Meeting Minutes: 29th October 2020
MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 29 October 2020 by means of video conferencing due to the coronavirus pandemic.
PRESENT Councillors P Seabrook; K Hutchinson; D Poole; Mrs R Lloyd; Mrs C Jessup; L Farrer ;Mrs E Milne;R Gooderham and Mrs D Hellett.
IN ATTENDANCE County Councillor I Gardener; C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and one member of the public.
153/20 APOLOGIES were received from Councillors Mrs S Mugglestone ; Mrs J Stainer and District Councillor J Gray..
154/20 PUBLIC FORUM was not used.
Councillor Mrs Hellett declared her interest in the ongoing matter of Mulberry Cottage stables.
156/20 COUNTY COUNCILLOR Gardener reminded all of the County Council’s support for anyone struggling during the pandemic and the contact number is 0345 045 5219.
The consultation regarding Luton Airport’s proposed new holding pattern continues until 5 February 2021. Huntingdonshire District Council will be responding. The Chairman said that we need to ask parishioners’ views.
The County Council’s climate change emergency response has been highly commended.
Councillor Hellett asked about street trading and mentioned that Stodden Community Facebook page gives detail on the number of new coronavirus cases in each Ward. She wondered whether that could be done locally. Councillor Gardener said that Huntingdonshire did publish the number of cases, but perhaps not in such detail.
Councillor Mrs Jessup asked whether a designated parking place could be provided in Newtown for a disabled resident. Councillor Gardener said that eh will seek information on that.
Other points raised were the loose cobbles in St Andrew’s Lane which, Councillor Mrs Lloyd said, had resulted in a fall by a pensioner and the fact that the blocked drains had not yet been cleared. Councillor Gardener said that the Highways team operated on a 3 month cycle and it was in their programme.
157/20 MINUTES The minutes of the Council meeting of 24 September 2020 were read, and approved as a true record of that meeting.
- Neighbourhood Watch. Nothing to report.
- Hearse House . Councillor Farrer reported that work to underpin had commenced.
- Churchyard cobbles. Replacement of the cobbles has been completed.
- Notice board. The Clerk has met with Nick Small and work is underway.
- Pound Lane Working Party A Zoom meeting of the Working Party has taken place and options were discussed. The Chairman is hoping to obtain a price from an architect for an outline design.
- Twinning with Fernie. Not progressed due to circumstances.
- Pedestrian Crossing. Nothing further as yet.
- Christmas Lighting. Councillor Farrer said that he is awaiting prices for the cabling. It is expected that the ‘switch on’ will take place on 5 December.
- Remembrance Day. The Clerk reported that on Sunday 8 November wreath laying by the Deputy Lord Lieutenant; the Chairman of this Council and the RBL will take place and the usual wreath-laying at the airfield is proposed. No event is planned within the school grounds, but on Wednesday 11 November, the School will be holding its own service in its grounds, whilst RBL have a roll-call at the Memorial.
- Coronavirus Update. Nothing further to report.
- Applications
20/01610 Five Oaks, Rookery Lane, Kimbolton – demolish and erect replacement dwelling.
Councillor Hutchinson declared an interest in this application, left the meeting and took no part in the discussion or vote.
The Chairman invited the applicant, who was present, to explain his proposals.
Councillor Mrs Hellett said that she was concerned about the weight the bridge could accommodate and wondered if a limit should be placed on vehicles delivering building materials or removing rubble. The applicant said that this is being assessed at the moment.
Councillor Mrs Lloyd also said she had concerns about the bridge as well as possible traffic chaos which could be caused by vehicles turning into Rookery Lane right on the bend of the B645. She noted that the replacement dwelling was proposed to have 3 floors and asked how much higher it was going to be than the existing dwelling. The applicant said that it is only marginally higher – less than 1 metre.
Following discussion, it was proposed by Councillor Mrs Milne, seconded by Councillor Gooderham and agreed with one abstention, to recommend approval as appropriate development subject to the inclusion of a condition requiring a Traffic Management Order relating to the construction traffic.
Councillor Hutchinson re-joined the meeting.
Councillor Gardener left the meeting.
- Ongoing Matters. Mulberry Cottage stables. No report.
160/20 REPORTS
Allotments Councillor Mrs Hellett provided her allotment report and it was agreed to send letters to certain tenants whose plots are unacceptable.
It was also agreed to advise all tenants that the bonfire area should not be used for the disposal of rubbish any more. Tenants should, if necessary, burn rubbish within their own plots and, if not burnable, take it home for disposal.
Footpaths -Councillor Mrs Jessup said that the footpaths behind the allotments had not yet been marked.
Car Parking. Councillor Poole said that car parking within the High St – and indeed on the Causeway and in Castle Gardens – was becoming a shambles at School start and finish times and wondered whether parents were now being required to park outside the School grounds, It was agreed to write to the Bursar and ask whether instructions to parents had been changed.
Playpark – The gate and possible trappage still concerns Councillor Mrs Hellett and she and Councillor Farrer will look at it and try to find a solution.
Lighting – the lamp at the end of Carnaby appears to be dirty and there are two lamps out on the Causeway.
Cemetery Cottage – The agent has reported that the shower needs re-grouting and new silicone applying. Gutters also need cleaning out. It was agreed to ask E Farrer & Son to make these repairs.
Trees – Councillor Mrs Stainer reported another tree down beside the footpath from Thrapston Rd to Ashfield and it is across the river. The Clerk will report this to the Environment Agency.
Highways – Councillor Mrs Jessup referred to parking in Newtown and Newtown Lane.
Village Maintenance – Councillor Mrs Hellett said that some of the grass outside Kymbrook House was not being cut. Councillor Mrs Lloyd referred to the drain at ‘Hellett’s corner’ which is regularly blocked. She noted that there were some leaves around it and asked that our Groundskeeper pay attention and clear them up to prevent further blockages..
Outside Bodies.
Kimbolton Trust. The Chairman said that the next meeting will be in November.
Kimbolton School. Councillor Mrs Hellett said that their first pupil, a 6th former, tested positive for Covid 19 a few weeks ago and this resulted in 18 needing to self-isolate. The Bursar is retiring next April and they are struggling to find maintenance staff.
Mandeville Hall The Clerk reported on the death of Robert Oliver. Councillor Mrs Lloyd offered to send a card on behalf of the Council. The Committee has a meeting on 11 November.
The Clerk said that he had obtained estimates of cost for providing a new, compliant, website from two suppliers. The first was very expensive at over £2000, but the second was with a company which is working with SLCC and specialising in Parish and Town Councils. Their discounted price is much more withing the area expected at £1000 to £1500, depending upon the content decided upon. It was proposed by Councillor Hutchinson, seconded by Councillor Mrs Lloyd and agreed to instruct Aubergine Ltd to supply a new website, compliant to WCAG, at an estimated cost of £1000 to £1500 dependent upon requirements and to meet via Zoom to discuss required content.
The Clerk reported receipt of a consultation document regarding the proposal to establish a
new ‘racetrack pattern’ holding point for aircraft inbound to Luton.
The intention is that aircraft would join the hold at 8000 feet and upwards and fly in in a right-hand pattern, northwards to the west of Grafham Water , turning north of the A14 to head south parallel to the A1, roughly to St Neots. The operations would be H24 but with little movement through the night. Peak times are between 0700 and 0800; 1200 to 1400;1700 to 1900 and 2100 to 2300 hours. There could be (based on pre-covid traffic, up to 219 flights each day, but not many of those would actually need to use the Hold.
It was agreed to seek the views of residents and Councillor Mrs Hellett will place the basic information and the link to the consultation document on the Facebook page and residents will be invited to either respond directly, or to let the Council have their views, which will be discussed at the November meeting.
It was agreed that sections of the wall are in a poor state and that Councillor Farrer will inspect the wall and suggest a plan of repair.
The Clerk reported receipt of an email from the developers of the site, Bewick Homes, offering as a part of the s106 Agreement, the planned open space for adoption by this Council.
Following discussion, it was agreed to express an interest in adopting the site, but to ask for more detail regarding the intended use of the land and how it will be presented upon handover. The matter of covering the cost of future maintenance by a contribution from the developer was also mentioned.
The Clerk will write back to Bewick Homes and ask for more information.
- Rookery Lane – request for barrier to prevent through traffic and protect surface from vehicles.
Members agreed that something needs to be done and agreed to ask Councillor Gardener if he could enquire the County Council’s views.
- A complaint was received from a resident regarding the standard of grass cutting throughout the village. This is noted.
- Loose cobbles in St Andrew’s Lane. As mentioned earlier, a resident fell on the cobbles which are the responsibility of Highways. A complaint has been made to Highways who consider that no action is necessary.
- The gate stop post at the War Memorial has rotted and Councillor Farrer will see if he can replace it.
The following were proposed and approved for payment –
FWJ Humphrey & Son Piaggio MoT 37.80
K & M Lighting Maintenance 125.48
Fishers Sundries 22.54
E Farrer & Son Replace churchyard cobbles 8460.00
Mick George Ltd Skip hire 207.60
PKF Littlejohn LLP External audit fee 360.00
D Eades October work 344.20
Payroll costs Pay, PAYE & NIC 2246.15
Land Registry Search fee 29.95
Online Signage 6 x signs playpark & cemetery 41.70
Spaldwick Services Fuel for Piaggio 35.02
Post Office Postage stamps 57.24
Skylark Daffodil bulbs 9.74
VAT on fuel and daffodil bulbs 14.95
167/20 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR unable to be present.
168/20 HIGH STREET CAR PARKING Nothing to report.
Councillor Mrs Hellett commented that the High St seems really dark.
Councillor Gooderham said that vehicles parking on the Causeway damaged the surface.
Councillor Mrs Jessup asked that the NHS ‘Here to Help’ posters be distributed to shops.
The next normal meeting of Council will be held on Thursday 26 November 2020, commencing at 7pm in the Youth and Community Room at the Mandeville Hall, if permitted, otherwise by means of video conferencing.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2145 hours.
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