Meeting Minutes: 30th May 2019


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 30 May 2019 at the Youth & Community Room, Mandeville Hall, Thrapston Rd., Kimbolton.

PRESENT  Councillors P Seabrook (in the Chair);K Hutchinson; Mrs D Hellett; D Poole; Ms S Mugglestone; Mrs J Stainer & Mrs E Milne.

IN ATTENDANCE  County Councillor I Gardener; District Councillor J Gray & C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council.


It was proposed by Councillor Hutchinson and seconded by Councillor Poole that Councillor Paul Seabrook be elected Chairman for the coming year.  This was unanimously agreed.

67/19  APOLOGIES were received from Councillors Mrs R Lloyd; Mrs S Hawkes; R Gooderham and L Farrer.

68/19  PUBLIC FORUM  was not used.


Councillor Mrs Hellett declared her ongoing interest in the matter of Mulberry Cottage stables 


Councillor Gardener said that HACT were returning their licence for the 150 bus service at the end of July and the service will go out to tender.  Their reason for relinquishing the service – and others – was a lack of drivers.    They will continue to operate the ‘dial a ride’.

Councillor Gardener has been re-appointed to the Highways and Infrastructure and the Planning and Pensions Committees of the County Council and will serve as Vice Chairman. He is also a member of the Fire Authority; the St Neots Masterplan Steering Group and the Huntingdon Growth Steering Group.

The preferred bidder to lease the present Shire Hall is Brookgate and their lease will be for a period of 30 to 40 years.  The move will release around £46M over 30 years.

The current year’s LHI bids will need to be in by the end of July and there will be a minimum contribution of 10%.

He and the Chairman met with the Highways Engineer recently and discussed the speed problems we have.  A suggestion is for a 40mph ‘buffer zone’ to be placed on all roads entering the village.

Household recycling centres may in future require those attending with trailers or vans to first obtain a permit.

Councillor Gardener left the meeting.

71/19  MINUTES of the Council meeting held on 25 April 2019 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.


  • Neighbourhood Watch.    No report.
  • Hearse House repairs   The arboricultural report is awaited.
  • CCTV.  The Chairman reported upon the CCTV system which he has had installed and commended it to Council.  It was agreed to seek a quotation for the installation of something similar and to consider that against the service offered by HDC’s monitored system.
  • Cemetery Extension
  • Consecration arrangements.  The arrangements have been made and circulated.   It is expected that about 25 people will attend.
  • Benches.  It was proposed by Councillor Ms Mugglestone, seconded by Councillor Poole and agreed to purchase 5 benches from David Ogilvie Ltd at a cost of £662 each.

It was further proposed by Councillor Mrs Stainer, seconded by Councillor Mrs Milne and agreed to engage JD Garden & Landscaping Ltd to install bases for the seats at an estimated cost of £2792.00 

  • It was also proposed by Councillor Ms Mugglestone and seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett that the estimate of JD Garden & Landscaping in the sum of £900 be accepted for the building of gate pillars.
  • Councillor Mrs Hellett said that she is willing to organise a Crime Prevention Workshop and suggests that this takes place in September or October.  She will arrange for flyers to be distributed and the likely cost will be £80.00.



  • Applications

19/00713  9 Montagu Gardens – demolish single storey extension and replace with two storey extension.  It was proposed by Councillor Poole, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett and unanimously agreed to recommend approval.

Councillor Hutchinson provided an update on two matters.

Firstly the Local Plan was adopted on 15 May and,

Secondly, the ‘backland’ development at Stow Rd had again been refused by the Inspector.

  • Ongoing Matters.     Mulberry Cottage stables.  No report.

74/19    REPORTS

Allotments.  Councillor Mrs Hellett provided her monthly report on the allotments.  Most plots were good or reasonable now, though there are one or two not being worked.


Councillor Gray joined the meeting.

Playgrounds.   Councillor Mrs Hellett also provided her report on the playgrounds, based upon the RoSPA report.  Most snags identified are minor but there still remains the outstanding matters of the gate and bench in the playground.  The Clerk said that the third person who had said they would do the repairs had not come back to him and it was agreed to see if JD Garden and Landscaping would be prepared to quote.

Lighting.  Councillor Mrs Stainer said that the globe of the streetlight at the end of Carnaby needed cleaning.

Highways.  Councillor Poole referred to the bridge over the B645 opposite Tollfield and pointed out that there was a gap in the hedge which would allow anyone to fall through straight into the river.  He has reported this to Highways.

He is also concerned about the bus shelter in Stonely which has erosion to the supports.  It was agreed to monitor this. 

Outside Bodies.

Kimbolton Trust.    The Chairman reported on the Trust’s activities.

Kimbolton School.  Councillor Mrs Hellett said that Speech Day was last week and that internal works have started at the Prep School.


It was proposed by Councillor Seabrook, seconded by Councillor Mrs Milne and unanimously agreed to elect Councillor keith Hutchinson as Vice Chairman for the coming year.

76/19  CHAIRMAN’S ALLOWANCE  It was agreed that the Chairman’s allowance should remain at £200.00.


It was proposed by Councillor Seabrook, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett that the composition of the Working Parties be as before, namely –

Allotments – Councillors Mrs Hellett and Mrs Lloyd

Burial and Cemeteries – Councillors Hutchinson, Gooderham and Farrer

Dog Fouling – Councillors Gooderham and Farrer

Footpaths – Councillors Mrs Lloyd, Mrs Stainer and (co-opted) Mr G Lloyd.

Grounds and Car Parking – all members

Playgrounds – Councillor Mrs Hellett

Planning Structures & Supervision of Property & Lighting – all members

Trees – Councillors Gooderham and Mrs Stainer

Personnel – Councillors Hutchinson, Farrer and Mrs Milne

Highways – Councillors Farrer and Poole

Neighbourhood & Countryside Watch – Councillors Farrer & Ms Mugglestone

The Chairman is ex officio member of all Working Parties.


It was agreed that our representatives should be –

Civil Protection – Councillor Gooderham

Mandeville Hall – Councillor Mrs Lloyd

Kimbolton Trust 1986 – Councillors Seabrook & Hutchinson

Kimbolton School Governors – Councillor Mrs Hellett


It was affirmed that, as the Clerk and Council both remain qualified, the General Power of Competence will be adopted for the coming year.


It was agreed that there would be no change in the allotment rents and that the cemetery fees would increase by 2%, rounded to £5.

81/19  ANNUAL WALKABOUT will take place on 13 June commencing at 7pm outside the Mandeville Hall.


A long discussion took place on the management of risk within the Council and we carried out an assessment of the risks facing this smaller authority and took appropriate steps to manage those risks, including the introduction of internal controls and/or external insurance cover where required.  In order to warrant a positive response to this assertion, the authority needs to have the following arrangements in place: 

 1.31 Identifying and assessing risks. The authority needs to identify, assess and record risks associated with actions and decisions it has taken or considered taking during the year that could have financial or reputational consequences.  

1.32 Addressing risks. Having identified, assessed and recorded the risks, the authority needs to address them by ensuring that appropriate measures are in place to mitigate and manage risk. This might include the introduction of internal controls and/or appropriate use of insurance cover.  

The Working Party will review risk management.


The Clerk read a letter from David Watson, who is relinquishing his role in providing and erecting Christmas lights, a role which he has undertaken for the past 50 years.

Council greatly appreciate all he has done and wish to convey their thanks to him and his family for all they have done for Kimbolton.

In view of his decision, it was agreed that Councillor Ms Mugglestone will co-ordinate a Working Party which will hopefully comprise not only councillors, but representatives from WI, Rotary and the traders, to decide on a plan for this Christmas.


  • A circular from HDC promoting active lifestyles was noted.
  • The Clerk said that the picket fence bordering the Council’s land upon which the town pump stands has collapsed and needs replacing.  He confirmed that deeds show the fence as being the responsibility of the Council.  It was agreed to go ahead with the replacement.


a)The following were proposed and approved for payment –

CGM Group Ltd                   Grass cutting                                    1235.98 inc VAT

K & M Lighting                  Streetlight mtnce                                  125.48 inc VAT

111 Shires Pest Control       Christmas trees                                 645.00  no    

E-ON                                 Annual streetlight energy                       51.52  inc    

Came & Co                         Piaggio insurance                               460.58  no    

Grafton Projects                 Account book                                         46.80  inc  

Fishers                                Sundries                                                27.96      

Pulse Digital                       Computer repairs                                   81.00       

Wicksteed Leisure              Seat for roundabout                             142.20     

Anglian Water                     Allotment water                                      82.94  no 

Seabrook Farms                   Weedkiller                                            67.68  inc 

G R Dixon                           Auditor’s fee                                           60.00  no           

D Eades                             May work                                              440.64      

Payroll costs                      Pay, PAYE & NIC                               2186.36      

b) The Annual Governance Statement was read by the Clerk, completed and duly signed. 

    c)  The Annual Accounting Statement was read and the income and expenditure account for 2018/2019 was considered.     Members being satisfied, the AGAR form was signed by the Chairman and Clerk/RFO.

Councillor Gray joined the meeting.

86/19  DISTRICT COUNCILLOR Jonathan Gray confirmed that the Local Plan had been adopted and was now in place.

The Cabinet has been re-appointed and there are no major changes.  The Chairman has been re-elected for a third term of office.

Councillor Gray left the meeting.

87/19  HIGH STREET CAR PARKING  Nothing to report.


Councillor Mrs Stainer said that the RBL had asked for the Union flag outside the church to be replaced, as it is very ‘tatty’.  The Clerk has a flag ready and will ask Councillor Gooderham to fly it.

Councillor Mrs Hellett asked whether more dog fouling notices might be available from HDC.

She also said that many of the cobbles in the churchyard were loose and that the footpath to the rear of Tollfield was overgrown.


The next normal meeting of Council will be held on Thursday 27 June 2019, commencing at 7pm in the Youth and Community Room at the Mandeville Hall.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2210 hours.

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