Meeting Minutes: Annual Parish Council Meeting 2022
3 March 2022
- PRESENT Parish Councillors P Seabrook (in the Chair); K Hutchinson; Mrs D Hellett; Mrs R Lloyd; D Poole ; Ms S Mugglestone; L Farrer; Ms C Jessup and R Gooderham.
District Councillor Jonathan Gray
6 members of the public.
C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Parish Council, recorded the minutes.
- APOLOGIES were received from Councillors Mrs E Milne and R Gooderham and County Councillor Ian Gardener
3 THE CHAIRMAN welcomed all present.
4 MINUTES of the Annual Parish Meeting of 27 May 2021 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting, other than item 11 regarding the WI meetings. Mrs Mavis Campion pointed out that the WI had not met face to face during lockdown times but had managed to keep in touch.
5. MATTERS ARISING There were no matters arising.
6. POLICE REPORT. The Clerk said that no report had been received.
Councillor Paul Seabrook read his report on the activities of the Parish Council , a
copy of which is attached to these minutes, and invited questions.
Councillor Farrer joined the meeting.
Councillor Gardener was unable to be present, but had provided his report which was read by the Clerk and a copy is attached to the original of these minutes.
Councillor Gray presented his report, which is
attached to the original of these minutes.
- Kimbolton Trust. Councillor Seabrook said that both he and Councillor Hutchinson were Trustees. They met twice a year and were happy to consider requests for assistance, usually financial, from people in the area. They have plenty of funding available for people in need.
- Womens Institute Mrs Mavis Campion , who has been President for 10 years, presented her report on the year. WI has been very busy, despite the Covid pandemic and her report is attached to the original of these minutes.
- Kimbolton Castle Rotary Club. Their report was presented by David Watson.He said their membership stood at 36 and they have a Main Club, which meets on Thursdays and has a membership of 18 and a Satellite Section of 18 who don’t have to attend face to face meetings, but can meet via Zoom. Establishing this has brought young people into the Club who would otherwise not have been able to spare the time. The Main Club switched to Zoom meetings during Covid lockdowns and they were able to host guest speakers from around the world. Fundraising has been very difficult and they have lost around £45,000 of charity sponsorship. The 200 Club has continued through Covid though and they are now hoping to get back to normal with charity events being organized. A ‘glam rock’ band was booked for Hallowe’en and the Galaxy Big Band has been booked for a party dance based on ‘Allo ‘Allo for next week. A summer garden party is arranged for Great Staughton and of course, the Country Fayre will take place in July. They have an ongoing project to supply equipment to a small hospital in India and are helping to build a kitchen in a school in Rwanda. They are working on water quality assessment and supporting the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. They have sponsored a lad ( Kelvin) through university in Zambia and he gets his results tonight.
- Mandeville Hall Committee. Their report was presented by Stan Rhodes. He said that due to covid there had been no significant activity in the Hall until September 2021. There was only one regular group using the Hall in April and two in May. The AGM of the committee will be held in April.
Improvements have been made to the electrical distribution system to both halls and this has made the battery storage system more efficient.
The finances of the Hall have been very badly affected with the total letting receipts being £7792, down from £21,000, but they have received a support grant from government and he thanked Huntingdonshire DC for their support. In fact, they have received £17,000 in grants plus £4739 from their insurers for loss of business.. There are currently 8 members of the committee.
- Kimbolton Football Club and Kimbolton Cricket Club. Mark Field was unfortunately unable to be present but has presented reports for both Clubs and these were read by the Clerk. They are attached to the original of these minutes.
- 1st Kimbolton Scouts. Martin brown introduced himself as the new Scout Leader. He said they have Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers and run meetings every week. They have waiting lists for membership. Currently there are 12 scouts and 2 explorers and they undertake a variety of activities both indoor and out and including camping during the winter – with and without tents. They have joined a cooking competition with Rotary and also teach First Aid. The summer camp is in Switzerland and 2 Explorers are going to South Korea next year. Volunteers to assist are always welcomed.
It was mentioned that the Mandeville Hall and the Scouts will be holding a joint event on 4 June for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
The next Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Thursday 9 March 202 in the Youth Room at the Mandeville hall, commencing at 7.30 pm.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 2100 hours.
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