Meeting Minutes: 29th July 2021
MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 8 p.m. on Thursday 29 July 2021 in the Youth Hall at the Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton.
PRESENT Councillors P Seabrook; K Hutchinson; D Poole; Mrs C Jessup; Ms S Mugglestone; Mrs D Hellett; Mrs R Lloyd ; R Gooderham.
IN ATTENDANCE County Councillor I Gardener; District Councillor J Gray; C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and 3 members of the public.
124/21 APOLOGIES were received from Councillors Mrs E Milne; Mrs J Stainer & L Farrer
125/21 PUBLIC FORUM Three representatives of Bluefield Renewable Developments gave a presentation on their proposal for a solar farm on Kimbolton Airfield and answered questions.
The Chairman declare his interest in this matter as landowner.
Councillor Mrs Hellett declared an interest in the ongoing matter of Mulberry Cottage stables and the planning application by Kimbolton School, as a Governor of the School..
Councillor Gray said that the District Council was in good financial shape at the moment, but grant support is less evident this year than last. He expects this year to be more difficult financially. He now has a new role as Head of Strategic Finance and Estates.
Leisure Centres are re-opening and town centres seem to be bouncing back pretty strongly. Improvements are planned for St Neots centre over the next couple of years.
Planning continues to be a problem, exacerbated by staff shortages. There are 900+ live enforcement cases and only 2.5 staff dealing with them.
Councillor Gardener said that he visited the new Shire Hall this week and it would be operational from the first week in September. Currently staff are working from Papworth or St Ives or from their homes.
During week commencing 22 July there were 20 new Covid cases in this area with 493 in the Huntingdonshire district. Sadly, there were 2 deaths in the last 7 days.
He hopes to have the revised costs of the pedestrian crossing by the next parish council meeting.
The dualling of the A428 between Caxton and Black Cat should commence at the end of this year.
There has been a meeting regarding “On Demand” buses and the new Mayor is proposing more buses across the county.
A boundary review now associates Kimbolton with Huntingdon, rather than St Neots.
The new administration at Shire Hall is, he feels, more Cambridge-centric than the old.
The Chairman mentioned the Flood Action Group and the fact that nothing has yet happened other than a letter being sent to the Environment Agency, to which a reply is awaited. Councillor Gardener said that he would invite a representative to attend any meeting of the Group.
129/21 MINUTES of the Council meetings of 24 June and 8 July 2021 were read, approved and signed as true records of those meetings,
- Neighbourhood Watch. No report
- Pound Lane. A successful meeting was held at the Cricket Club where Council’s proposals were discussed and boundaries considered. The meeting was amicable and the Cricket Club told that Council had no objection to the tree which they had planted on Council land remaining, but asked that the Club Secretary write to the Council acknowledging the fact that it is Council-owned land and that the southern boundary of the pitch now encroaches onto Council-owned land. Council has no objection to this but asks that the Cricket Club acknowledges that it is Council land.
The Chairman reported that John Lightfoot had offered to draw a sketch of a possible car park layout for discussion and at no cost to the Council.
- Twinning. No action to be taken during the pandemic.
- Pedestrian Crossing This was referred to above and revised costings are awaited.
- Cemetery Wall repairs. Quotes awaited
f)Street Market Councillors Mrs Hellett and Ms Jessup were complimented upon the success of the market. Mrs Hellett said that so far as she knew everyone was very pleased with the way it had gone, including Kimbolton Traders. She suggested not repeating it during the summer, but holding another during half term and/or at Christmas. Perhaps the High Street could be closed and the Market held on a hard surface, rather than grass at that time of year.
The Clerk was asked to write to the School and thank them for their help.
g) Coronavirus Update. See 128/21 above..
Applications. The following were considered:
21/01328 Kimbolton School – remove modular building & erect flat-roofed timber changing rooms.
It was proposed by Councillor Gooderham, seconded by Councillor Hutchinson and unanimously recommended for approval.
Ongoing Matters
Mulberry Cottage stables. No report.
132/21 LHI BIDS
The Clerk reported that the closing date for bids this year was 30 September. A discussion ensued on what would be beneficial and the general consensus is that a 40mph ‘buffer zone’ at each end of the village on the B645 would be worth requesting. Such a zone would be good on all roads entering the village but it was accepted that there is more chance of success in the bid if we don’t ask for too much at once. The buffer zone would be particularly useful at the Tilbrook end of the village since the 30mph restriction starts virtually outside the Prep School entrance. It was thought that an approach to the School for support might be worthwhile.
Also worth considering were double yellow lines to attempt to prevent the dangerous parking on the High Street opposite the church.
A decision will be made at the next meeting.
Councillors Gardener and Gray left the meeting.
133/21 REPORTS
Allotments. The spraying has not yet been done and is badly needed on the former plots. There are a couple of allotments which are not being cultivated and the Clerk will write to the tenants.
Playparks. The wire rope is still awaited and someone has been moving the picnic tables around
A local resident was suggested as a possible Handyman.
Dog Fouling. This is getting worse. Councillor Ms Jessup asked about the possibility of a bin at Rookery Lane. The Clerk will ask HDC whether they would empty a new bin at that location.
Footpaths. It was reported that the footpath between Park Farm and The School is overgrown.
Village Maintenance There is a branch lying by the wall on Causeway which needs removing.
Carnaby bridge requires the lichen cleaning from it
One of the new benches in the new cemetery (that on the south side) also has lichen growing on it and needs cleaning.
The Clerk reported on the recent repairs to the Piaggio and the comments of the repairer regarding the future operation of the vehicle. It was agreed to place the matter of the replacement of the Piaggio on the agenda for the next meeting.
Mandeville Hall. Councillor Ms Jessup asked whether the Hall Committee could replicate the ‘no parking’ signs at their expense. This was agreed.
She said that the committee intends to provide a Hog Roast on the Saturday of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
Kimbolton Trust. Things are very quiet at the moment and the Trust is issuing new posters and handouts to advertise their services.
Kimbolton School Governors. Councillor Mrs Hellett said that they are looking at future developments, including the possibility of a new boarding house; classrooms; a 6th form centre and even replacing Lewis Hall.
134/21 THE ‘STATTY’ FAIR. Councillor Gooderham said that he is hopeful the Fair can continue as before and that there would be no problems with HCV’s if the weight restrictions were enforced. He is meeting with Martin Ellwood of the County Council on 16 August to discuss the situation.
The Clerk will write to the police asking how they will help to enforce the limit, especially at the time of the Fair.
It was noted that the Mandeville Hall committee intend holding a Hog Roast on the Saturday and members thought they would like to arrange an event in the High St, much as the 2012 event, but with the addition of live music. It is appreciated that it will be necessary to book a band soon.
- A letter was received from the letting agents for Cemetery Cottage in which they recommended no increase in the rent of the Cottage this year. It was, however, proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Councillor Hutchinson and agreed to increase the rent from £795 pcm to £810pcm.
- The following were approved for payment –
K & M Lighting. Streetlight maintenance £128.15
Hofman Motors Gearbox repair to Piaggio £888.00
House of Flags Union flag £87.00
Arthur Ibbett Ltd Repair to leaf blower £182.15
Payroll costs Pay, PAYE, NIC April £2244.77
Postage stamps + fuel + VAT £68.33
No report
Councillor Ms Jessup asked that the matter of goats being walked be placed on the agenda.
Councillor Gooderham asked that the duration of these meetings be placed on the agenda.
140/21 IT WAS RESOLVED to exclude the Press and public from the next item in accordance with the provisions of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960.
The Personnel Committee had interviewed the two candidates, but it was agreed not to make an appointment. The Clerk was asked to provide a report on the options available for the next meeting.
The next normal meeting of Council will be held on Thursday 26 August 2021 in the Youth hall of the Mandeville Hall commencing at 7pm..
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2230 hours.
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