Meeting Minutes: 27th January 2022


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 27 January 2022 in the Youth Hall at the Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton.

PRESENT  Councillors P Seabrook; K Hutchinson; R Gooderham;  Mrs R Lloyd ;  L Farrer;  Mrs D Hellett.; Mrs E Milne; Ms C Jessup and Mrs J Stainer.

 IN ATTENDANCE  County Councillor I Gardener; C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and 4 members of the public. 

1/22      APOLOGIES  were received from Councillors Ms S Mugglestone;  D Poole and District Councillor J Gray.

2/22     PUBLIC FORUM  was not used.


  Councillor Mrs Hellett declared her interest in the matter of Mulberry Cottage stables.

4/22     COUNTY COUNCILLOR Gardener referred to the ongoing saga of the pedestrian crossing.  He said that a revised quote had now been received, in the sum of £61370 for the crossing with platform and £50354 without.  This represents an increase of £13373 over the original quote.   He had been seeking assurances from the County Council that they would absorb the additional cost, but had been told that the fund which had agreed to provide the original grant had been exhausted and that Highways could not reduce their £2100 fee.  He had no other options.

He suggested that Council might consider going for the crossing without platform with a view to installing the platform at a later date when more funds became available..

Councillor Mrs Stainer joined the meeting.

Councillor Gardener said that the County’s intention was to raise their element of Council Tax by 4.99%.  This would raise an extra £16.48M, but it had been decided to place £9M of that in reserves.

The LHI bids would be heard on either 28 February or 2 March and, in the case of this Council, it is 2 March and by remote means.

Councillor Gooderham joined the meeting.

Councillor Gardener left the meeting.

5/22    MINUTES of the Council meeting of 16 December  2021 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.


  • Neighbourhood Watch.  The Clerk said that there appears to be a local problem with hare coursers and people ‘lamping’.
  • Pound Lane  It was agreed to submit the planning application for the car park, but clarification was required as to whether the suggested ‘change of use’ was correct.  Councillor Hutchinson was sure that it was not and he will make enquiries and report back.  It seems John Lightfoot is under the impression that a plastic grid was to be laid for car parking, when in fact our intention was grasscrete or similar.
  • Twinning.   No action to be taken during the pandemic.
  • Pedestrian Crossing   Councillor Gardener’s report is detailed above and members continued the discussion.  It was felt very strongly that all the delays have been caused by both County Highways and their contractor, Milestone.  It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Hellett, seconded by Councillor Mrs Lloyd and unanimously agreed to pursue the County Council for the balance of the money now needed for the project and to insist that the full scheme, with platform, be undertaken.
  • Cemetery Wall repairs.  It was agreed to defer this 
  • Weight Limit Signage.   The Clerk reported having made the request and an acknowledgment has been received.
  • Street Market.  The Clerk said that it was going to be unlikely that Highways will have completed their enquiries about our Charter (in order to see if we should be charged by them) in time to approve 10 April,, so it was agreed to consider a market on Saturday 4 June and to use Castle Green again, subject to the approval of the School. 

     h)  Flood protection.  A meeting with interested parties, including the Environment Agency, will be held at 2pm on 31 January, meeting at Carnaby bridge.

.i)  Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration.  It was agreed to ask for a children’s roundabout to be present (for which we would pay) and possibly some fairground ride for adults.  Councillor Gooderham will enquire.

The Working Party will meet soon and determine –

Games for children and adults, including tug o’war and skittles; photographer; perhaps a caricature artist; events for the stage, music by local groups/children if possible with a band of some sort for the evening.

The Clerk has applied for the road closure and will appoint the same Traffic Management Company as for the market.

k.  Thrapston Rd streetlight.  Concerns were raised at the cost, bearing in mind that we may be called upon to contribute more to the pedestrian crossing.  Councillor Ms Jessup thought we should proceed in any case but Councillor Mrs Lloyd thought it should be put on hold. Councillor Farrer is, in any case, investigating the cost of solar powered lighting for Thrapston Road and will report to the next meeting.  It was agreed to defer lighting Halls Meadow.

l) ) Coronavirus Update.  There have been reports of a number of local cases of Omicron but, fortunately, no reports of serious illness.

7/22    PLANNING

The following applications were considered –

21/02766  Five Oaks, Rookery Lane, Kimbolton –  lift crowns of trees.     Councillor Hutchinson abstained from this item.

Councillor Mrs Lloyd commented that no plan of the affected trees had been provided.                   It was nevertheless proposed by Councillor Mrs Hellett; seconded by Councillor Mrs Stainer and agreed to recommend approval.

21/02748   Land east of cemetery, Kimbolton – extension for toilet.

Following discussion, it was proposed by Councillor Gooderham, seconded by Councillor Mrs Lloyd and unanimously agreed to recommend refusal of this application, as being an unjustifiable extension in the countryside.

Ongoing –  a) Mulberry Cottage stables – no reports, but the Clerk has received a letter of complaint from the owners of the property, regarding the fact that this appears on our agenda for each meeting.  It had been included as an aide memoir because of concerns about unauthorised development, but it was agreed that it was not necessary to continue this.

                 b)  Former bank building, High St –  Councillor Hutchinson reported having attended the Development Management Committee meeting where he spoke against the proposed change to a single residential unit.  This was supported by Councillor Gardener but by no-one else at the meeting, despite what was being proposed being contrary to the Local Plan.


Allotments.     Councillor Mrs Hellett said we do need orange plastic fencing around the bonfire area as rubbish is still being put there.

Footpaths.   The one near Overhills has still not been reinstated.           The Ginnell needs ivy near Bell House to be removed.

Playpark   The multiplay unit has algae on it which needs removing.

Outside Bodies.  Kimbolton School Governors.  Councillor Mrs Hellett reported that 6 pupils were currently absent due to Covid.


Due to the possible need to put more money into the pedestrian crossing it was agreed not to purchase play equipment at this time.    

10/22   MVAS SIGNS    The Clerk said that the posts for the signs were being installed and the signs should go live by the end of March.      He reminded members that these signs will be battery powered and the rechargeable batteries will need removing and charging each fortnight.  Someone will have to be found to do that job.


  • A letter has been received from the Chairman of the Mandeville Hall committee regarding problems which are continuing in the computer room, where there appears to be water ingress which has lifted the flooring.   He has had surveyors and loss adjusters look at it and the cause is thought to be because the tarmac outside has been laid and covers the DPC.    The Chairman assumes that this is the responsibility of the Parish Council because we arranged the laying of the tarmac on the car park, but the strip of tarmac from the road to the computer room was, in fact, laid by the Mandeville Hall committee, when Max Hartley was Chairman.

Members agreed that we have no responsibility for the damage, but agreed that, should the Mandeville Hall committee require grant aid to rectify the problems, then this would be considered.

It was pointed out that damp could be being introduced to the building by the routeing of the cables from the solar panels, which enter the building near the former door to the storage area at the front of the computer room.  Here the cables slope downwards towards the wall, thus allowing water to run into the building, and the hole into which they go is much bigger than the cables and has not been sealed.

  • Letter received from the new Scoutmaster at Kimbolton, introducing himself, offering assistance and requesting a donation towards an opportunity for two Explorer Scouts to visit the World Jamboree in South Korea next year.   Councillor Mrs Hellett thought we should help with this if possible.  We have little money available for donations this year, but the Chairman offered the balance of his allowance, £150, and it was agreed to contribute this, being proposed by Councillor Gooderham and seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett..   Councillor Hutchinson suggested that they be invited to contact both Kimbolton Trust and Rotary, who may be willing to help.


  • The following were approved for payment 
  • K & M Lighting      maintenance & lamp replacement               392.15
  • Zurich Municipal   Insurance for Honda             387.63                                                                                                               
  • Cosmic Car Sales       Purchase of Honda      6000.00
  • Seabrook Farms            Weedkiller                   112.32
  • Hofman Motors           Service & check Honda      259.70
  • J Whitehead                 Cemetery work              45.00
  • SLCC                   Annual subscription             256.00
  • JD Landscaping         Grass cutting             11638.32
  • Smith of Derby       Church clock mtnce          266.40
  • Payroll                  Pay, PAYE & NIC             2313.60

CL Thatcher reimbursement- car tax  170.00

Paint for banners        222.00

Material for banners        61.72 

Gift                                 21.00

Fuel  Piaggio & Honda   62.17

VAT on above                61.77                                                                                   

Total 598.66

13/22   DISTRICT COUNCILLOR was unable to be present

14/22  HIGH ST CAR PARKING  no report


Councillor Farrer said he thought the Christmas lights went well and he thinks businesses should be approached and asked to contribute next year.

Councillor Mrs Stainer pointed out that the pavement in London Road had still not been reinstated properly by Anglian Water, despite requests.

She also again referred to the need for work to be done at the junction with Hunters Way and Newtown and that the lefthand side of Hunters Way was eroding.

She said that younger families were concerned at the lack of hedges offering a barrier between the footpath in Carnaby and the river.

Councillor Mrs Lloyd said that the cemetery vehicle gate is always open.

16/22  NEXT MEETING   

It was agreed that the next normal meeting of Council will be held in the Youth Room at the Mandeville Hall on Thursday 24 February 2022 commencing at 7pm.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2210 hours.

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