Meeting Minutes: 30th March 2023


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 30 March 2023 in the Youth Hall at the Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton.

PRESENT  Councillors P Seabrook; J Gray ; K Hutchinson; Mrs D Hellett ; Ms H Bradbury  Ms C Jessup; Mrs R Lloyd;  and L Farrer

 IN ATTENDANCE   County Councillor I Gardener; District Councillor J Gray and Lionel Thatcher, Clerk to the Council. 

38/23      APOLOGIES  were received from Councillors Mrs J Stainer and R Gooderham

39/23     PUBLIC FORUM 

The Chairman awarded the trophy for the Best Kept Allotment plus a gift voucher to Mr & Mrs Stokes.

 A resident questioned why she was expected to remove tyres which she had placed in Rookery Lane and in which she intended to plant flowers.  The Chairman explained that Rookery Lane is a bridleway and no obstructions should be placed on it.  Flowers planted at the sides would be welcomed but tyres laid on the lane could prove dangerous.   


   Councillor Mrs Lloyd declared her continuing tenancy of an allotment and Councillor Mrs Hellett declared her interest in property on London Road .

41/23     COUNTY COUNCILLOR  Ian Gardener said that the LibDems had recently won St Neots East seat which meant that the composition of the County Council was now 26 Conservative;22 LibDem; 8 Labour and with two vacancies.

The Childrens and Your Persons Committee had decided to continue with the closure of Gt Gidding school.

Vectare will be hosting a ‘roadshow’ with a minibus visiting various villages to show people how to use the App to book the Ting service.  This will probably be towards the end of May.

A new bus-way from Cambourne to Cambridge has been agreed.

There will be no referendum on the Cambridge congestion charge.

Councillor Gardener has now been appointed to the Highways and Transportation Committee.

The County Council’s Active Travel routes will be looking at reducing the speed limit on the B645 for its entire length within Cambridgeshire.

He reminded members that the 20mph limit scheme expired for bids on 28 April and suggested that if this Council wish to apply for a 20mph limit it would be better to apply for a blanket scheme throughout the village, rather than for individual roads.

It was therefore proposed by Councillor Hutchinson, seconded by Councillor Farrer and agreed to apply for a 20mph limit throughout the village.

On the subject of flooding, some work has been done, with debris being removed and silt to be removed after the breeding season.  Nothing has yet been done about the flood arches at Carnaby.

Councillor Gardener left the meeting.

42/23    MINUTES of the Council meeting of 23 February 2023 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.



  • Neighbourhood Watch. No report
  •   Pound Lane  Quotations are still awaited.
  • Cemetery Wall repairs.  Councillor Farrer will look at the cracked wall with a view to making repairs with a flexible filler.
  • MVAS signs  Councillor Gray reported current readings.  A new record has been set with one vehicle entering the 30mph limit by the Prep School at 98mph.       Overall, 45% of traffic exceeds 35mph and 60% are travelling at over 30mph.
  • Health & Well-Being of Residents The sessions are remaining popular and further funding has now been received which will permit their continuance into next year.
  • Cemetery Cottage.  The Clerk said he had received an estimate of cost for re-decorating the Cottage’s hall, staircase and landing and repairing patches in the bathroom in the sum of £1000.   Councillor Mrs Hellett thought that was too high and a further quote will be requested.
  • Coronation Event Working Party.  Councillor Mrs Hellett said that a further meeting of the Working Party had been held and arrangements were progressing well.  Some aspects have yet to be determined , such as first aid cover and stewards will need to be present throughout the day.  Stewards will be required to join a rota and to be easily identifiable, so hi-vis tabards are suggested.  The Clerk was asked to order 10 hi-vis jackets, printed with the Council’s name on the back.
  • The bands have been booked, as has a children’s roundabout (for which the Council will pay) and a coconut shy and strength tester, which will both charge the public and no cost will fall on the Council.


The Clerk reported that no request for an election had been received, so the Council is free to advertise the vacancy and to co-opt.  He suggested that expressions of interest be requested to be received just prior to the next meeting, so that they may then be considered.

45/23    PLANNING

The following applications were considered:-

23/00239/LBC  34 High St Kimbolton – additional entrance to side.

Agreed to recommend approval as appropriate development.

23/00411/FUL & 23/00412/LBC  9 East St Kimbolton –  external render; new windows and internal works.

It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Hellett, seconded by Councillor Ms Bradbury and unanimously recommended for approval as appropriate development.


Councillor Hutchinson reported on the Local Plan consultation which was, at the moment, the  methodology to be employed and our comments are not yet needed.   Once developers respond to the “call for sites” then we will want to be involved.

46/23  REPORTS

Allotments   Members were pleased at the cutting back of the hedge on the west side, though part is to be completed.   This is adjacent to plot 27, which now has a considerable amount of rubbish on the ground which requires removal in the truck.  Unfortunately, the ground is sodden and it is proving difficult to gain access at present.

Grounds.  Councillor Gray said that the Butts was a great improvement now, but we must put in place arrangements to make sure all the work is not wasted.  Regular maintenance must be carried out and, most importantly, trees planted must be kept watered.

Playgrounds.   The pull-down bench in the outdoor fitness area at Pound Lane still awaits new bolts.  The Clerk has asked the company who re-fitted the roundabout to help and will chase to find out what is happening.

Village Maintenance   Rookery bridge fencing needs repair, as does the shoring of the river bank at that point.

District Councillor Jonathan Gray joined the meeting

Mandeville Hall Committee.  Councillor Hutchinson said that he had been unable to attend the recent meeting.  The next meeting is their AGM on 29 April.

Kimbolton Trust.  No report but a meeting is arranged for 5 May.

Kimbolton School Governors It is proposed to re-route the footpath which goes through the school grounds and the pegging out of the proposed new route is underway.

Solar panels are to be fitted to the roof of the Donaldson building.

47/23 FLOOD ACTION   No report.

48/23  20mph ZONES   As reported under 41/23 above, Council has decided to apply for LHI funding to provide blanket 20mph coverage throughout the built area of the village.


  • Letter from Mandeville Hall setting out new rules for the hire of their facility, including their requirement that an individual, plus a reserve, be nominated as being responsible for Health and Safety whenever Council is meeting in the building.   After consideration, it was agreed that all members of this Council, being responsible persons, will be responsible for the Health and Safety of themselves and others when using the Mandeville Hall and all have received a copy of the Mandeville Hall Committee’s Health and Safety policy.
  • The long-standing tenant of the riverside allotment plot adjacent to Cemetery Cottage has relinquished his tenancy and a letter has been received from a resident of Ashfield asking to take on the tenancy.    She is interested in the natural aspect of the plot, the animals and insects and the flora, but also understands that it is an allotment and must be cultivated as such.

It was agreed to grant her the tenancy.

  • A letter was received from a resident expressing his concern at the close-boarded fence which has been erected at the rear of a Kym View Close property and down to the river.  His concern was that this would prevent animal runs, but the Clerk has spoken with the owner and been assured that advice has been taken from wildlife experts and provision has been made at appropriate places for gaps in the fencing.
  • A company named Gigaclear is proposing installing super-fast fibre to all premises in the parish and will shortly be circularising properties about this.
  • A reply from HDC has been received to our letter of concern about proposals to increase members’ allowances by 19% and also commence charging for green bins.

The reply says that it was never intended that the increase in allowances would be anything like 19% and that no decision has as yet been made about green bin charges.

  • A coach driver has written to ask whether a mirror could be installed at George corner, to assist vehicles in negotiating the bend.  The Clerk will write to County Highways and ask their opinion.


The following were approved for payment 

  • K & M Lighting             streetlight maintenance               128.15
  • MG Recycling            Skip hire                                         520.80
  • Kimbolton School      Swimming pool hire to Dec 23      2950.00
  • Hunts DC               Fitness instructor fees                      367.20
  • Mow Sure Training      Spraying course                          540.00
  • Dash (UK) Ltd         Coronation mugs                             780.00
  • Fishers                       Sundries                                         34.99
  • H Brace Services          Groundwork                             1733.55
  • Payroll costs         Pay, PAYE & NIC                             2931.60
  • Paint, wood, postage & fees reimbursement                   222.09
  • Cambs County Council   HDC cont. ped.crossing       20000.00
  • Mrs R Lloyd           Reimbursement cost of gift token        25.00


Councillor Gray said that Huntingdonshire had approved a new corporate plan.  Apparently, planning waiting times are coming down.

The new Luton Airport holding stack over here is causing complaints about noise in the Abbotsley area.

The increase in members’ allowances has now been set at approximately 4%.

There is a new Chief Executive of the combined authority, Rebecca Bridge.  The investigation into the Mayor is still not happening and now looks as though it will be in mid May.

52/23  HIGH ST CAR PARKING  no report


Councillor Farrer reported a build up of water by the Ginnell at Castle Gardens.

Councillor Mrs Hellett asked for the question of an organized litter pick to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.

Councillor Mrs Hellett asked whether a new oil buying group could be set up.  She understood that the former owner of Conquest Oil is now trading as Bedford Fuels.

Councillor Ms Jessup has noted that kids taking part in the D of E Scheme appear to be leaving litter behind.

Councillor Gray asked for the matter of the Council website to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.

Councillor Mrs Lloyd said that the Ginnell was still in need of weeding.

54/23  IT WAS RESOLVED to exclude the Press and public from the next items in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960.

  • The Chairman reported on a complaint made about the Clerk having disclosed personal information concerning a resident, on a Facebook page.    He explained the circumstances and that the Clerk had self-referred to the Information Commissioner’s Office and that this had resulted in a reply stating that no further action was to be taken.

Given the reason that this occurred, Council also agreed that no further action was warranted.

  • Relatives of a person buried in the cemetery had complained about the practice, by some families, of leaving bottles of beer and solar lights etc on graves and asked that this Council should make a ruling preventing this.

It is acknowledged that such practice can be upsetting for some, but equally for others it is a part of grieving and Council is reluctant to place rules on relatives which might impinge upon their grieving.  For that reason, no action is to be taken, other than asking the grounds staff to remove these items, together with any other items, which might have been left for some time. In this, they must use their own judgment.     

55/23  NEXT MEETING   

It was agreed that the next normal meeting of Council will be held in the Youth Room at the Mandeville Hall on Thursday 27 April 2023 commencing at 7pm.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2215 hours.

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