Meeting Minutes: 30th November 2023


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 30 November 2023 in the Youth Hall at the Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton.

PRESENT  Councillors P Seabrook; Mrs R Lloyd;  Ms C Jessup; L Farrer; K Hutchinson; Mrs D Hellett; M Buckley; R Gooderham ; Ms H Bradbury and Mrs J Stainer.. 

IN ATTENDANCE   County Councillor I Gardener; District Councillor J Gray; Lionel Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and two members of the public. 

181/23      APOLOGIES  were received from Mr W Chuter, Headmaster of Kimbolton School, who is now unable to attend.

182/23     PUBLIC FORUM  was not used.


   Councillor Gooderham declared an interest in the matter of the Fire Station.


Councillor Gooderham explained the reasoning behind this proposal, which also included the proposal to close both Sutton and Manea fire stations.  He said that initially it had been presented as a financial, money saving, matter, but later this was changed to present it more as an operational matter, which would improve services.            The closure would, in this area, mean that St Neots fire station would receive an additional pump and would increase its coverage to include weekend cover during the day.

The consultation has only just begun, but the proposal is to be considered at the Fire Authority meeting on 20 December and he suggested that we do nothing until we hear the outcome of that meeting.

One concerning point is that recruitment at all three stations has already been stopped and, in the case of Kimbolton, three recruits who were part way through training are now left in limbo.

Also present tonight is Councillor Charlie Marks of Manea Parish Council, who was attending to seek Kimbolton’s support in fighting the proposals.       Councillor Marks said that his council are totally opposed to what they see as a retrograde step and he hoped that we would join with them. He will keep us advised of their actions.

District Councillor Jonathan Gray joined the meeting

185/23     COUNTY COUNCILLOR  Ian Gardener said that he had as yet received no response to his questions about the 20 mph limits and he will chase those.

A response has been received about the pedestrian crossing and the question of fitting ‘halos’ around the beacons.   It seems that these could be done as part of an LHI non-complex bid, but as the maximum for such a bid is £10,000 and as the halos are likely to cost £15000, this council will have to find around £5000 towards the cost.

It is confirmed that residents who complain about vehicles causing vibrations which damage their property when they negotiate the humped crossing, will have to evidence their claims.  The onus will be on the resident.

Kimbolton School is considering providing lighting along the footpath between Pound Lane and the Prep School.

The Mayor of the combined authority is considering raising the precept element relating to the provision of bus services from the present £12 to £36.

Councillor Ms Harriett Bradbury joined the meeting.


Councillor Gray said that the green bin charge will commence from 1 April next and will be £57.50, but if residents pay in January they will get an ‘early bird’ discount and have to pay only £50.00.

A new Chief Executive for the combined authority has been appointed and he is Rob Bridge.

Councillor Gray is meeting the Managing Director of Huntingdonshire DC tomorrow and will raise the matter of the performance of the Planning Department.

Councillor Hutchinson mentioned that planning application fees will rise by 33% from 6 December and the past practice where amendments could be made without charge will cease.  All changes will be chargeable.

Councillors Gardener and Gray left the meeting.


The Clerk reported receipt of a letter from Councillor Gray in which he resigned with immediate effect.  The Chairman will write to him and thank him for his service to the Council.

His resignation has been reported to the District Council and was advertised.  No requests for an election have been forthcoming and we are now able to co-opt someone.  The Clerk will advertise the vacancy. 

188/23    MINUTES of the Council meeting of 26 October 2023 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.


  • Pound Lane   No report.
  • Cemetery Wall repairs.  Work is progressing well.
  • MVAS signs . Following the resignation of Councillor Gray, a volunteer is needed who will be willing to interrogate the signs each month and present the results to council. An android phone is required.  Councillor Bradbury kindly offered to undertake this and will liaise with John Gray.
  • Christmas Event on 3 December.  Councillor Mrs Hellett said that she has 29 confirmed stalls.      Regency Funeral Directors are providing a horse and carriage for 2 hours, from 2pm to 4pm, to raise money for charity by giving rides to children. The rides will be along Duchess Walk since the ground may well be hard from frost.

The mobile phone mast which is out of action has cut O2;Vodaphone and Tesco calls, so traders who rely on those networks for their card machines will have difficulties. Attempts will be made to get shopkeepers to open up their wi-fi for them to use.

  • LHI Bid.  It was agreed to seek funding from the LHI for 40mph buffer zones on the B645 towards St Neots and Stow Road.
  • Post Office.  The mobile Post Office arrived outside the Mandeville Hall on Tuesday at 1315 hours, only to find that they had no phone signal due to mast problems. Accordingly, they were unable to open the office.
  • Commemorative Bench.  The Clerk said that the bench has arrived and will be installed on Stonely Green soon.
  • Website.  Councillor Mrs Hellett said that the requested amendments had been made to the website and it would be online by 1 January 2024.   The administrators will be Councillors Mrs Hellett and Ms Bradbury for updating the ‘village’ side, whilst the Clerk will provide the Council information.

190/23    PLANNING

  • The following applications were considered –

23/01793   31 Constables Leys – garage conversion.

It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Hellett, seconded by Councillor Mrs Stainer and unanimously agreed to recommend approval.

Councillor Hutchinson questioned the need for this application, since what was requested is permitted development.

23/02068  7 The Chestnuts, Newtown – single storey extension to rear; front door canopy.

It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Stainer, seconded by Councillor Ms Bradbury and unanimously agreed to recommend approval.

23/02213/TREE  2 Newtown Lane – crown reduction of trees.

It was proposed by Councillor Gooderham, seconded by Councillor Mrs Stainer and agreed to recommend approval.

  • Councillor Ms Jessup drew attention to the works being undertaken to one of the Grass Yard almshouses and which included the renewal of windows.
  • The Clerk confirmed that no response had yet been received from the Planning Dept about 11 London Rd.

191/23  REPORTS

Allotments   Councillor Mrs Hellett presented the allotments report and said that the hedges need trimming.  It was agreed to invite Matthew Hellett to provide a quote for the work.

Playgrounds.   Councillor Mrs Hellett said that the new surface around the roundabout is very slippery. A new basket hoop is needed for Pound Lane and it was agreed that the Pound Lane Working Party would see where the playground could be sited if it is necessary to move it from behind the Fire Station.

War Memorial.  The Chairman said that the gates were rotting and need refurbishment or replacement.  It was agreed to seek quotes for the work.

Trees.  The suckers on the ‘Drying Ground’ need removing.

Cemetery Cottage.   A specification for the repairs to the shower has been received and quotes will be requested.

Village Maintenance.  A new ‘defibrillator’ notice is needed for the church entrance porch.      Streetlight PC27 in the High Street is out. Councillor Ms Jessup asked that the tubs outside The Saddle which contain dead trees be removed.  It was pointed out that these are owned by the owners of The Saddle and should not be removed without permission.  The Clerk will try to make contact and obtain permission.

Representatives on Outside Bodies.

Mandeville Hall.   Councillor Hutchinson said he had no report..

Kimbolton Trust   Councillor Seabrook said that following the departure of Claire Murphy, Caroline Seabrook had been elected as a Trustee.

Kimbolton School Councillor Mrs Hellett said that the work on the swimming pool may not take as long as had been thought..

192/23  FLOOD FORUM  No report


  • The Clerk reported receipt of the National Pay Award for Local Council Staff which was backdated to 1 April 2023.  The likely cost, including employer’s national insurance, is £2500.
  • MAGPAS request for a donation was considered and it was agreed to donate £100.
  • St Neots Museum request for a donation was considered and it was agreed to donate £100.
  • A letter from Huntingdonshire District Council was received in which the proposed disbursement of the 80% of CIL was notified and bids invited.  It was agreed to see whether we might be able to obtain funding towards architect’s fees or for the fitness classes.

194/23  ACCOUNTS

  • The following were approved for payment –

Arthur Ibbett          PPE                              73.48

M Buckley       Bolts & wood for swing       11.48

Grafton Projects     Stationery                   137.31

Mick George      Skip hire & topsoil           494.39

Hunts D.C.        Fitness Instructor             172.80

Anglian Water    Allotment water               100.91

Zurich Municipal  Ins re vehicles               794.08

K & M Lighting  Mtnce                              128.15

Mrs D Hellett     Father Xmas suit             32.99

SLCC              Annual subscription          314.00

Alan Linger             Tree surgery             768.00

H Brace              November work           2240.00

Payroll costs      Pay,PAYE,NIC             4714.57

C L Thatcher  reimbursement petrol        125.26

  • The Clerk provided estimates of income and expenditure for the year to 31 March 2024 together with projections of likely receipts and costs for the following year.    The budget for 2024/25 was considered and agreed.
  • Following on from the above, it was proposed by Councillor Buckley, seconded by Councillor Gooderham and agreed to set the precept for 2024/25 at £66556.00.

195/23  HIGH ST CAR PARKING  no report


Councillor Mrs Lloyd reminded members that Rotary had planted 4500 bulbs at The Butts last weekend.  It was agreed to write and thank Rotary for their hard work and generosity.


The next meeting of the Council will take place on Thursday 14 December 2023, commencing at 7pm in the Youth Room at the Mandeville Hall.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2215 hours.

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