Meeting Minutes: 31st March 2022


MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 31 March 2022 in the Youth Hall at the Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton.

PRESENT  Councillors P Seabrook; K Hutchinson; R Gooderham;  Mrs R Lloyd ;  Mrs D Hellett.;Ms C Jessup and Mrs J Stainer.

 IN ATTENDANCE  County Councillor I Gardener; District Councillor Jonathan Gray and one member of the public.

33/22      APOLOGIES  were received from Councillors L Farrer; D Poole and Mrs E Milne.  The Clerk, Lionel Thatcher, was absent due to illness and the minutes were taken by Councillor Mrs Lloyd.

34/22     PUBLIC FORUM  was not used.


  None were reported..

36/22     COUNTY COUNCILLOR Ian Gardener said that County officers were coming back to him tomorrow regarding the pedestrian crossing and he will email this Council the moment he has any news.

              20 mph limits were to be introduced county-wide and it may be possible for this council to be included, though it is expected that the scheme will be over-subscribed.

              Potholes and double yellow lines are also being dealt with.

              The Local Highways Initiative results are expected next week, or maybe the following week.   The Ting bus service now has just over 10,000 subscribers.  The fare for under 19’s is £1 per trip and £2.50 otherwise.

              The County Council will be supplying lunches over the Easter holidays for children of families on income support.

               Drain repairs for Hatchet Lane are still ongoing.

               The Chairman mentioned that the Environment Agency had been contacted further about flooding and the response was that they couldn’t do much until after the bird nesting season.

               In response to a question from Councillor Hutchinson, Councillor Gardener confirmed that the New Shire Hall at Alconbury was large enough to hold meetings of the full council, but it was not large enough when 2m social distancing was required.

               The MVAS signs have still not arrived so Councillor Gardener will chase them.

Councillor Gardener left the meeting.

37/22    MINUTES of the Council meeting of 24 February 2022 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.


  • Neighbourhood Watch. No report

  Councillor Jonathan Gray joined the meeting.

  • Pound Lane  It was agreed that planning approval was necessary.           Mark Field of the Football Club was present and reported upon both football and cricket, both of which were going very well. He said that no work has yet been done to the football pitch as they hoped to obtain grant funding but needed confirmation that they have security of tenure.  It was agreed to sign a further Agreement for a period of 5 years with effect from 1 April 2022.

It was agreed that the heap of soil will be removed and that a barrier to prevent people driving over the pitch will be investigated, as will the provision of a ‘stop’ sign at the junction of Pound Lane with Castle Gardens.

  • Twinning.   No action to be taken during the pandemic.
  • Pedestrian Crossing   No further progress.
  • Cemetery Wall repairs.  It was agreed to defer this 
  • MVAS signs          No information on installation.
  • Street Market.  Councillor Ms Jessup has contacted stall-holders.   Nothing has been heard from Highways Events and it was agreed that the Clerk should seek a meeting with Martin Ellwood.     

.h)  Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration.  A Zoom meeting was held last night at which it was agreed that the High St will be closed from 1100 to 2300 on 5 June and that the party will include music; tug o’ war (Mark Field will assist with this);face painting; stalls, history quiz; ice cream van; coffee stall and Councillor Farrer has booked portable toilets.

Councillor Mrs Stainer joined the meeting

Councillor Hutchinson will ask about the provision of a Bean Bag Game;Councillor Gooderham has spoken with the fair operator about a coconut shy and roundabout; Rotary will provide a Junior Bakeoff;  David Watson will be Town Crier; commemorative mugs for 200 will be ordered as will flags and table coverings.  Round tables have been offered, but council would prefer rectangular if possible.   The budget was approved initially at £3000 but realistically it looks as though it will be more like £5000.  This was agreed.      Councillor Ms Jessup has booked a trio through an agency at a cost of £1025, to perform between 1500 and 1700.  This was approved.  She said The Saddle will be providing a hog roast during the evening.  Councillor Ms Mugglestone has created a poster for circulation and this just needs finalising.

i)  LHI Bid representation 3 March.   Councillor Hutchinson presented our bid and said that we lacked the evidence which, for example, Tilbrook were able to point to by referring to the stats from their MVAS signs.

j)  New Street Lights.  Deferred

k)  Flood Protection. The Chairman said that the Environment Agency was unlikely to take any action until after the bird nesting season.

l) ) Coronavirus Update    A ‘spike’ in infections locally is being experienced.

39/22    PLANNING

The following applications were considered –

22/00341FUL & 00365LBC  New Sun Inn, High St, Kimbolton – internal alterations; shop front & install pergola in garden.

It was proposed by Councillor Hutchinson, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett and unanimously agreed to recommend approval as appropriate development.

22/00229   Wrights Farm, Tilbrook Rd, Kimbolton – single storey detached outbuilding to be used as accommodation ancillary to main dwelling.

Following discussion it was proposed by Councillor Hutchinson, seconded by Councillor Ms Mugglestone and unanimously agreed to recommend refusal as being a separate dwelling outside the village and which is not justified.


Counillor Gray referred to the upcoming elections and said it was necessary to register by 14 April.

For litter picking, he suggested contacting HDC who would lend the equipment and provide purple bags.

The Council Tax rebate of £150 for Bands A-D will be paid quicker by BACS.

HDC is regenerating Riverside Park in St Neots together with The Falcon.

The upgrading of the A428 is still proposed, but has not yet been ‘signed off’.

Councillor Hutchinson asked about the planning decision re the former bank and it being contrary to the Local Plan.

41/22  REPORTS

Allotments.     Councillor Mrs Hellett said the sign and fence around the bonfire were still not in place and that former plot 20, now the responsibility of the Council, needs attention.  The blackthorn is to be cut back and then re-growth sprayed .

The new cemetery needs the pathways spraying for weedkilling.

Signs required for churchyard stating ‘dogs on leads only’ and signs needed in Carnaby re dog fouling.

Health and Safety to be reviewed and time sheets to be kept and examined.  

Playpark   Gate catches and spring closers required.  The adult exercise trail at Pound Lane has bolts missing from the pull down exerciser.  Roots of the tree in Playpark need covering and the multiplay needs cleaning.

It was suggested that a spare key for Cemetery Cottage be kept in a keybox  in the Hearse House.

Carnaby bridge needs cleaning.

Councillor Gooderham left the meeting

Outside Bodies.  Kimbolton School Governors.  Councillor Mrs Hellett said that the Easter holidays start next week.  Numbers of pupils are very good, particularly at the Prep.  The boarding house was damaged by an automatic car colliding with it.

                           Mandeville Hall Committee.  Councillor Ms Jessup said that maintenance issues are being attended to.


It was unanimously agreed to adopt the revised Code as proposed by the LGA and adopted by Huntingdonshire District Council.


NJC for Local Councils Staffs – national pay award w.e.f.1 April 2021 and amounting to 1.75% was noted.

44/22  LITTER PICK  To be arranged..


  • The following were approved for payment –

Payroll costs – pay,NIC;PAYE      2821.75

   Aubergine.  Web hosting                358.80

    1st Kimbolton Scouts   donation     150.00

   Mrs R Lloyd. Gift token allotment     26.99

   C L Thatcher   eBay sale fee            15.45

                           Paint                         42.50

                           Petrol                        54.43

                           VAT                          19.38

                           Mugs                      550.00

                           Paint                        63.85

                           Bunting                    42.45

                           Table covers            51.01

                            VAT                       122.77

  Phantom Power Ltd Stage/sound 1800.00

46/22  HIGH ST CAR PARKING  no report


Councillor Mrs Stainer again referred to the Carnaby footpath surface, which is very uneven and people have fallen because of that.

She also again mentioned the trench across Hunters Way at its junction with Newtown,

Councillor Mrs Hellett referred to poor parking on the bend in High St near the former vicarage.  She said that the precis of our meeting placed on FaceBook had proved popular.

Coulcillor Hutchinson suggested that at the end of any precis, anyone with questions be invited to attend our meetings.

48/22  RESOLVED to exclude the  Press and public from the following confidential items in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 


It was agreed to try appointing a contractor for one day per week primarily to maintain the cemetery and churchyard and for an initial period of 3 months.

Councillor Ms Mugglestone proposed that 3 quotes are necessary and this was seconded by Councillor Hutchinson and agreed.


  • It was proposed by Councillor Ms Mugglestone, seconded by Councillor Hutchinson and unanimously agreed to increase the Clerk’s hours per week from 16 to 20, effective 1 April 2021.
  • It was also agreed to change the Clerk’s rate of pay from fixed scale point SCP26 to an incremental scale SCP24 to SCP28 and that the Clerk progress to SCP27 with effect from 1 April 2022 and to the scale maximum on 1 April 2023.
  • It was further agreed that the Clerk should provide a report at each meeting regarding action points from earlier meetings.

 51/22  NEXT MEETING   

It was agreed that the next normal meeting of Council will be held in the Youth Room at the Mandeville Hall on Thursday 28 April 2022 commencing at 7pm.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2140 hours.

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