Meeting Minutes: 29th February 2024


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 29 February 2024 in the Youth Hall at the Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton.

PRESENT  Councillors  Mrs R Lloyd; L Farrer; K Hutchinson; Mrs D Hellett and J Lee .

IN ATTENDANCE    County Councillor I Gardener; District Councillor J Gray and five members of the public. 

Councillor K Hutchinson took the Chair in the absence of Councillor Seabrook .

19/24   APOLOGIES  were received from Councillors P Seabrook (holiday); Ms H Bradbury; R Gooderham; M Buckley; Ms C Jessup; Mrs J Stainer and the Clerk, C L Thatcher, who was attending a funeral.        Councillor Mrs Lloyd recorded the minutes.

20/24   PUBLIC FORUM   It was pointed out that a number of trees near the footpath from Thrapston Rd to Ashfield had ivy clinging to them.    Some were not the responsibility of this council but the Grounds Staff will be asked to remove it where considered necessary.

It was also suggested that a fence be put along the footpath where it passes Beacon Finance.  A risk assessment was suggested and County Councillor Gardener will investigate.

Council’s plans for Halls Meadow should include seats and picnic tables and the mulch at the entrance to Halls Meadow from Constables Leys is very muddy.

Members were advised of an out of control dog and that the resident who was concerned has already reported it to the Dog Wardens at Huntingdonshire District Council and the police.


   Councillor Lee reported his interest in the planning application relating to 9 East St.

22/24 COUNTY COUNCILLOR  Ian Gardener said that the County Council had revised its decision on weeds in gutters and was now intending dealing with them.  Furthermore, extra money has been budgeted.

23/24    MINUTES of the Council meeting of 25 January 2024 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.


  • MVAS signs . Since no-one was in possession of an android phone or tablet, it was agreed to purchase a second-hand phone.
  • Proposed closure of Fire Station.   The meeting at the Mandeville Hall for councillors is confirmed.  This will be on Thursday 19 March, commencing at 7.00pm.
  • War Memorial Gates.  The Grounds Staff were not able to do the required work on the gates with the limited tools at their disposal.  It was questioned whether anything other than the removal of the trip hazard was necessary and all were asked to look at the gates before the next meeting so that views can be sought.
  • Churchyard Trees.  It was agreed to seek a quote from Manor Farm.
  • Cemetery Cottage shower room. It was agreed to defer consideration of the quotes received.
  • Website.  It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Hellett, seconded by Councillor Lee and agreed to ask Arlo Creative to provide our new website at a cost of £1000 for development, plus £640 providing they could make it fully accessible as required by law and with an annual hosting fee of £200.

25/24    PLANNING

  • The following applications were considered –

24/00039  9 Hatchet Lane, Stonely –  erect detached 1.5 storey dwelling new driveway, parking and garden shed.

Approval was proposed by Councillor Mrs Hellett, seconded by Councillor Farrer and agreed, with one abstention.

24/00214  9 East St, Kimbolton  – replace external render and internal plaster, new limecrete floor, new internal doors  and modified external door openings with new doors.

Councillor Lee declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting whilst this was being discussed and voted upon.

Three letters from residents were read and the Chairman permitted those present to make their points.   Upon being put to the vote, Councillor Mrs Lloyd proposed, Councillor Farrer seconded, that the application be approved with the proviso that the strongly held views concerning the retention of the exposed exterior beams be noted.  This was agreed unanimously.

26/24   REPORTS

 Playgrounds.  A net is required for the basketball hoop at Pound Lane.  Bolts are loose on the Multiplay unit and a hook is needed for the gate.

Lighting.  PC46 in Stonely is permanently on.

Village Maintenance.

Graffiti needs removing.


  • Mandeville Hall Committee.   No meeting recently
  • Kimbolton Trust           No report
  • Kimbolton School Governors.  Councillor Mrs Hellett said the quotes for refurbishing the swimming pool have been accepted.

27/24   FLOOD FORUM  A good job has been done on keeping the bridge clear of debris and the vegetation has been cut back by the Environment Agency.

28/24  20mph SPEED LIMITS   It was agreed to put forward a bid under LHI for 20mph speed limits in the village and Councillor Lee volunteered to complete the application form, with the assistance of Councillor Hutchinson.   The deadline for applications is 15 March.


  • HDC Consultation on a Review of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan was noted.
  • Cambs County Council review of Highways standards re weed management was also noted.
  • Valuation Office require information regarding the cemetery.  The Clerk will complete the form.
  • Notification of the Police and Crime Commissioner election on 2 May 2024, at which ID will be required by voters.


  • The following were approved for payment –

Anglian Water       Allotment water            179.27

Mick George      Skip hire                          223.20

Hunts D.C.        Fitness Instructor             172.80

K & M Lighting  Mtnce                              128.15

Arlo Creative    Website construction      1000.00

Fishers              Sundries                            28.33

H Brace              February     work           1820.00

Payroll costs      Pay,PAYE,NIC             3239.38

C L Thatcher  reimb. Zoom & stamps      165.88      

31/24  DISTRICT COUNCILLOR  Councillor Gray said that the budget was a big consideration at present and there is inevitably an increase in Council Tax.    The green bin charge is being rolled out and comes into force on 1 April, with a cost of £57.50 per annum, though there is an ‘early bird’ discount of £7.50 at present.  He reported a 25% take-up across the district, which is what was expected.

32/24    HIGH ST CAR PARKING  no report


None were made.


The next meeting of the Council will take place on Thursday 28 March 2024, commencing at 7pm in the Youth Room at the Mandeville Hall, though the Annual Parish Meeting is on Thursday 14 March, commencing at 7.30pm

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2210 hours.

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