Meeting Minutes: 28th September 2023


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 28 September 2023 in the Youth Hall at the Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton.

PRESENT  Councillors P Seabrook; J Gray ;  Ms C Jessup; L Farrer; Mrs J Stainer; K Hutchinson; Mrs D Hellett; M Buckley and R Gooderham.

IN ATTENDANCE   County Councillor I Gardener; Lionel Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and three members of the public. 

145/23      APOLOGIES  were received from Councillors Mrs R Lloyd and Ms H Bradbury

146/23     PUBLIC FORUM Two members of the public were present to hear the result of approaches to the County Council regarding the pedestrian crossing and noise emanating from it.   Discussion was deferred until 148/23 below in the County Councillor’s report.


   Councillor Mrs Hellett declared an interest in matters relating to Kimbolton School and  Councillor M Buckley in 9 East St..

148/23     COUNTY COUNCILLOR  Ian Gardener said that all High Street drains are to be cleared and jetted soon.     The Chairman asked that we be notified when this was to happen, so that we might place traffic cones out to enable the vehicle to get near to the drains.

A new Rights of Way Officer starts in October as do two Green Infrastructure Managers.  Sharon Middleton our Local Highways Officer is leaving now and her replacement will start in October.

He said that he had met with the Highways Engineer regarding the pedestrian crossing and explained the complaints received from two residents living nearby about the noise caused by some vehicles ‘bouncing’ over the raised platform.   It was suggested that the crossing needed highlighting to drivers to make sure they were aware of it and that they slowed down.  Triangles painted on the road surface on both approaches, together with the word ‘Slow’ plus additional chevrons on the ramps themselves. Additionally, two new posts will be erected so that our MVAS signs can be moved there and also draw attention to the crossing.   Funding for these works could be by means of an LHI bid or, if required sooner, by this Council funding the works.  It is estimated that the cost will be c£7500.

The question was asked about the construction of the ramps which, it was thought, were steeper one side than the other.  Were they built to specification?   Councillor Gardener will ask for copies of the engineering drawings so that we may check that the installation is correct.

The possibility of placing “halos” on the beacons, to make them more noticeable, was also discussed.

Councillor Gardener will, for the sake of completeness, also ask for the cost of removing the platform. 

The County Council is reviewing its policy relating to weed growth in gutters, following many complaints throughout the county regarding their decision not to weed kill in those areas any more.

Councillor Hutchinson asked about the 20 mph limit introduction.  Councillor Gardener said that we had not been successful in our bid and that he would provide a list of those who were successful.  It will be possible to bid again later. 

Councillor Gardener and Councillor Gooderham left the meeting.

149/23    MINUTES of the Council meeting of 31 August 2023 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting, subject to altering 135/23 b) to show that Councillor Ms Jessup abstained on this matter..


  • Pound Lane   A Working Party was held earlier tonight at which the tenders received from three contractors were received and discussed.       The tenders were in three parts, relating to the preparation of the land; supply of materials and reinstatement following the laying of the car park surface.    The tenders were, in total, from LARC in the sum of £69520; Lattenbury in the sum of £57560 and Farrer and associates in the sum of £52000.      It was proposed by Councillor Seabrook;  seconded by Councillor Hutchinson and agreed to appoint E Farrer and son and associates as the successful tenderers.  Councillor Farrer took no part in the discussion and did not vote.
  • Cemetery Wall repairs.  The replacement bricks have now arrived.
  • MVAS signs  Councillor Gray said that if the Grounds Staff are to replace the batteries they should be aware that they last up to three weeks.  They will also move the signs around the village.
  • Christmas Event on 3 December has generated a lot of interest, said Councillor Mrs Hellett, and there will be new stalls.
  • Statty Fair.  Councillor Gooderham had had to leave due to work commitments, but the comment was made that the traffic management was poor.  Admittedly, the weather was bad, but the TM people did not control the traffic and had set up the barrier at the west end near to the west door of the church, rather than between Carnaby and Budgens.  It was felt that they had not been briefed properly on what was required, resulting in a lot of drivers using East St.  Fortunately, there were no HGV’s.
  • Grass Cutting.  The Clerk said that all areas had now been cut several times and were looking much better.  The mower has now moved into its new garaging, in the container, together with the hearse and various other items from the Hearse House which are not required on a day to day basis. The traffic cones currently stored at the Fire Station, will join them.
  • Website.  Councillor Mrs Hellett said the supplier is still working on it and should have something for council to look at soon
  • Coronation Bench. A number of designs had been circulated and it was proposed by Councillor Ms Jessup, seconded by Councillor Buckley and agreed, to purchase a teak bench which had the wording and the coronation crest engraved on the back. The price for the 2 seater is £849 though a 3 seater is available.
  • Credit Card and bank accounts.    The Clerk said that he had been unsuccessful in obtaining a corporate credit card due, it seems, to suppliers requiring more turnover than we were likely to provide.  It was, however, possible to obtain a corporate credit card from Unity Trust Bank if we were to bank with them.  He felt that we should make the change in any case as they are much easier to deal with and offer a good service.  Many councils use them.  We could then set up internet banking and move away from cheque payments, with all members being listed as ‘authorisers’ of payments and able to view the accounts.   Currently, we have a number of savings accounts, including two for Halls Meadow; one for the airfield memorial and one for a bequest.  There is no need for all these and he proposed that just two accounts are held, a current account and a savings account, as any separation can be undertaken through the accounting system – though there doesn’t appear to be any reason for having separate accounts.

It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Hellett, seconded by Councillor Buckley and unanimously agreed to move our banking from Barclays to Unity Trust Bank and to set up internet banking.

151/23    PLANNING

  • The following applications were considered –

23/00947  11 London Rd Kimbolton – application for certificate of lawful development.

              This matter had been dealt with earlier due to the need to respond and our earlier views have been reiterated.      Council was very concerned that no enforcement action has been taken regarding alterations to a listed building without approval and expressed surprise that the County Council did not appear to have commented on the encroachment onto its land.

23/01732  9 East St, Kimbolton – new windows and internal works.

Councillor Buckley declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion nor did he vote.

It was proposed by Councillor Ms Jessup, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett and agreed to recommend approval as appropriate development.

23/01227  Manor House, Grass Yard, Kimbolton –  single storey side and rear extension; new front porch; new patio and seating area.

It was proposed by Councillor Farrer, seconded by Councillor Mrs Stainer and agreed to recommend approval as appropriate development.    Councillors Hutchinson and Gray both abstained from voting.

  • New Local Plan – Call for Sites

Councillor Hutchinson said that as a part of compiling the Local Plan an invitation had gone out inviting landowners and developers to submit their proposals for development.   Proposals are all they are at present and this Council has no involvement whatsoever in this, though he thought members would like to know what is proposed.

The largest site is from Stow Road eastwards across and behind the Kimbolton Primary Academy and could include 100 to 200 dwellings.

Off Main Road Stonely, in the area of the 30mph limit signs, a development is proposed on each side of the road.

Parratt land from Hatchet Lane to the river is included

Land at Britain’s Farm off Catworth Rd is also included.

Councillor Hutchinson pointed out that we are not being consulted on any of these sites at this time.

152/23  REPORTS

Allotments   Councillor Mrs Hellett presented the allotments report.

Playgrounds.   Councillor Buckley was thanked for making repairs to a swing seat. It was noted that the other one is not too good.

Trees.  The Clerk reported that two trees in the churchyard need attention and it is suggested that the church tower is cracking in places due to the close proximity of one of them.  The Lebanon Cypress in the cemetery has lost a large branch which, unfortunately, has broken some headstones.  Other broken branches are hung up in the tree and need removing, so the Clerk will arrange this with a tree surgeon.  In the meantime, the area has been cordoned off.

Cemetery Cottage.  Dampness in the shower room appears to have been caused by the shower door having been wrongly fitted.  It needs replacing and the cost will be around £1100, including labour.

Personnel.  It was agreed that Councillors Ms Jessup and M Buckley will complete the staff appraisal and a date convenient to all will be sought.

Cemetery.  The broken bench has been moved and is awaiting repair.

Representatives on Outside Bodies.

Mandeville Hall.   Councillor Hutchinson said a meeting had been held on 12 September.   A new Yoga group has started on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  The roof leak has proved to just be a loose tile.  The Childrens’ Christmas Party will be held on 12 December.

Kimbolton Trust   No report

Kimbolton School Councillor Mrs Hellett said that the new Head Master was now in post.     The repairs to the swimming pool appear to be a much bigger job than planned and will result in the pool being shut for five months from April next year.

153/23  FLOOD FORUM  The Chairman circulated the report and said that the Environment Agency consider that the silt berms will cost £50,000 to remove, so they don’t propose doing so.  A site meeting is awaited.


The Clerk said that he estimated that just under £4000 would remain of the £10,000 allocation for the Fitness and AquaFit classes at the year end.  He thought that a small charge, perhaps £2 per session, might be levied from January and thereby the sessions could be continued for around 9 months.  Following that it may be necessary to charge the actual costs.    The problem is that it is difficult to gauge how long the money will last, as the number of participants varies, so it is possible that we may become overspent by a small amount.   Members accepted the proposal to charge and the possible need to cover an overspend.


The Clerk said that the conference was being held from 10 to 12 October this year at Hinckley, Leics. The cost is £390 plus VAT.  It was agreed that the Clerk should attend.

156/23  PLAYGROUNDS It was agreed that investment in new equipment is needed, particularly at Pound Lane and Councillor Mrs Hellett will investigate options and costs.


  • A letter has been received from a resident complaining about the dog mess around the village and, particularly, near the Primary Academy.  Members are aware that the problem is ongoing and they urge anyone seeing a dog being allowed to foul the pavements to, ideally, take a photograph and notify this council or the Dog Wardens at Huntingdonshire District Council.
  • The Clerk said that he has been trying to make contact with the Post Office to find out what is happening about a replacement Sub Postoffice, but so far has been unable to contact the Area Manager.

He has contacted the operator of the mobile PO, who says that it would be possible to visit Kimbolton once a week, but the agreement of the Area Manager is first required.

The Clerk has also been in touch with Link, who can arrange banking hubs, and has completed their form detailing the demographics of this area, including the number of residents, number of businesses and the distance to both post offices and ATMs.     Their reply is awaited.

  • The external auditor, RKF Littlejohn LLP, has completed our audit for 2022/23 and has raised no queries.  The audit has not been signed off.

158/23  ACCOUNTS

  • The following were approved for payment –

Hunts DC                 Fitness instructor fees                    216.00

K & M Lighting          Streetlight maintenance                 128.15

Mick George             Skip hire                                         223.20

Barcham Trees          Oak tree                                        252.00

Arthur Ibbett         Regn.fee & number plate                     72.99

SLCC Enterprises     Conference fee                              452.00

PKF Littlejohn        External audit fee                              504.00

Fishers                    Sundries                                            63.71

FirstCall TM          Part TM for Statty fair                      1677.60

H Brace                  September work                             1680.00

Payroll costs          Pay, PAYE,NIC                              2977.89

C L Thatcher          Petrol for mowers  & keys                142.75

Catworth Service Stn      Service Honda                        294.59

159/23  DISTRICT COUNCILLOR  was unable to be present

160/23  HIGH ST CAR PARKING  no report


Councillor Ms Jessup reminded members that a service of thanksgiving for John Haas will be held at the church on 7 October, commencing at 2.30pm.

162/23  RESOLVED to exclude the Press and public from the following item in accordance with the provisions of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960

163/23  COMPLAINT TO INFORMATION COMMISSIONER          The Clerk outlined the circumstances of this complaint which, it was thought had been concluded, but the complainant had written again to the ICO and also to the Chairman.  The correspondence was read and duly noted. 


The next meeting of the Council will take place on Thursday 26 October 2023, commencing at 7pm in the Youth Room at the Mandeville Hall.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2200 hours.

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