR PARKING  no report


Councillor Farrer asked whether Carnaby surface could be repaired.  He also mentioned the rubbish gathering in gutters which, these days, never seems to be cleared.  He wondered whether the use of a roadsweeper could perhaps be shared with the School, or whether an attachment to our strimmer body of a Stihl Brush might be the answer.

Councillor Mrs Hellett suggested that a Street Market be held on Castle Green on Saturday 19 August 2023.         She will find out the date of the School’s Christmas Fair so that we can arrange the Christmas Lights switch-on.


It was agreed that the next normal meeting, which will be the annual meeting, of Council will be held in the Youth Room at the Mandeville Hall on Thursday 25 May 2023 commencing at 7pm.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2150 hours.

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