Meeting Minutes: 29th April 2021


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 29 April 2021 by means of video conferencing due to the coronavirus pandemic.

PRESENT  Councillors P Seabrook; K Hutchinson; D Poole; Mrs C Jessup; L Farrer ; Mrs D Hellett; Mrs R Lloyd ; Ms S Mugglestone & Mrs J Stainer ..

IN ATTENDANCE  District Councillor J Gray; County Councillor I Gardener; C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and one member of the public.

61/21  APOLOGIES  were received from Councillor Mrs E Milne.

62/21  PUBLIC FORUM  was not used.


Councillor Mrs Hellett declared an interest in the ongoing matter of Mulberry Cottage stables and Councillor Mrs Lloyd in the planning application relating to Tudor Court.


Councillor Gray said that HDC’s Operations Dept had been clearing litter from the A14 slip roads and laybys and had collected 5 tonnes of litter.  They are not permitted to collect from the carriageways themselves.

The budget for 2020/2021 had ended a little better than expected .  The collection rate for Council Tax had been 97.8% and for business rates, 96%.

HDC had been suffering problems with their ‘phone system.

Councillor Poole asked whether HDC could help with a problem with rats in the area of Station Rd.  They appeared to be nesting in rubbish dumped in the roadside ditch. Councillor Gray said that they could assist with removing rubbish, but the clearing of the ditch was the County Council’s responsibility.

A question was also asked about the public footpath which runs straight through the middle of Kimbolton School grounds. It was thought that it should be re-routed so that there was no excuse for people to go through the school when it was in session.  Councillor Gray said that views are being sought on this and it was agreed to place the matter on the agenda for the next meeting.

Councillor Ms Muggleston joined the meeting.

Councillor Gray left the meeting.


Councillor Gardener said that very few meetings had been held because of purdah and the up-coming elections.

Local covid rates show 29 new cases, an increase of 29%, over the past 7 days with one death.

The combined authority is proposing a scheme for buses and are asking for responses, either by using their app or by ‘phone.

The May meeting has been postponed.

Dualling of the A428 from Black Cat to Caxton is to go ahead.   Consultations continue regarding the east/west rail link.

66/21 MINUTES of the Council meeting of 25 March were read and approved as a true record of that meeting, but Councillor Mrs Lloyd wished to make it clear that in reporting the expansion of The College at Keyston (minute 50/21) her purpose was to highlight possible traffic increases in the village.

The minutes of the meeting of 15 April 2021 were read and both sets of minutes approved.


  • Neighbourhood Watch.  No report
  • Hearse House repairs   The works are now complete.
  • Cemetery Wall repairs    Quotes still awaited.
  • Pound Lane progress .   The suggested location of the car park had been circulated and it was proposed by Councillor Hutchinson and agreed to seek the views of both the Cricket and Football Clubs on this before any planning application is made.
  • Twinning.   No action to be taken during the pandemic.
  • Rookery Lane barrier  The Chairman had looked at the gates offered by Councillor Mrs Milne but did not think them suitable.  He thought a steel gate would be best.   There was again discussion on the advisability of placing a gate across the lane and it was agreed to defer consideration.

Councillor Ms Jessup reported an offer by a resident to provide hardcore and lay in in the worst of the ruts in Rookery Lane, for a cost of £60.   The Chairman said that there were rules about what could or could not be laid as a surface where horses could use the route and he strongly advised against this council becoming involved.  Councillor Ms Jessup will convey council’s thanks but refuse the offer.

Councillor Ms Jessup also raised the problem with dog mess and bags containing it being left on the ground and in bushes.  She wondered whether a bin could be placed at the Rookery Lane bridge , where bags and anything else could be deposited.

The Clerk pointed out that a bin will cost around £300 and we will need confirmation from HDC that they are willing to empty it first. 

Councillor Gardener left the meeting

  • Rotary Offer to improve riverside land.  The Clerk said that a quote was still awaited and it was suggested that F R Kidman also be asked to quote.
  • Proposed Street Market  Councillor Mrs Hellett has spoken with The School regarding the possibility of making use of their land for parking if the High St is utilised for a market and they are quite amenable, providing, of course, it takes place during school holidays.
  • It was suggested that we will aim for the weekend of 17/18 July.
  • Coronavirus update was provided earlier by Councillor Gardener.


Applications.    The following were considered:

21/00099 & 21/00100LBC 37-41 Main Rd Stonely – renovation and modernisation of existing listed building including demolition of rear outbuilding erect 1 dwelling & associated works.

The applicant, who was present, was invited to speak by the Chairman.  Following this there was considerable discussion.  Councillor Poole said that he liked the design and thought it an improvement.  Councillor Mrs Hellett said it was a much better use of the site but the Chairman asked why the rear of the existing building, which was earlier shown as being retained, is now not.   The reply was that it is financially not viable.

The Chairman thought that there was a need to be able to see through the development to the countryside behind, but that was no longer possible.

Councillor Hutchinson said that the proposed built form completely wraps around the listed building and must affect the setting.  There is very little space for the listed building, with the proposed building being over twice as big as the listed building – and for this reason he cannot support the application.

Councillor Mrs Lloyd said she was not clear about the parking and access for Stonely House. The applicant said that it was close to the Old Post Office with a turning circle at the front.  The owners of the Old Post Office are happy with the proposals now it is for just one new dwelling.

Councillor Mrs Lloyd agreed with Councillor Hutchinson’s views about the size and wrap-around.

Councillor Farrer commented that he doesn’t have a problem with the application.

Upon being put to the vote Councillor Poole proposed and Councillor Farrer seconded, that the application be approved.  This was passed by 5 votes for and 3 against.

21/00723  4 Tudor Court, Kimbolton – side extension and convert garage to residential.

Councillor Mrs Lloyd declared an interest in this application as owner of a neighbouring property and took no part in the discussion and did not vote.

It was proposed by Councillor Ms Mugglestone, seconded by Councillor Mrs Stainer and agreed to recommend approval as appropriate development.

Ongoing Matters

Councillor Hutchinson informed members that government proposals will permit the conversion of commercial properties in town centres to residential from August..

69/21  REPORTS

Allotments     The Clerk said that he had now let the two allotment plots which contained the most rubbish and we would not therefore have to engage contractors to do that.  He accordingly proposed that the estimate provided by JD Landscape and Gardening Ltd for rotavating and seeding the two vacant plots and clearing the bonfire area in the sum of £1340 plus VAT be accepted.  This was agreed.

Dog Fouling.  There are ongoing concerns about the increasing amount of dog fouling and Councillor Farrer wondered whether signs which could be moved to ‘hotspots’ could be beneficial.    Members also wondered where the boundaries were for the areas in which dog mess must be picked up e.g. did it only apply to built areas or is it everywhere.  The Clerk will check with HDC.

Personnel.   The Clerk reported that Dave Eades had said that he would be ceasing to work for the Parish Council at the end of May and it was agreed to call a Personnel Working Party meeting to discuss his replacement.

Playpark.  Reference was made to the rubbish being left in the playpark and to the need to get the gate repaired and better latches fitted.

Outside Bodies.   

Mandeville Hall – no report.

Kimbolton School . Councillor Mrs Hellett said that the new Bursar would like to come to our May meeting and introduce herself.   The School has a wish to build additional changing rooms to be sited to the rear of the swimming pool.

Kimbolton Trust.  The Chairman reported that the next meeting of the Trust is on 10 May.


The Clerk said that the legal challenge to government’s decision to prevent continuation of remote meetings after May had been lost and we must return to face to face meetings.

From June onwards, if covid restrictions are removed as anticipated, there should be no problems, but our May meeting will have to be held under covid restrictions.

This means that we will not be able to use the Youth and Community Hall but must use the Main Hall at the Mandeville Hall, so that up to 30 persons can be accommodated with social distancing.     There is a further problem in that the hall is booked until 7.30pm so we will not be able to start our meetings until 8pm, allowing time for the room to be cleaned beforehand and tables and chairs put out.

We have both the Annual  Parish Meeting and the annual meeting of the Parish Council to be held that night, so the Clerk suggested that the usual reports from local organisations be omitted from this year’s APM so that the meeting can be completed quickly and so that we don’t have many members of the public attending, due to the need to keep below 30 persons.


The Clerk said that the warranty on the Dell computer shortly expired and he asked whether members wished to extend it at a cost of £36.94p.a.  It was agreed to extend the warranty.


  • The following were approved for payment –

K & M Lighting.               Streetlight maintenance                 £125.48

E Farrer & Sons              Hearse house brickwork              £5124.00

RoSPA                            Playground inspections         £177.00

Fishers                            Groundsman sundries                     £43.46

D Eades                          April work                                       £405.49

Payroll costs                   Pay, PAYE, NIC April                   £2345.76

G R Dixon                       Internal auditor fee                          £60.00

  • Annual Governance Review

The Clerk read the statements from the Review page of the AGAR and members responded and it was proposed by Councillor Ms Mugglestone, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett that the Chairman and Clerk be authorised to sign the AGR.

  • Annual Return

The Clerk presented the annual return section of the AGAR and the figures were approved by members, who authorised the signing of the return by both the Chairman and Clerk, this being proposed by Councillor Ms Mugglestone and seconded by Councillor Mrs Lloyd.


          No report.


Councillor Ms Mugglestone referred to the ongoing parking of cars in dangerous positions outside the White House and Councillor Mrs Hellett will raise the matter with the School.

Councillor Farrer reported a van parked in Newtown which has flat tyres and appears to be dropping oil.  

Councillor Mrs Stainer said that there is a pallet in the river by Butts Bridge.

She also asked whether anything is happening about the poor footpath surface in Carnaby.

Councillor Mrs Hellett referred to the extensive work being carried out at the rear of Court House and wondered whether it was work being undertaken on a listed building.

Has the Flood Action Group appointed a Chairman as yet>  The Chairman said that he is waiting for a reply from the County Council and then proposed asking Charles Robinson.


The next normal meeting of Council  will be held on Thursday 27 May 2021 in the main hall of the Mandeville Hall commencing immediately after the Annual Parish Meeting which will itself commence at the later time of 8pm.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2200 hours.

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