Meeting Minutes: 28th March 2019
MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 28 March 2019 at the Youth & Community Room, Mandeville Hall, Thrapston Rd., Kimbolton.
PRESENT Councillors P Seabrook (in the Chair);K Hutchinson; Mrs D Hellett; D Poole; Mrs R Lloyd; L Farrer; Mrs J Stainer & R Gooderham..
IN ATTENDANCE County Councillor I Gardener; District Councillor J Gray; C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and 1 member of the public..
35/19 APOLOGIES were received from Councillors Ms S Mugglestone; Mrs E Milne & Mrs S Hawkes.
36/19 PUBLIC FORUM was not used.
Councillor Mrs Hellett declared her ongoing interest in the matter of Mulberry Cottage stables
Councillor Gardener said that the Commercial & Investments Committee had given permission for a new Civic hub at Alconbury and, subject to planning, the build should start in July 2020.
The County Council is formulating a plastics strategy regarding single use plastic.
They have agreed to pay a real living wage of £9 per hour for all workers at the County Council.
The East/West rail link has supported the route from Bedford via Sandy and Bassingbourn.
The preferred route for the new A428 is the ‘orange’ route and there will be flyovers at Black Cat intersection.
Councillor Mrs Lloyd joined the meeting.
Councillor Gardener mentioned our lack of success in being selected for the Local Highway Initiative funding and that generated a lengthy discussion. It was agreed to place the matter of double yellow lines at Castle Gardens/Pound Lane on the agenda for the next meeting.
39/19 MINUTES of the Council meeting held on 28 February 2019 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.
- Neighbourhood Watch. No report.
- Hearse House repairs Building regs approval still awaited.
- Causeway Oak Tree. The tree is too big for the tomography machine so will be monitored by the County Council.
- Solar lighting. Information on types provided but this may not now be required.
- CCTV. The Clerk said that he had met with Millennium Security again and they were confident of being able to provide cameras which gave a good clear image, day and night. There was a reluctance from some property owners in High St to have a camera sited on their property and, of course, it is a conservation area, so the possibility of placing the cameras outside the conservation area at either end was being investigated. It may be necessary for them to be sited on columns.
These were discussed and it was thought that, if we had a car park, it would be worth installing such points, but since we don’t , the only place is the High St and it was not thought appropriate to place more street furniture there. The point was also made that battery technology is moving on apace and it will not be too long before charging can take place without a physical connection being made. It was therefore agreed to take no action.
- Applications
19/00453 9 Grass Yard – convert garage to annexe.
A letter from a neighbour objecting to the proposal was read. Members noted that no reason had been given for requiring an ‘annexe’ and it was felt that this development was destined to be a separate dwelling, rather than an annexe to number 9. This being the case, it would be ‘backland’ or ‘tandem’ development and should be refused. There are also issues with parking and access.
It was proposed by Councillor Gooderham, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett and unanimously agreed to recommend refusal.
19/00349 Land E 14 Harvard Way, Bicton – erect B2 industrial unit with B1 office and parking.
It was proposed by Councillor Gooderham, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett and agreed to recommend approval.
- Ongoing Matters. Mulberry Cottage stables. No report.
Allotments. Councillor Mrs Hellett presented her report and highlighted those plots in need of attention. One in particular did not appear to have been worked at all. The Clerk said he had recently spoken with the tenant, who intended starting work soon.
The Chairman asked about hedge cutting and was disappointed to learn that, despite many requests for this to be done, not all of the hedge had been cut. It was agreed that the Chairman will send a letter to the staff, requiring action on this.
District Councillor Gray joined the meeting.
Playpark. Councillor Mrs Hellett noted that the beech tree had been pruned but felt that not enough had been cut off. The Clerk will speak with the contractor.
She also pointed out that the wood beneath a seat on the roundabout appeared to be disintegrating.
Councillor Farrer joined the meeting
Pound Lane. The Working Party met before this meeting but the Chairman said that the Football Club was not represented. The Cricket Club seems keen to come in on the idea of a sports building and they are keen to run a bar. We now need to see what funding can be obtained. The Sports Council website has good designs of buildings, which could help with a decision and estimated costs.
Neighbourhood Watch.
Councillor Mrs Lloyd reported on her attendance at the Blueline Security presentation on security patrols in villages in this area. The idea is that they will patrol villages in a 7 mile radius from here if 25% of householders agree to subscribe £10 per month. Alternatively , parish councils could precept for the whole parish and this would cost £3.58 per month. She said that the attendance at the meeting was only 29, so it may not get sufficient interest.
Kimbolton School Governors.
Councillor Mrs Hellett said that the planning application for the Preparatory School alterations had been approved.
Mandeville Hall. Councillor Mrs Lloyd said that there has been no meeting recently.
Highways. Councillor Poole pointed out that the manhole cover on the B645 near to Rookery Lane needed attention.
It was agreed to suspend Standing Orders to enable this to again be considered.
Councillor Hutchinson said that we need to be consistent. We have twice considered replacing this lamp and both times decided not to do so, yet two residents attended the Annual Parish Meeting and the decision is immediately taken to about-turn and provide the lamp.
It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Stainer, seconded by Councillor Farrer and agreed to replace the lamp, with one member against and one abstaining.
There was no correspondence not elsewhere reported.
a)The following were proposed and approved for payment –
St Neots Museum Donation 100.00 no VAT
K & M Lighting Maintenance Feb & Mar 250.96 inc “
Geoxphere Ltd Online mapping subscription 42.00 “ “
SLCC Annual subscription 236.00 no “
House of Flags Union flag 87.00 inc “
Fishers Sundries 16.74 “ “
JD Trees & Landscaping Tree work 420.00 no “
D Eades March work 451.36 “ “
Payroll costs Pay, PAYE & NIC 2108.43 “ “
47/19 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR Jonathan Gray said that there had been no meeting in the last month. Council tax bills had been issued and there will be a special Council meeting in two or three months to approve the Local Plan.
The District Council has purchased property in St Neots, including the cinema and surrounding buildings.
Councillor Mrs Hellett said that a tree on the left of the cemetery entrance appeared in distress.
Councillor Mrs Stainer complained that the Annual Parish Meetings was not adequately advertised.
The next normal meeting of Council will be held on Thursday 25 April 2019, commencing at 7pm in the Youth and Community Room at the Mandeville Hall.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2050 hours.
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