Meeting Minutes: 31st October 2019
MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 31 October 2019 at the Youth & Community Room, Mandeville Hall, Thrapston Rd., Kimbolton.
PRESENT Councillors P Seabrook; K Hutchinson; Mrs D Hellett; D Poole; Mrs R Lloyd; Ms S Mugglestone; Mrs J Stainer; Mrs E Milne and L Farrer.
IN ATTENDANCE C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and three members of the public.
155/19 APOLOGIES were received from Councillors Mrs S Hawkes & R Gooderham; County Councillor I Gardener and District Councillor J Gray..
156/19 PUBLIC FORUM The resident who was present last month and complained about the Council’s website was again present and made further similar complaints.
Another resident asked the Council to reconsider its decision not to fund Blueline Security’s patrols from the precept and to arrange a referendum of householders to see if they would be willing for this to happen. The Chairman thought that a referendum would be very costly and time-consuming for staff and he was not keen on doing this. He asked what the take-up is, so far and was told that of 6300 homes within the 7 mile radius of Kimbolton, around 300 had to date signed up to Blueline.
It was agreed to again place this matter on the agenda.
Councillor Mrs Hellett declared her ongoing interest in the matter of Mulberry Cottage stables.
158/19 COUNTY COUNCILLOR was unable to be present.
159/19 MINUTES of the Council meeting held on 26 September 2019 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.
- Neighbourhood Watch. The Clerk reported that Rural Watch was continuing and usually five cars of volunteers would be out and about together with two or three police vehicles.
- Hearse House repairs The Clerk said that at last the grant of planning permission had been received.
- CCTV The Bursar has confirmed that there is no objection to the Council siting stand alone cameras together with a recording device on the school premises, so the contractor will be asked to proceed.
- Website. The Clerk has enquired about websites from different providers. Free sites seem limited in the quantity of material and of the type of interaction between the site and viewers. This could make it difficult to continue to provide the burial search facility. Otherwise, the cost of creating suitable websites seemed to be in the region of £500 to £700, with the cheaper ones then charging higher ongoing fees. He had spoken with our current provider, who had offered to reduce his price to £650.
He will continue to seek alternatives.
- Christmas Decorations.
The Working Party has met and Councillor Farrer is ordering the trees, with a view to them being erected on 30 November and with a switch-on date of 1 December. New battery powered lights will be purchased and all trees will need trimming before erecting, so help is needed. A risk assessment will be prepared.
- Churchyard Cobbles. A specification for the work is awaited from Councillor Farrer and in the meantime the area with the worst surface has been coned off.
- Risk Management Working Party will comprise Councillors Ms Mugglestone and Mrs Stainer.
- Pound Lane Working Party. No further meeting as yet.
- Pedestrian Crossing. It was reported that Councillor Gray thought we should press ahead with this project and was hopeful that Huntingdonshire District Council may help with funding.
- Applications
19/01443 43 Hatchet Lane, Stonely – amended plans.
Members confirmed their earlier decision to recommend refusal, as the amendment did not represent a substantial change.
Councillor Farrer joined the meeting.
19/01924 Land rear of 23 Stow Rd, Kimbolton – erect bungalow.
Councillor Mrs Lloyd thought that this was a large site and the proposal was for a small bungalow, but upon being put to the vote it was proposed by Councillor Poole, seconded by Councillor Farrer and recommended for refusal, there being 5 in favour of refusal and 2 abstentions.
19/01952 22 Main Rd Stonely – erect 48 ground mounted solar panels.
It was proposed by Councillor Farrer, seconded by Councillor Mrs Stainer and recommended for approval, there being 5 in favour, 2 against and 1 abstention.
19/02036 1 Easton Rd Stonely – single storey rear extension.
It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Hellett, seconded by Councillor Mrs Lloyd and unanimously recommended for approval.
- Ongoing Matters. Mulberry Cottage stables. No report.
- Scheme of Delegation. Councillor Hutchinson said that he had noted the proposals being put forward by HDC officers for changes to the delegation agreement. He had mentioned it to Councillor Gray who had no knowledge of it but would come back to him. As yet, there has been no reply.
The intention is that anything up to 3 dwellings outside the conservation area will be dealt with under full delegation. i.e. the officer recommendation will stand and the ward councillor would have to ask for it to be placed on the committee agenda.
He thought it poor that we have not been consulted.
162/19 REPORTS
Allotments. Councillor Mrs Hellett presented her allotments report. There is concern over the dog faeces being left on the site.
Playpark The equipment has been cleaned but the repairs are still outstanding. Councillor Mrs Hellett asked that the area of the missing gate be blocked off pending reinstatement of the gate.
Cemetery Cottage and Gate. The Clerk reported on the faults list produced by our lettings agent. Several of the faults related to damp within the cottage and Councillor Farrer will deal with those. The tenant also complained about being unable to open the vehicle gate. The Clerk confirmed that this gate has rotted badly and despite attempts to repair it was now very difficult to open. It was agreed to seek quotes for the replacement of both this gate and the Station Rd gate.
Highways. Points were made about the road surface cracking on Stow Rd, despite recent surface dressing; the continuing flooding in Hatchet Lane and the overhanging willows on the corner by Hellett’s. The Clerk will report these to Highways.
Outside Bodies.
Mandeville Hall. Councillor Mrs Lloyd said that had not attended the last meeting.
Kimbolton School. Nothing to report.
Kimbolton Trust. There is a meeting on 11 November.
The Clerk said that in the summer there had been a visitor from Fernie who was researching William Fernie, who had been born in Kimbolton and went on to found the City of Fernie.
The visitor suggested the possibility of twinning with Fernie and the Clerk asked whether there is any interest in doing so. He pointed out that if a Twinning Society is established, then one would hope that the schools and other organisations in the village would also become involved and in time there would be exchange visits, with visitors being hosted by residents.
It was unanimously agreed to investigate the possibility of twinning and the Chairman and Clerk were authorised to write to the Mayor of the City of Fernie and make the suggestion.
- A request for funding from Citizens Advice was noted.
- A request for reinstatement of the Stonely bus shelter was considered and it was agreed to investigate costs.
- A circular regarding the ‘Local Electricity Bill’ was noted.
- A request for a memorial to the late Roy Anthony Woodham was approved.
- The Clerk reminded members of the Police & Crime Commissioner’s Parish Council briefing on 11 November.
- The suggestion that the Council join the Hunts Forum was noted.
a)The following were proposed and approved for payment –
Mr Clever Clean Cleaning play equipment 332.00 no VAT
CGM Group Ltd Grass cutting 1654.39 inc “
SLCC Enterprises Conference fee 436.00 “ “
Mrs S Walker Refund of allotment deposit 25.00 no “
Smith of Derby Ltd Church clock maintenance 252.00 inc “
K & M Lighting Streetlight maintenance 125.48 “ “
Mick George Ltd Skip hire 201.60 inc “
D Eades October work 426.87 no “
Payroll costs Pay, PAYE & NIC 2186.36 “ “
C L Thatcher Adjustment re phone line 4.35 plus “
“ Daffodil bulbs 10.82 “ “
“ Postage stamps 45.00 no “
“ Fuel for Piaggio etc 32.75 plus “
“ VAT on above 9.59 no “
166/19 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR was unable to be present.
167/19 HIGH STREET CAR PARKING Nothing to report.
Councillor Farrer referred to inconsiderate parking on footpaths and asked the Clerk to provide a letter which could be placed on offending vehicles.
Councillor Mrs Stainer commented that HGVs cutting through the village are getting larger.
Councillor Mrs Lloyd said that the footpath at Tollfield is very disrupted.
The next normal meeting of Council will be held on Thursday 28 November 2019, commencing at 7pm in the Youth and Community Room at the Mandeville Hall.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2140 hours.
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