Meeting Minutes: 30th June 2022


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 30 June 2022 in the Youth Hall at the Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton.

PRESENT  Councillors P Seabrook; K Hutchinson; R Gooderham;  Ms S Mugglestone;  Mrs D Hellett.;Ms C Jessup; Mrs E Milne; Mrs J Stainer and L Farrer.

IN ATTENDANCE  County Councillor I Gardener;  Lionel Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and 6 members of the public.

89/22      APOLOGIES  were received from Councillor Mrs R Lloyd and District Councillor J Gray.

90/22     PUBLIC FORUM    Stan Rhodes and Barry Andrews, Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively of the Mandeville Hall Committee were present and with the Chairman’s permission spoke on ‘current issues relating to the Mandeville Hall’.        There had been recent correspondence between Mr Rhodes and this Council over the proposal by the Mandeville Hall Committee to start charging this Council for the use of this room for Council meetings.   The point had been made that this Council had put a considerable amount of money into the construction of this room and were, furthermore, Custodian Trustee of the Hall.   Councillors felt that it was not appropriate that the Council should be charged rent for use of the hall for meetings.

Mr Rhodes said that the energy charges for the hall were expected to rise from £3000 to £8000 this year and he considered it only fair that all users paid towards the running costs.  The only other users having free use were the Senior Citizens’ Lunch Club and they also had been told that they would have to pay in future.

He said he was well aware of the circumstances whereby this room was built but, having agreed to take on the responsibility for it, was disappointed that no support had since been received from this Council.

The Chairman said that this Council was under the impression that the room was of benefit to the Mandeville Hall and that it would have been earning revenue for the Committee, so it was with surprise that he had recently learned from Mr Rhodes that the room has been a drain on the Committee’s resources ever since.      He repeated this Council’s offer to take over full responsibility of this room in future, this being to administer bookings and retain receipts as well as paying for all outgoings, including maintenance.      Mr Rhodes declined.

The Chairman made the point that Council might feel more disposed to support the Committee if the Committee had paid money owed in respect of repairs to the tarmac.  In 2018 the then Chairman, Robert Oliver, asked that the tarmac be replaced in an area of the car park which was partly within that owned by the Hall Committee and partly that of this Council.    The cost of the repair was £1440 plus VAT, of which £500 was promised by Mr Oliver on behalf of the Committee.   The work was done to the satisfaction of Mr Oliver but, despite reminders, the £500 has never been paid.           Mr Rhodes maintained that he was unaware of any such agreement.

It was finally agreed to place this matter on the agenda for the next meeting and to consider making a grant to the Mandeville Hall Committee in lieu of paying rent.

A member of the public present asked whether Council was aware of youths threatening a female in the village with a machete and that the police had taken no action.    The Chairman confirmed that we were not aware and will attempt to find out the police viewpoint.


  None were reported..

92/22     COUNTY COUNCILLOR Ian Gardener said that all meetings of the County Council are to be held in the new Shire Hall from July.

He said that there is a Household Support fund available to pensioners which may be accessed through Age UK.

The initial information from the 2021 Census is being made available and it seems that the population of Cambridgeshire has risen by 57,000 over the past 10 years.  This represents an increase of 9.2%. Those age 65+ have increased by 2.6%.

Huntingdon library now has a new space for young people.

There are A1 road closures between Buckden and Wyboston between 30 June and the beginning of August at nights and weekends due to roadworks.

There is no information on the pedestrian crossing as the officer concerned is on leave.

Councillor Gardener left the meeting

Councillor Farrer joined the meeting

 93/22    MINUTES of the Council meeting of 19 May 2022 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.


  • Neighbourhood Watch. No report
  • Hearse House.  The planning approval has been received, but there are conditions relating to the toilet cubicle, which may not be fixed to the walls  and the walls themselves may not be touched.   Members felt that this would contravene Health and Safety regulations.
  • Pound Lane  Feedback from the planning department is that they require a survey re Great Crested Newts in a pond which is not on Council land, but is some 30 metres from our boundary; the refer to footpaths bisecting the car park – yet these paths are nowhere near the proposed car park and they wish for a hedge rather than a post and rail fence.       It was thought that the fence be deleted from the application, since it would not in any case itself be subject to a planning application and, having heard that the agent for the adjacent landowner is reluctant to have a newt survey carried out, to advise the planning department accordingly and ask that requirement be withdrawn.
  • Pedestrian Crossing  As mentioned above, no news, but it is expected construction will be during the summer months.
  • Cemetery Wall repairs.  No action as yet
  • Twinning.   No action to be taken during the pandemic.
  • MVAS signs         Councillors Farrer and Gooderham will erect the signs. 

h)    Street Market.  Councillor Mrs Hellett said that so far she has 19 stalls for 20 August.

 i)  Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration.  The weather was poor unfortunately, being rain during the morning although this cleared up for the afternoon.  It was, however, pretty cold.  Nevertheless, it was considered to be a successful event and positive comments have been received from many.

Unfortunately, the banners, which had received a lot of praise, had to be taken down a few days later due to the bracket of one pulling out of the wall.  It was thought that it would be unwise to leave the others up without testing the bracket strength.  The Clerk has since written to our insurers and been told that they are unaware of any specific test which might be done, but they recommend that a risk assessment be completed, following which each bracket could be pulled to see if there is any movement. Should there not be, then the banners could be re-hung.

      j) Flooding.  Councillor Mrs Hellett has spoken with the Environment Agency who are looking at 

         monitoring river levels.   She also mentioned that a cement lorry has damaged a wall and the 

      arches at Rookery Lane bridge.

95/22    PLANNING

a)The following applications were considered –

22/01089  Pound Lane recreation ground – form hard surfaced car park and post and rail fence and gate.           This was noted.

96/22  REPORTS

Allotments.     In the absence of Councillor Mrs Lloyd, Councillor Mrs Hellett presented their allotments report.  She said the weeds at the back of the bonfire area need spraying and that plot 7 is very overgrown.  There is a hole in the hedge next to the pedestrian gate which needs fixing soon to prevent unauthorised access.  Rubbish continues to be thrown onto the bonfire area and a JCB or similar is going to be needed to clear it all.  She asked that a rent increase be considered to cover the cost of clearing the area.  This will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.

The exercise equipment at Pound Lane needs the pull down taping off due to missing bolts.

Village Maintenance

Councillor Farrer asked that the Christmas lights switch-on this year be held on a Saturday and includes a stage and bands.     This will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.

The roadsign near 73 Main Rd Stonely has been broken and will be reported to Highways.

The hedges alongside the B645 in Stonely, from Easton Rd eastwards badly need cutting.

The river bank in Carnaby, where cleared, now need spraying to remove nettles.

Outside Bodies

Mandeville Hall – no report

Kimbolton Trust.  No report

Kimbolton School Governors.  Two Ukrainian children now attend the School.  The tennis courts are to be refurbished and the boundary wall is due to be repaired.


Three expressions of interest had been received, but one had subsequently withdrawn due to work commitments.    One further person was in attendance tonight, but it was thought unfair to the candidates who had applied by the closing date to include him this time.  It is hoped he will maintain his interest and apply next time there is a vacancy.

The two persons who had applied in time were present and it was agreed to welcome Harriett Bradbury and John Gray as members of this Council.


Unfortunately, not many members attended the walkabouts, but the matters noted for attention during the Kimbolton part were –


  • Bench needs sanding down and repainting
  • Two gates need catches
  • Roundabout needs repositioning
  • Multiunit needs attention as itemised before
  • Swings need oiling at top fitting and both baby swing seats showing cracks


  • Uneven surface of tarmac needs addressing
  • Area cleared on drying ground needs spraying and reseedidng


  • Top (north) path needs spraying for weeds
  • Dead tree needs removing (not to be replaced)
  • Varigated Holly bush in SW corner needs trimming/pruning to cut out dead wood and reinvigorate
  • Part dead tree corner of Cemetery Cottage garden needs attention


  • Weeds both sides of all walls need removing/spraying
  • Wall needs repairing length by length
  • Paving slabs show bench has been removed?
  • Bench needs repairing
  • Window in Hearse House needs repairing


  • Trip hazard at narrow entrance from Constables Leys
  • Cut back brambles etc on RHS (houses) to stop encroachment
  • Agree bluebell/snowdrop/cowslip planting towards river in partnership with Kimbolton Rotary
  • Part clear thicket area
  • Widen pinch point towards Station Road to allow access for trimming/clearing work


  • Site lines checked and appear adequate
  • Overhanging/low oak branches need cutting back to help with reported problems

It was also reported that the bridge from Thrapston Rd to Ashfield appears “springy”.

Branches of an oak tree at The Butts are overhanging and need cutting.

Branches on trees on Stonely Green need removing to raise the crowms.

Branches overhanging the footpath in Park Lane are impeding the passage of pedestrians.

The bridge at Old Ford Lane needs attention and foliage removing.


  • The tree reported as being the subject of ash die-back in Halls Meadow will be inspected.
  • The Clerk reported upon having written to the Chief Constable regarding the lack of roads policing and asking for attention to be paid to HGV’s using the B645 contrary to the weight restrictions, due to the County Highways requirement that a full diversion be put in place for the Statty Fair.  No reply has yet been received.

Councillor Gooderham said that the likely cost to the Fair will be c£2000.

  • The Parish Forum organised by Huntingdonshire District Council will take place in St Ives on 20 July.
  • Following an accident to a child, the roundabout in the Playpark has been taken out of service and a request made to Wicksteed for a price for repairs.  This is still awaited.

Councillor Gooderham left the meeting

 100/22  ACCOUNTS

  • The following were approved for payment –

Larissa Svahn        Band ‘Two Beats’       850.00

K & M Lighting       Maintenance               128.15

Scott Walters         street party music        100.00

MG Recycling         Skip hire                      260.40

J D Wright              Band ‘Split Whiskers’   400.00

Mannings Amusements  Hire street party   750.00

Mandeville Hall      Hire for meeting             31.50

All Style Marquees    Stage cover               720.00

ADS Leisure           Generator prep.             40.00

The Saddle           Meals for Two Beats       45.00

Grafton Projects    Print cartridges etc       339.00

J Whitehead         Work in Playpark           195.00

Fishers                    Sundries                       16.72

G R Dixon             Internal auditor fee          60.00

Hofman Motors      repair to Honda              96.00

Concept Leisuretables, chairs, generator 1157.64

Arthur Ibbett           repair to lopper               20.62

Electrodell          Cemetery Cottage repair  170.40

Hunts DC    uncontested election fee          192.58

JM Engineering support arms for banners   840.00

CL Thatcher           reimbursements             688.28

Payroll                  Pay, tax and NI              2695.10 

  • 2021-2022 Accounts.The Clerk read the Annual Governance Statement which was then completed and signed.
  • The Clerk presented the AGAR accounts for 2021-2022 and the form was signed by the Chairman and Clerk

101/22  HIGH ST CAR PARKING  no report


Councillor Mrs Stainer mentioned that the hedge between Castle Gardens and Thrapston Rd overhangs the footpath and is in need of cutting.

103/22  NEXT MEETING   

It was agreed that the next normal meeting of Council will be held in the Youth Room at the Mandeville Hall on Thursday 28 July 2022 commencing at 7pm.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2215 hours.

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